Living descendants of historical figures?

This trailer trash whore is literally Stalin's grand-daughter. She lives in Portland.

Other urls found in this thread:,_Duke_of_Anjou

jesus christ

I've fucked worse desu.

Friendly reminder that this is what the average communist looks like.

There ain't no going back from critical theory boyos

in 2017*

just fuck my shit up

That proves the Soviet superiority, for sure.

Venezuela´s opposition leader is a descendant of Bolivar

Mussolini's granddaughter and former politician.

Prince Sixtus Henry of Bourbon-Parma. Among being a claimant to a bunch of random titles he is also a descendant of Cesare Borgia.

Nice dick sucking lips


I'd follow him tbdesu

Zhu Rongji.

The Zhu Imperial Clan of Zhu Yuanzhang, founder of the Ming Dynasty.

Oda Nobunaga´s ice skater grand(...)son used to be pretty popular.

Stalin would have killed her

Levin Zhu, also from the Zhu Imperial Clan.

Lots of Zhus in the PRC leadership.

you can say that about most people desu

Aisin-Gioro Qixing. A Chinese model descended of the Aisin-Gioro Imperial Clan of the Qing Dynasty.

Tsunenari Tokugawa. A shipping firm executive and current head of the Tokugawa Clan.


That is a beautiful man.


Only a disgusting commie /neonazi /royalist /extreme-right/leftist /hipster/altermondialist/ social-nationalist /islamist/ wouldn't follow him.

Pity I've just listed 75% of the French population

literally a cut rate Justin Trudeau

According to Wikipedia he had no children and "his" descendants are actually of some of his relatives.

>cut rate

School teacher mouthbreather Trudeau is the cut rate here.

>Not supporting the House of Bourbon
>Implying you wouldn't follow this guy,_Duke_of_Anjou

literally the emperor reborn



Considering his ancestor abdicated the royal title, wouldn't the Spanish royals also be heirs to France?

Well the war of Spanish succession specifically stated the Bourbon is Spain had to renounce claims to the French Throne.

But who care, this is not longer the age of the inbred Divine Right monarchies. A true Ruler comes to power through plebiscite! (and a coup)

The other guy is also a Spanish Bourbon.

Also, yes.

Do you blame her? Imagine the grand daddy issues she has

Grande Armée 2.0 when?

>the city of the House of Osman

Chile's former and next right wing president, Sebastián Piñera, is a descent from the last Inca emperor, Huayna Capac.

Chile should totally reinstate the King.

Fidel Castro

but seriously he's nothing like fidel

How come? Chile has been doing great since Pinochet got in power with the exception of the current social democratic president.

500 years more or less here

My high school history teacher had us open up instagram and go follow some teenager who was 23rd/24th in line to the British throne. He was just using him as an example to show how extensive the family was. I can't find it now but if anyone knows who I might be talking about please help me out.

Every year at the same time he'd get 70-80 messages. Mostly just random shit. I remember sending something like "I'm gonna 1842 your ass you double decker tea fucking paki biscuit cunt."

Poor kid.

She's the granddaughter of Graf Schwerin von Krosigk, minister of finance during the Third Reich

PS the kid really wasn't a celebrity, he must have had a few hundred or thousand followers and he definitely received everything sent by my class and previous classes.

Brazilian royals, current head of the family not included

The grandson of Baldur von Schirach, Reichsjugendführer and the gouvernor of Vienna during Nazi occupation

>t. Justin

Linda Sarsour is a direct descendant of Hadrian, as are most Greco-Roman-Palestinians.

I'm a descendant of Cherokee Chief John Ross if that counts for anything.

Extent royals are basically cheating, but it still boggles my mind how many famous people she's descended from

William the Conqueror, Harold Godwinson, Alfred the Great, possibly Woden and Muhammad

Fidel was funny at least.

>not posting her Playboy nudes

I can guarantee everyone here is also related to those people.

>dressing as tank girl

Still got the tankie blood running through her veins

>listening to Rex Factor
>this king from 1000~ years ago is Queen Elizabeth's x32 great-grandfather

I thought that will all of the dynastic changes that there wouldn't be any connection, but no, her line goes back all the way to Alfred the Great.

I don't have a drop of English blood m8, and all my ancestors were peasants

Does anyone else actually see a resemblance?

Around the eyes?

Royalty married themselves. They were their own nationality.

Horseshit there's no proof of that as the Aisin-Goro line went extinct with the death of Puyi and his mentally retarded brother. This is a typical cause of some Manchu commoner adopting a more prestigious family name.

Prince Gong still has descendants.

You mean that cold dead look that comes from either murdering 10 million Ukrainians or having a dozen abortions?

Charles Napoleon, great grand nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte

Isn't a part of the Bonapartes not legit?

>tfw you will never have her mother your children so that you can have ultra-Chad son's

baka desu senpai

Karl von Habsburg, current head of Habsburg-Lorraine family

Vivá la France

I unironically studied with his wife back in Caracas.

>Direct descendant of Hadrian


Jennifer Teege, granddaugter of SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Amon Goth, commander od Plaszow concentration camp, who participated in cleaning of Krakow and Warsaw ghettos

>Imperial Clans of China.
>Ever going extinct due to the fact that shitloads of Emperors have wives and concubines.

Also there's two family names that are descended with the Aisin Gioro.
>Aisin Gioro

Also millions of Chinese alive today can trace their families' histories to Imperial Clans. There's craploads of Lius and Lis in the world, and lord knows how many were related to Qin Shih Huang. Chinese founding Emperors were mini-Genghiz Khans in their ability to breed descendants.

>the frankfurt school of witchraft and wizardry made my son gay

Is it a remake pink flamingos or something like that?

The Bush girls, daughters and granddaughters of American presidents.

Looks like Tony Soprano's psychiatrist.

>Also millions of Chinese alive today can trace their families' histories to Imperial Clans.
Proliferation of Imperial surnames shouldn't be equated with actual descent,otherwise most Chinese would end up being a descendant of a collateral branch of the the Zhou dynasty.

There was a study done a few years back on the yDNA of Cao Cao's uncle yet only some modern day Cao clans share this marker.

Edda Goering. Goerings daughter. Hitler was her God father.

There's an interesting discussion in this thread about finding the descendants of the Palaiologoi. Many of the usual suspects (Habsburgs etc.) show up but interestingly enough there seems to have been a Ferdinandos Palaiologos who fought on the Royalist side of the Civil War in England and then died in Barbados in self-exile.

I did know of a kid in school who claimed distant descent from the Palaiologoi clan and to be honest, like people mention in the thread, these are big clans and that's not entirely unlikely.

Naz Osmanoglu, descendant of Ottoman royalty, working as comedian in UK

This would have infuriated him.

I'm surprised no one has tried. Revenge for millions he killed seems pretty fair, desu.

Grandson of Sparrow Killer

forgot my link lol

Oh fug

If only Americans knew


as far as ww2 there are a fair number of Roosevelts still around, Hitlers family has five surviving members..the line of Churchill is also still pretty strong.

Edda Goering, daughter of Hermann Goering. She's 79 now.

I personally know a Rothschild who now works at middle-level management of a Jewish youth organization.

Anyway, pic related are the grandsons of John Tyler, who was born in 1790.

kinda looks like tito

"dick" dickman, baby?

I actually do. It's pretty impressive.

Surprisingly non inbred.

>We have genetic analysis to determine whether or not someone is truth saying or BSing
>Soooooo we won't use it

I was meaning more the cheekbones.

I live in downtown Portland not far from her shop. It's mostly just your typical vintage/consignment shithole. Seems nice enough as a keep.

The legitimate king of Romania, and the last living head of state of a warring power was forced to abdicate in 1947 after the communist held him at gunpoint and threatened to start mass executions of Romanian civilians. This is ironic when you pair it with the fact that he launched a coup that overthrew the iron guard.

these are absolutely fascinating to me.

this is one of the things i love about studying history -

seeing the real connections to the present day when nowadays everything more than a hundred years ago seems so far away from the current world that you wouldn't believe that the past has left its traces everywhere around us; that in fact everything that exists, is exactly the way it is because of its history.

i mean, of course important historical figures had children. we know that, and it's not surprising at all when you think about it for more than a few seconds, but somehow it doesn't seem like it should be real. i don't know, maybe on some level i still can't quite understand and believe that all those things i read about the past, all those grand stories, successes and tragedies are ACTUALLY literally real, and things like this remind me that they absolutely are. those kings and conquerors totally existed and lived their lives just the way we do now, and there is living proof of their legacy.