Thoughts, fellas?

Thoughts, fellas?

for a supposed scientist, he seems really ignorant
that or he's just stupid

empire of dirt. who cares if all those people speak spanish if they live in nigger-tier poverty while spain itself doesn't fare much better

NdGT be like

>engineering is lame
>conquest is awesome

>Following the twitter shitposts of black science rapist

Imagine getting a fucking PHD and years later the only contribution you're being passive aggressive on the internet.

Maybe proximity to the Atlantic was a factor too

Is he aware that Italy was not a state in colonial times and that the various states were more focused on their survival rather than overseas expansion?

How can a supposed person of the academia be so fucking illiterate holy shit

There are so many things wrong with this statement what the fuck

samefagging but i'm actually awestruck by the stupidity what the shit is this

Spain murdered and enslaved people who didn't follow their religion.

At least let the other shitty thread die before you post this crap.

>Cathedral country does the majority of discovery in the geographic and scientific sense
>explorer nation does nothing but rape lesser races into existence
What is he trying to tell us?

you just made this thread you faggot

I thought colonialism was "evil"?

Shut up Pancho

Italy never existed during the Age of Discovery nor were the city-states in any shape to carry out any exploration.

My thoughts are that twitter threads are stupid.

Who cares what this fuck thinks? He sold out his credentials to talk about shit he has no background in. People automatically assume because he's an astrophysicist he must be a fucking genius in every other field when he's just a political opinionmongerer not unlike Noam Chomsky and that fucking kike Bill Nye.

Do niggers like colonialism now?

>as many...than
ENGLISH, mothafucka, do you speak it?

we allready had this thread

but the statement realy is nonsensicaly idiotic

Maybe if he did a baix wikipedia search he might have know italy wasnt a single country while spain was a united one

>not knowing the Sagrada Familia
its not even finish and too be honest kinda ugly.

We already had this thread.

The Sagrada Familia is like a century old and still under construction.


Am I going insane right now? Wasn't this just asked just hours ago?

Why does he always make thinly veiled snarky comments about religion?

Italy was home to the literal GOAT civilisation how the fuck can someone be so stupid. They have produced the greatest artists the world has ever seen.

so what? what does that mean anyway? I don't think that's an accomplishment and both Spanish and Italians don't even care about that.
I am sick of this pseudo intelligent who makes tons of money from his bullshit while most real scientists earn low wages

You really think someone would do that? Just go ahead and repost his shitty bait thread?

This is a pretty common occurrance with any public intellectual. Stick a camera in front of them long enough and eventually they feel pressured to start making "authoritative" statements about subjects they know literally nothing about. It happens to the best of them, and Neil DeGrasse Tyson is very much not one of the best. Carl Sagan at least had a genuine curiosity about subjects not in his field. To an extent, I think Dawkins does too. Tyson, while I won't impugn his knowledge as an astrophysicist, really doesn't seem to. I remember him saying the same embarrassingly ignorant things about philosophy that he does about religion.

There's also a sense among scientists that, "well, I can prove certain observable phenomena using tools and mathematics, therefore, I am rational." But in my experience, professional scientists tend to be among the kookiest people on earth. They're really good at a few things, and are basically Alex Jones insane conspiracy theorists on anything else. But they can do it because they're the "rational" ones. This is actually not uncommon amongst systematicians, theorists, and academics.


and even then, the New World was first discovered by a Genoan (believing he found the route to Asia but I digress), and the entire new world named after a Florentine (Amerigo Vespucci).

Italian's weren't just sitting around building churches and painting during the Renaissance, 15th Century Italy was the world center for education and opportunity, and the Italians at the time capitalized big on that, in this case renting their services to sponsors who could afford trans-atlantic voyages while Italy itself was made up of small city-states.


He went from coming about "imaginary borders" made by Man to literally praising empire building kek


>this thread again
you could have at least used a different retarded tweet

Oddly pure mathematicians aren't though. It seems to be biologists and physicists.

We had this thread litterally yesterday.

>nor were the city-states in any shape to carry out any exploration.
>Venice wasn't in any shape to send 3 ships across the sea
Sure thing.

I raise you Fomenko (unless he isn't pure math enough for you)

wasn't Columbus italian?

>STEMfaggots think they're experts in everything

This isn't shocking or new.

Yeah but it was on /tv/ heh

we are though. From my brief time on this board I've noticed that you faggots look at minor historical details like the autists you are, rather than the general trend and interconnections of historical events. Probably why you shit on geniuses like Spengler.

it's a fun thread

>people who speak Spanish but otherwise have nothing to do with Spain: 500 million
>people who accept a man in Rome as their spiritual leader: over 1 billion

Just because your a scientist doesn't mean you are smart outside your field.

>tfw just got a job as a sea ice researcher
You don't know these feels man. I'm a scientist, therefore I know everything.

>not zealous in their Catholic faith

This may be the stupidest thing Black Science Man has ever said.

>x>1 billion papists

The man in Rome speaks Spanish as his first language.

Yeah and let's not forget you can thank Spain for converting half those Catholics.

>black nigger scientist guy doesn't know about the italian unification

Wait until he discovers what Africa valued.

Hello Cletus

Don't expect intelligent comments from Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

I'm thinking that /pol/tards, e.g. you, are incapable of forming their own opinions on pretty much anything and resort to reposting threads of fucking twitter screencaps because they think replies are the same thing as upvotes.
Hidden and reported

Yeah and I wonder which of the two countries gets all the tourism dosh.

>what is the inquisition
>the spanish went exploring with a mission to get rich and spread christianity
>the renaissance and the enlightenment started in italy
By far the cringiest thin i've ever seen is him rambling about his perfect government "rationalia"