Btc is a scam. If you don't realize this by now you literally are retarded. All cryptocurrencys are scams...

Btc is a scam. If you don't realize this by now you literally are retarded. All cryptocurrencys are scams. Literally this entire thing is in an entire bubble being held up by millions of idiot dumb money. It's starting to come tumbling down as we speak right now.

Think of real assets like apple or google. They actually provide a service, they employ thousands of people. The iPhone is purchased by millions of people world wide. You can actually hold onto an iPhone in your hand, its a working product.

You can't hold onto bitcoins. They are just digital vaporware. I did have some fun riding the ethereum alliance hype the past few months but now I'm pulling 100% of my assets out before the chips come tumbling down.

I'm going to invest in Canadian real's a real asset I can touch it with my hands unlike bitcoins lol. now that I've made my massive gains off the ethereum hype. I'll be laughing at you bag holders from my fucking mansion while my house keeps increasing year after year and you guys invest in digital garbage vaporware with no use case.

So long cucks.

Other urls found in this thread:

>can't hold math
>therefore it has no value

dude fucking kill yourself

>canadian real estate
Topkek. as a Canadian, i can tell you if you go into it now you will lose every penny you own in the next year. Stay poor boomer. Enjoy your stock market crash in October.

Don't you idiots ever get tired of making these threads


>muh bubble
>muh tulips
Bitcoin doesn't even have SEC certified derivatives exchanges yet. Bitcoin doesn't even have an ETF yet. These things are coming. Anyone who thinks $60b is a bubble has zero perspective of the broader markets

You really are fucking retarded if you think real estate or the economy is going to crash in Canada. I watch global news every fucking morning. Our economy is booming bigger than ever before. The bank of Canada just raised interest rates on houses because we're in suxh good shape.

This fucking doomsday you cryptofags talk about is just so you can hope one day some schmuck will buy into your pyramid schemes.

Vancouver Canada has real estate construction planned for the next 25 years. We aren't slowing down anytime soon.

Take your doomsday gloomy sadness and shove it up your ass

Isn't Canada screwed in the long term though?

I day trade crypto

is there literally anyone in the world beating these percents?

made more in two weeks than fucking stock faggots make in a year

AND while in a down trend

really, go kill yourself

its down 4% faggot

You guys obviously don't watch the news. Jamie diamond came on the television and said btc is like tulips. You're going to stand there and tell me your more educated than a professional banker? Go back to your anime and sex dolls, Virgin neets

As a leaf I cannot wait until the Canadian Real Estate bubble pops. I'm getting into coins to I have the smallest chance of owning a house someday. Fucking chinks buying houses and leaving them empty to inflate demand.

do you get paid for being a cuck


Is it just me or is there an influx of shills trying to convince the krills that crypto is kills?

lmao this guy is so braindead he let's other men think for him

Good, invest in that Canadian real estate. It will be worth tons of money as Trudeau floods your country with shitskins

>Canadian real estate

When is the ETF? We need the normie injection to boost our tulips so we can lambo NOW

I make 10K in 2 days "scam"

Every last btc they can weasel out of everyone else before it bumps again. The more FUD they can spread, the cheaper the value they can scoop everyone else for. Just look at that Dimon FUD earlier - he goes on about btc being a scam, and his bank starts making btc purchases...

The irony here is he will imminent domain property from OP to give to said shitskins.

The absolute state of boomers in 2017.

Let them stay in denial. Not everyone deserves to be rich.

With all this volatility, I was having my doubts yesterday.
but then I was trying to buy some LINK, and did an ETH transfer.
1 transferred $1k of assets from 1 broker to another in less then 60 seconds for a cost of $0.05.

Try fucking doing that with two banks. And this is just the beginning.
OH and i get a fucking guarantee that the FED isn't going to devalue my currency with QE because there is no FED.

Whatever coin eventually catches on, I want to be riding the wave. Because eventually retail shops will see an advantage of saving 1-2% per transaction by not paying the credit card jew companies.

lurk moar

Its pretty obvious at this point. Its almost as a diff chans pol


Wouldnt let me post till I removed fu11chan?

>Bits and bytes on a hard drive

>software doesn't have value

Here is my mitcoins
it ecripted Value

Bitcoin isn't software. It's data created by software.

>not seeing the intrinsic value of blockchain based currency

get a load of this guy

Data is the basis of software's value. Data has value. Software is 0's and 1's, Data is 0's and 1's.

All software is is data in motion. It's an abstraction of something you might see in real life, like a factory. If a piece of software is a factory then data like bitcoin is the raw material necessary.

Plenty of things have been granted intrinsic value on a contractual human basis in the past. Shells, paper, "credit". Bitcoin is no different, except it has law codified into it that controls its growth and dissemination.

>I'm going to invest in Canadian real estate.

What dis nigga say?

the scam meme never gets old, kys

>I'm going to invest in Canadian real estate
stopped reading there

Blockchain technology doesn't scale up. Mining is a grossly inefficient way of limiting coin supply. The only thing I see is absolute stupidity.

>Mining is a grossly inefficient way of limiting coin supply.

He's right.

But so is grilling meat on a billion outdoor fires to feed humanity.

We don't do things because they are efficient.

Try Iota, with no mining and no network fees.

how do you solve the fungibility scale decentralized problem then faggot

>But so is grilling meat on a billion outdoor fires to feed humanity.

Grilling meat is still way more efficient than mining Bitcoin and it produces a tangible product with immediate value. Bitcoin is completely worthless until it's actually used. When is that? Never fucking ever because people hope it would jump 100,000% in value.

>We don't do things because they are efficient.

That usually only applies to individual pursuits . We generally don't deliberately do things inefficiently on a large scale and encourage everyone to do the same. Bitcoin is a giant Rube Goldberg machine that needs a constant influx of money to keep it running.

guise i made 10 BTC but trading is becoming very stressful for me. I just wanna hodl. Im a 3rd world spic so 1 mil is more than enough to set me for life. What are the chances of BTC hitting 100K in the next 10 years?? im getting really tired and im not sure i can keep trading for much long

That's Bitcoin's problem.

got into crypto just in time to turn 10k into 20k and its looking that might be about it

so much this.
an you are not considering the implication it has for 3rd world shitholes.
anyone with internet access can buy btc or even buy btc over the counter by personal trade. So if some venezuelan dictator or whatnot wants to freeze your bank account or outright take it from you they cant.

Nocoiner Faggot detected.
Stay poor Faggot.

> I'm going to invest in Canadian real estate.
Granma Bogdanoff is concerned

Get a load of this Faggot.

>Bitcoin is a giant Rube Goldberg machine that needs a constant influx of money to keep it running.

It depends on the internet (That other Rube Goldberg machine) and running the blockchain network computers and processing transactions which generates transaction fees which pay for those costs.

Fuck your mother if you want to fuck.

>cashing out before the biggest stock market crash in history.
>then buying an asset that's actually in a bubble right

The cost of running the bitcoin network is definitely a lot less than the cost of our current banking system

>another /pol/ newfag who doesn't understand the tech and future of crypto and probably wants to buy gold and silver


You're in /bizpol/ right now faggot but this poster is far too stupid to be from /pol/

/pol/ doesn't give a fuck about the latest buttplug device (iphone)

No it's not. It has a real case use, a token to get bubble altcoins.