Why did the Jews think Jesus was a fraud

I’ve heard it claimed that Jesus didn’t fulfill the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. What exactly were these prophesies and how did he fail to meet them?

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The mashiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15).

>Jesus still hasn't returned

Jews - 1
Chr*stians - 0


sounds like hitler was ur messiah desu

Well, the Pharisees were a political force as well as religious. They were trying to do something different from the Sadducees (the more traditional/elitist branch of Judaism which has basically died out), and here comes along this raving lunatic hippie saying their attempt to reform Judaism (actually make it hyper-Jewish) is all for nought. They were more influential than the Sadducees,in a sort of populist way (think MAKE ISRAEL GREAT AGAIN).

The vast majority of modern Jewish religious schools/sects are descended from the Pharisees. They're not about to acknowledge Jesus was right, are they?


And he wasn't?

Of great, here come the nonironic Christians. Go away, we want objective history discussion

>Implying the Gospel authors could tell the difference between Sadducees and Pharisees
>Implying you can either.
It was guys like the Pharisees, not the Sadducees, who were the "liberals" of their day, with doing things like trying to make the Sabbath laws less stringent, and put more focus on study and interpersonal relationships. Jesus himself all but quotes Hillel, who was one of the big Pharisee leaders (albeit before his own time).

You can make a reasonably solid case that Jesus WAS a Pharisee; there's very little attributed to him in the gospels that contradicts Pharisee doctrine, and if they are representative of an acutal historical figure's views, he more likely was in opposition to the Sadducees rather than the Pharisees.


The Talmud isn't exactly unbiased either.

We do not have original Sadducee sources explaining their point of view. We have every reason to believe that they may not be represented exactly accurately.

Jews believed the messiah would defeat Israel's enemies and make the whole world kneel before (((them))).

>He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles
What were they thinking when they wrote this one? Totally unrealistic and it just makes everyone hate you when they find out.

Because we don't call the ones who thought he was for real 'Jews'.

>supposed to be a descendant of King David
>isnt actually the biological son of Joseph, who is supposed to be David's descendant according to new testament wankery
Giant warning sign number one that they were in fanfiction land

The Jews had a pretty specific definition of the Messiah. He was supposed to do these things: , none of which Jesus accomlished. That's why Christians had to completely redefine the term to keep their sect going. For most Jews, the fact that he was killed by the Romans before doing anything of note was enough to discredit his claims, whatever they were.

He was supposed to come down with the power of God on his side. Realism doesn't really factor into that.

If you will indulge--
A prophecy can never be fulfilled because that means change. The future is good for religion; a prophet always has to be crucified or erased. It means the negation of the now. Everything was perfect before; and now...you. Structures, lives, churches; even the enemy hates you because you woke up. Questioned the whole system. It is everyone's benefit to destroy you. Making waves. Priests to politicians collect their pay...

In that way, Jesus--and like Buddha before him--defied the world by saying no. No is the first step. Juvenile; but worthy. The roots are in family, the grow towards society, then your own personal life. Hindu values, Christian values....are they yours? Or have they been given to you? Develop awareness first, then focus that onto this question.

Jesus was right, like many others. An escape. This god you say...comfort for the collective, but not enough for me. Produce worth enough that I can take along with me. Besides the balancing of all things. Nothing is leveraged by prayer. What does a wave have to offer to an ocean? Nothing besides a relaxing into it. Religion is an attempt to make the moving static...which is a genuine mistake. Where we all start from. Not many but one.

Why should I care about the petty theological splits of kikes?

>excludes christo-crusaders' involvement in all of this
Why should anyone care for the Israeli-Palestians petty fight?

There, happy now?

There was a lot of other stuff in the New Testament accounts that was obviously contortions to fit the prophecies. He was some bloke from Bumfuck, Galilee ("Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" "Will the Messiah come out of Galilee?") and a prophecy predicted it would be someone from Bethlehem, Judeah where David was born, so they had that complicated and unlikely story about how he was born in a manger in Bethlehem (with THREE Magi as witnesses! You doubt us? You can just ask Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar! They said he was the Messiah too!) but no one knew that except the people who wrote the Gospels apparently.