Theologically speaking, is this correct?

Theologically speaking, is this correct?

Well, yeah.

Christianity is centered about the forgiving of sins.

Between hateful protestants and atheists God prefers none

no atheist is kind. no christian is preferred by God.

This is oddly relevant to the Gospel reading for today (30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A)

A liberal interpretation says they're equal (since one loves God but doesn't love his neighbor, the other loves his neighbor but doesn't love God)
A more traditional interpretation might say that both are off base, since it isn't enough to just be devout (Lk 18:9-14) nor will Jesus intercede on our behalf for being an atheist (Mt 10:33)

More interestingly, who is right here, theologically speaking?

Forgot pic...

I mean I was raised Catholic and I am sure the church does not teach that dogs go to heaven.

Though I believe the exact teaching is that animals have souls but they are not eternal souls and disperse when the creature dies.

>Catholics bringing the bantz
>Protestant cucks being retarded and interpreting the Bible literally as always
Pretty clear desu

Remember, the Pope is infallible regarding matters of faith...

>orthodox eastern poland
>completely irreligious ukraine
>no islam in bosnia or kosovo
what a shitty fucking map

that's not how infallibility works

>Pope "Finishing what Luther Started" Francis

that's literally what it means

No. The Bible says on many occasions that there is no such thing as a good person.

Whoever made the picture should have realized that the Presbyterian church mentioning about rocks was already absurd

that only serves to mislead

no, it doesn't
stop being ignorant

No. God prefers those who worship him over those who don't.

If God preferred meritiocratic system over proclamation of faith, then there is no need for religion whatsoever.

Yup, that's exactly what infallibility is and how it's utilized, dang you sure proved us silly papists right

>Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me

Source: The Pope

It's obviously a shop moron

"Thou shalt not hate" is nowhere in the Bible.

This is in the Bible though

Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Psalm 97:10 Ye that love the Lord, hate evil.

Psalm 5:5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.

Romans 9:13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

Face it. The Bible preaches hate. For every one verse about God's mercy, love, compassion, etc., there are two verses about his vengeance, hatred, wrath, etc. The maudlin, kissy-pooh, feel-good, touchy-feely preachers of today's society are damning this world to Hell. They are telling you what you want to hear rather than what you need to hear, just like what happened in the days of Isaiah and Jeremiah.

Teh fuck sort of "soul" is that?

So, d you guys believe in something like an "animating principle," or "life force," as distinct from the immortal soul?

But "Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself" is in there. A commandment to love one another is a de facto commandment not to hate.

>A commandment to love one another is a de facto commandment not to hate.

Bullshit. It is entirely possible to both love and hate a person.

God does not work in emotional contradictions.

I guess you've never had your heart broken

That all depends on how much one is expected to love oneself, and what that love entails.

Is it love to tell an alcoholic that his drinking is totally normal?

Is it love to allow someone to murder a child if you have the means to stop it?

Sometimes love requires that we hate the evil men do. Hate the sin, love the sinner. It's very difficult.

>year A

What r this?

The Catholic church was trying to be humorous, and the Presbyterians were reacting like they have autism.

Soteriology is no laughing matter.

it might be a medieval "scientific theory" that was widely accepted int eh Christian world rather than an actual doctrine.

But I read it somewhere

Love only God and avoid heartbreak forever you dumb slut.

None of the churches are preaching the truth anyway, so yes OP, that sign is correct.

>being this tight assed

typical prot

liturgical rotation senpai

That's actually funny.

The Holy Ghost is practicing accelerationism isn't it

Old testament: no

New testament: yes


Kind atheists condemn cruel "Christians" all the more by not being regenerate. Hateful Christians are more condemned, because they do not believe in the first place, but hold themselves superior as though they were.

It's not like the atheists are going to be saved. Just that the cruel "Christians" are all the more condemned by their having tasted of the heavenly gift, and holding God in contempt anyway.

>converting to Catholicism does not magically grant your dog a soul
Best of the bunch desu

Religion would be the method for determine the meritocratic system. No point trying to be a good person if you don't know what good is.

>don't know the rules
>follow them because it feels right

>know the rules
>break them anyway

I hate the heretics on this fucking board.

>M-maybe we ought t-to follow t-the s-suit

I unironically have never in my life met an Atheist who wasn't a hateful insufferable cunt.

No, it's absurd and not a church I would urge anyone to go to.

Belief is the most important thing a man can do; believe in God; believe that Jesus is God; believe that Jesus rose from the dead.

Belief leads to salvation.

Obviously, and logically, Unbelief then would lead to condemnation; it would lead to not believing in God (atheist), it would lead to not believing Jesus is God, and it would lead to not believing Jesus rose from the dead.

As believing in Jesus is key to salvation, and atheists by definition do not believe in God, then no, God does not prefer fools to his own children, no matter the disposition of his own children.

Depends on who you ask. Everyone just has their own idea on religion, even the bible contradicts itself. It's how you know all these religions are just complete bullshit.

You should try going out of your basement then


>rocks are animals

>wtf the pope can't comfort a young boy whose dog just died he should have told him his dog is burning in hell!
Protestshits really are autistic assholes huh?

This statement has literally nothing to do with preference.

You just proved his point...

And I hate all you larpers on this board

>god having a preference

Leddit pls
The only thing he (and by extension, you) have proven is that you're enormous, inexperienced crybabies. Literally go out: I guarantee you will have a hard time finding any Christian person on the street. I live in (probably) the most religious country in Europe, and yet vast majority of people here don't give a single shit about religion, and the rest are just conservative relics of the past with a dangerous tendency to mix their toxic opinions with actual Christian stances.

>those tabs
truly a lost art

It is only if he is speaking ex cathedra, otherwise it is just his personal opinion.

Please proofread your works before posting.

>a full 1.9% of verses in the Quran contain the word 'defecate'

I live in France, one of the most irreligious country in Europe and certainly the most secular, in one of it’s most leftist city even, and I think I’d have a hard time finding an actual atheist. They don’t really care about church attendance or dogma beyond basic stuff, sure, but if you asked few would say they’re sure there is no God, and most do participate in religious traditions.

Atheism is almost always politically motivated, with religion used as a boogeyman by the left. Militant atheism is always hateful.

>Rocks are animals


Remove atheist and christian and yeah, but my point is that those factors are irrelevant so yeah it's correct I guess

It's fake dummy

Nah, Marseilles, despite it’s huge immigrant population is relatively right wing. I’m from Paris, which I’d say is in the top 5 if not 3 of the most left wing big cities here. Despite just how private religion is considered to be, it can still come up relatively often in discussions. Admittedly I’m from and grew up in one of the more right wing part of the city, so actually religious people are common, but even amongst my more leftist friends I can’t think of one who’d describe themselves as atheists.

Absolutely. The only people who actually managed to piss Jesus off were hypocrites.

Isn't that kind of the point of the Parable of the Good Samaritan? Where Jesus says the dirty heathen Samaritan is more beloved by God because he helps the guy on the roadside than the pious men who all abandon him?



That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.

2 Chronicles 15:13

>using tight-assed as an insult

Sorry my pastor didn't loosen up my ass with his fat cock every day when I was 10


Technically a hateful christian would make it into heaven before a virtuous atheist

>"Thou shalt not hate" is nowhere in the Bible.
21 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ 22 But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother[c] will be liable to judgment; whoever insults[d] his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell[e] of fire. 23 So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.

Depends on the religion you take as your framework.

Due to papal statements, the official RCC doctrine is that atheists can be saved. There are also some old concepts like "virtuous pagans" (which would include Saladin, even though he actually fought against Crusaders) and more recent ones like "anonymous Christian" (influential at V2) that posit that lack of knowledge isn't damning, as long as you act in a Christian-y-enough manner. Saying that God prefers any of his creations is a polemic statement, however.

This thread is so boring I started fiddling with my tits halfway through

Theologically post them.

>Theologically speaking, is this correct?

No it's not. I'm an atheist, and even I know that the Bible is quite clear that if you don't believe Jesus Christ is God and rose from the dead, you will be cast into the fire.

All the Abrahamic religions are quite clear that non-belief is the worst sin of them all.

I'm a boy (male), though. There isn't much to see.

Fucking this. I'm getting tired of inauthentic roleplayers pretending to be Christians on this board and elsewhere.

Arguing theology is like arguing about comic book canon.

>implying the chest of a cute guy isn’t better than any pair of tits in the world

They got wi-fi in Sunday school now?

Except that theology was one of the most major influences in intellectual history for thousands of years, and comic books are entertainment.

I'd be happy to argue about comic book canon if I were deep into comics, but they aren't remotely the same.

What you just said is like saying that arguing about Platonic and Aristotelian metaphysics is like arguing about the Sopranos, The Wire, and Game of Thrones. They're not even remotely comparable, and it's much more forgivable to be ignorant of GoT (though not so much The Wire: if you haven't watched it you are a failure as a human being) than it is to be ignorant of the influence of classical Greek metaphysics on the whole of subsequent Western thought.

That is for us to decide, and for you to post so we can fap to your girly boynipples.

I think this is a stupid debate desu, as salvation is not about "dying and leaving your body to go to Heaven" as in some Platonic absolute unconditioned spiritual consciousness, but Christ returning and bringing God's Heavenly Kingdom to earth with him. Heaven and earth being joined harmoniously forever. That is the ultimate realization of salvation.

What happens to "us" when our brains deteriorate after death is not really important. It's about resurrection and eternal life on the (redeemed/restored) earth.

I do believe there is a spiritual afterlife but I don't think it's very much "like" the reality that we know and think of. I don't think you can think and speak and know things like we do now. I think it is more like a rest. The soul waits to be reunited with the redeemed body in eternal glory.

Depends on the denomination. For some yes, other no and even some like calvanist where it doesn't fucking matter either way.

>careful use of synonyms (e.g. infidel is heathen but not unbeliever)
>taking out of context (e.g. forgive is not necessarily a command or can be 'do not forgive')
>ignoring the hadith

This isn't at all biased!

>lumping in the OT with the NT

>What you just said is like saying that arguing about Platonic and Aristotelian metaphysics is like arguing about the Sopranos, The Wire, and Game of Thrones. They're not even remotely comparable

Yes, they are. Both are ultimately utterly inconsequential. Philosophy is glorified intellectual wankery made by people with too much free time.


And by God you mean the Pope/the Antichrist, right?

"loving atheist" is a paradox. Nobody can truly love until they have come to understand the love of God. In the same way nobody can be good unless they know the goodness of God. These words have been belittled by our culture; you can "love" your food, your day can be "good" yet those feelings and descriptors pale in comparison to their true meaning. God is love. God is good. In theological terms one cannot be loving or good without God.

phone posting killed trolling

God's preference is irrelevant.
You only enter the kingdom of heaven if you allow Jesus Christ into your heart.
Atheists are scum fuck faggots.
And the ones who are "nice" are just jerk-offs.

>catholic dogs go to heaven; protestant dogs talk to their pastor