Was there a more useless "hobbie"?

Was there a more useless "hobbie"?


Stamp collecting, model trains, etc.

Most 20th century hobbies, to be honest.

posting on Veeky Forums.

going ro a "church". having chritian paraphenila, LARPing that you're an apostle and a paragon of virtue

Stamp collecting honestly baffles me.

I'm an atheist but I can appreciate knowledge when I see it
I have a stamp with the face of Hitler, I think my grandpa collected then
Implying this God forsaken place is a hobbie

Hobbies can't be "useless" you dolt. Do you even know what it is? It's about doing something you like in your spare time, when you're not working or doing important shit. Of course you're probably a NEET who doesn't leave his house so it doesn't matter to you.

They retain and increase in value, likewise initially stamps were sometimes used as currency.

t. women

>i worship three gods and call myself a monotheist

Not anymore.
At least in Australia, the price to post a letter is slowly going up. So 100 50c stamps bought 20 years ago wont be enough to post 100 letters.
I guess if you had some rare stamps or something youll be fine.
My dad used to collect them, now he just uses the stamps to post things

Well that's the age when you can afford all the games you want and you're technically not supposed to be playing many big name titles until you're 17. Sports fans may be even more infantile since they never get tired of the same shit whereas other genres offer more depth and change of setting like an interactive movie. Movies, tv, and literature could be just as immature if not more and are objectively inferior forms of entertainment. The only hobbies which may be superior are physical recreational activities.

nice Veeky Forums thread....

Being a Christian?

No, it's literally beloeving in fairytales like a child

Complaining about people doing things you don't like is certainly up there.



>why don't you just watch reality TV and consume hollywood media, like an adult

Most hobbies that aren't creative (and even most of those) are kind of useless. They're basically there to distract us as we participate in being towards death.

seriously watching reality tv overwhelm television was pretty depressing

>playing video games is childish
>but reading books or watching films isn't

Why is society so hypocritical?

Watching TV

besides its a hobby, so its my free time i made some friends, actual girlfriends, improved my foreign language skills and even got a job offer through those friends

so yea totally childish

Games typically focus on base, visceral thrills and a establishing a dopamine cycle. Most books and film do too, but they get associated with the more artistic representatives of their medium. There's also this idea that reading inherently betters the reader, which I'm not sure if I buy.

helps you develop your mind, better imagination

I lost interest in games when I was 23.
It's a part of growing up.

At least reading good books will typically expand your vocabulary if nothing else. Playing games will um... Yeah, that's a bit harder to generalize, isn't it? Playing twitch shooters may improve your reflexes, playing strategy games will teach you about the importance of resource management, multiplayer games can improve your teamwork and communication skills, puzzle games train logical thinking skills... But when it comes to videogames in general, it's easy to look down and say "Oh, that's just childish play, it's not useful" and ignore the fact that children actually learn a lot by playing.

Books are ultimately best media. Not only do they improve your imagination, they also vastly improve your gramatical, stylistic and generally word skills, plus you have like thousand times more information in them by default, meaning they also improve your general knowledge of the world.
And from my uni experience, people who read books more, are having less difficulties with studying than braindead plebs who watch dubbed movies their whole lives.

>mfw navigating the menu and options screen before understanding the English

Yeah, fifty shades of gray truly improved my general knowledge of the world

Actually it does, at least more than an average movie, since at least 1/4 is made of descriptive scenes, same as in any other book.

Alright, Timmy, I think we should work on your spelling again.

they'll all increase your hand-eye coordination and abstract thinking abilities

I meant only that I've heard it said quite a bit, and would describe it as common wisdom, but I've never bothered to seek out confirmation or contradiction of the idea before.

I consider books a superior medium because their requirement of an active utilization (you cannot sit back and have a book read itself and still be considered "reading") means that you'll learn more from the subject matter, and be able to take in its nuances better. That said, this only applies if you take care to ensure your mind doesn't wander during the reading.

my dad was pretty big into collecting stamps, I just asked him about it and he said that there were some stamps issued when he was a teen that he really liked the design of so he got a sheet of them and then he started looking at how many new stamps get issued all the time and it just kind of grew from there

books are shit. Should be works of art.

>sports fans

This is the best argument, really. Why do gamers get so much shit when sports fans have been around forever? You're literally WATCHING someone else play a game while sitting on your ass. Video games at least require mental interaction from the player themselves, twitch shit withstanding.

hey now, there are some worthwhile parts of its morality like the golden rule


Might I add to your point that the greatest video games are essentially prosa with interactivity, and 15 to 30 hours spent in-game interacting with the graphics and mechanics can undoubtedly bring a meaningful and great experience with things for afterthought, like any great book or movie. Kids internationally using online gaming as an English tool is also greatly appreciated.

Sports have a role of establishing and preserving social bonds and regional identity.

If I wrote a book about taking a shit, most of it descriptive, would it likewise improve your general knowledge of the world?

Its almost as if the content of the media is more important than the form that media is presented in.

Gamers will use any excuse and false parallel to defend the fact that they are too old to be playing games(or kids who don't understand they won't like games when they are older)

Everything has the potential to fill this role.

typical shit

Maybe. But sports already do, and do it well. Since they inherently involve the glorification of a handful of individuals pitted in competition, require people to gather in large groups in smallish spaces to enjoy, and foster a relatively harmless take on the "us versus them" mentality.

I don't dislike games, I should note, but there are some big, important differences in the social roles the two hobbies play. Society also does generally look down on people that spend a lot of time and money on sports fandom. The general attitude towards gaming has also improved substantially over the years.

Maybe in the 90s, things are changing.


Get used to it.

Hobbies aren't supposed to be useful, they're supposed to be enjoyable.
But i'm glad op is putting every second of his day into being "useful"

>video games aren't ar-

ppl would be much happier if they were "allowed" to play games, taking themselfs too serious

What about esports?

Our parents and grandparents weren't playing video games in their 30s because they DIDN'T EXIST. Not beyond crude arcade stuff anyway. With regards to games as a storytelling medium, we are in uncharted territory here

not actually a sport, you invest more time than a professional for less gains, its just marketing for the games

>its only a sport if its profitable
>what are professional athletes in less popular sports

They haven't yet taken off in the same way, and likely wont due to the constantly changing nature of the medium they rely on (I'd also argue that we're never going to idolize skill at video games that way we idolize athleticism due to our hierarchical instincts tending towards favoring physical capability).

We have war for that

Ask a normal human being between 25 and 40 if they play games and they'll tell you that they used to as kids but don't anymore.

>normal human being

Weasel words.

Spooked beyond belief.

i hope you aren't sincere, friend

Most video games are glorified minigolf courses.

This is why gamers are laughed at. Put down the joystick.


Yes, their videogames such when They were children


[spoiler]pls sage bait?[/spoiler]

newfag whinging for mods, pottery