Goodbye Veeky Forums

It's been fun, and thanks for the laughs.

But I think being on this board and Veeky Forums in general is doing more harm than good in my life.

Have fun with your trades or your holding or whatever the fuck.

Just remember there's more to life than lambos and seeking money to validate your value to money-grubbing whores who might end up cucking you later on anyway.

I'm done with this shit, done with crypto, done with it all. Fuck BTC and all the chink-manipulation, the lack of transparency and centralized mining structure. Fuck it all.

Farewell. Enjoy this last piece of oc.

see ya in a week fag

I think it's meant to be the other way round, but good luck user. Make sure you plant a tree

How much did you lose fag?

LMFAO @ chink manipulation. The Chinese are the cheekiest fuckers in the entire world.

There is no escape.

>implying we care about whores and we don't just want to be able to afford eternal NEETDOM
>implying you are not a newfag who entered crypto a couple of months ago, otherwise you would still be way up on literally every single investment especially Bitcoin
>implying chinks fucking off is not the best news to ever happen to Bitcoin

Goodluck user, appreciate the OC. Don't keep fertilizer in your room.

What is the flag on the bottom panel?

Kek you'll be back.

What a pathetic picture. Hope you kill yourself OP.

Imagine bending her over one of the cows and taking her right then and there, impregnating her where the two of you have many children and work the farms in peace and prosperity until you die in each other's arms in old age.

God bless, user. Good luck.

Bump Tommy self.

Wtf is the flag?

It's my crypto dream.


its a specific christian denomination flag

>Fuck BTC and all the chink-manipulation
>He gets out of BTC as chinks sell the remenants of their BTC.

>going full christcuck and retreating from society
May as well become a Muslim at that point

Thank you.

Here's a (((you))) for the effort

god i wish polfags would actuallly leave

this ... so much this.... we cant escape this god forsaken cesspool.
I love you /b/ros

You can't escape the New Crypto Order.

Don't come back, I say that in your best interest

Godspeed and goodluck

Jesus you look like you are a serial killer in that second pic. No matter how normal you think you are, you're still a neckbeard deep down. See you soon!

hey. its me. i'm back

can i have your bags?

welcome back!

maybe, if i kill myself sure

Neither of those look like good options

we can all dream user but alas a simple life has escaped us all.

Stolen from /pol/

Come out to the coast, we'll get together, fuck a few goats.

he bought EOS at the top

>carbine length gas system on a 16" with that bayo lug uselessly there

Ugh, don't make me gag


>Kek you'll be back.
there is no escape for here