When will we get a new strongman/leader like Hitler, Napoleon etc?

When will we get a new strongman/leader like Hitler, Napoleon etc?

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We have one in China right now.

Most people dont know his name though.

I guess but he is a conservative and not autocratic

Never, the age of strongmen and autocracy is pretty much over. Only third world poor countries still have dictatorships.

His name is Putin


Is the one on the right the Taiwanese newspaper?

Dunno, are we currently in hard times? If so, then probably soon.

he has literally no fucking personality. no one will look up to him. he'll be a footnote politician in history. at least trump pissed everyone off.


There are lot of them right now. Putin, Orban in Hungary, Vucic in Serbia, Bannon more than Trump in the states. naturally, strongmen in small potato countries are more like a sideshow attractions, but its troubling to see that both Russia and US are ruled by populists

He's a bitch ass bully

Vucic is a cuck that talks the talk bust sucks EU cock. If you're interested in a Serb strongman it's Dodik.

>its troubling to see that both Russia and US are ruled by populists
It's a pretty big fucking difference though, Putin is basically a dictator, Trump is just a goofball

Vucic is a cuck but that doesnt change the fact that is rounding up power and is stifling any voice against him. Dodik is a far better politician than him.

Trump is a goofball, Bannon isnt and Bannon is going to influence US politics for decades now, after he got Trump in the seat.

For the billions he spends in internet policing he's not doing a very good job of projecting the strongman persona with the country's youth

He'll get rid of the cesspit that is british politics and replace it with something pure..

Well it's just a perception I got, I could be wrong.

I think we may actually have one in Trump, people just don't understand his style because he's the first internet troll president. I'm almost being completely serious.

He's absolutely amazing at baiting opponents into making themselves incredibly vulnerable or backing them into fallacious stances. He's really dismantling the bad, I worry about his capacity for doing good, though. He and his people have been great at luring the enemy into fucking themselves, less so at actually enacting positive change (except for the positivity associated with them being gone)

Is that before or after he dies before the queen?

If Bannon doesn't keel over 5 years from now I'll be shocked. Dude looks like a bloated corpse.

Henry Kissinger is still alive, i think. Those power hungry human leeches can live for eons.

Oh Kissinger is alive and still scuttling about. However, he's got those hardcore jew genes you could age whiskey in. I think campaigning and being senior adviser took a lot out of Bannon which he won't get back.

I cannot imagine you writing this with a straiht face.

>Well it's just a perception I got
Exactly. He is a man who markets himself to his people and this involves employing droves of people to market his image online. His spat with George Soros is in effect one of perception control of the Hungarian leadership, it's quite incredible.

Do you really think he just snark and stupid lucked his way into the presidency over the most well funded candidate in history? You realize that's subterfuge, right?

Trump didn't because he was something special, he won because millions of democrats didn't vote because they are sick of the system.

Trump had the opportunity to be a great man but i think it's pretty clear now that he is senile and incompetent.

And crushed a decent Republican field in the primary, and no, Bernie people were rightfully pissed they got screwed and protested by not pokemon-going to the polls.

>His mother just won't fucking die
Poor Charlie boy.

There's a shit load of Strongman and Autocrats right now. Putin, Jinping, Erdogan, Rajoy, Duterte, Kim Jung Un, Trump, Assad, Sisi, Mugabe, Orban, etc...

>Trump a senile incompetent goofball
How so? I see this said a lot, but not quantified. It looks like to me that the things I voted for him to do are happening and the MSM screeching about it just like they did when he said he was going to do it.

> he won because millions of democrats didn't vote because they are sick of the system.
It's more complicated than that.

A lot of people who were happy to vote for Obama switched to Trump for the simple reason that they hated Hillary Clinton.

It's not without precedent, either. In 2008 Obama was likened to a dragon-slayer for defeating the Clinton fund-raising machine with a message that was simple, clear, and resonant.

There has been a lot of hand-wringing about the state of the country when democrats often refuse to acknowledge the simple truth that Hillary was a weak candidate, who only won because the DNC flagrantly rigged the primary to ensure her success, and she ran a conventional, unexciting campaign in which she refused to offer any strategic vision for the country other than "let's get stuff done!" without defining what "stuff" is.

There was also the whopping, horrendous trust issue that she had: nobody cared that her agenda was "the most progressive ever!" it's that they didn't trust her to actually follow through with any of her campaign promises. And if her own base couldn't bring themselves to trust her, what hope would she have with the other guy's base, who to this day obsesses over just how deep her graft runs in American politics.

When given the choice between two weak candidates, people opted with the one who was better at projecting strength. Donald Trump never made any bones about who he is and what he stands for, and people appreciated the authenticity.

Good goy


I don't get it. Why would he try to ditch the limo?

Because he's senile

Oh fuck presidency ruined