
Didn't know about that

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wtf is this true?

Timbuktu was still Caucasoid (Berber) city.

the french did actually build that in mockery of the houses of parliament and the subjugated population but the anglo somehow managed to convince people it was a native structure thus giving them the dream of running their own country and fomenting rebellion


They had cameras back in the day????????

>tfw europeans were living in caves while africa had already developed universities

Why are white people so dumb and low IQ?

>that angel

Reminder Timbuktu is smaller then my dick and its literal mud lol

>When Timbuktu is White and also unremarkable

Looks comfy, but admittedly it was never anything to write home about. What's up with the mud hut bashing? It works, and it holds up in dry environments. It's cool on the inside and rather maleable. It's also environment friendly.

racist vs anti-racist autism

heavy plow and breast collar harness hadn't been invented yet making it difficult to turn their heavy soils, limiting the land that could be used for staple crops and their cultivation labor intensive

Sand nigger is not white. Caucasoid is a vague term for everyone that isn't a gook or gorilla.

This thing is exactly like the "Great" Zimbabwe stone rock pile,

I,E. if it was built anywhere other than Africa it would not even have a Wiki article because it would not even be noteworthy.

Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon is far more impressive than the Negroid "mud mosque"

Yeah, also the so called "city" near the Zimbabwe just looks like a collection of scattered mudhut villages with zero infrstructure, it would never pass as a city in ancient Europe

big if true

I don't. Any semblance of ancient structures seems to give woodies to whatever interested party. I'm starting to think that history is being treated like some kind of competition on this board, rather than observation. I personally think the "pass," Africa gets stems from the idea that they dindu nothing whatsoever, "Great" Zimbabwe was attributed to possibly being made by someone other than Negroes by European explorers. The Benin Bronzes were also attributed to groups other than blacks by Europeans, I don't get why they would over some busts and statues, but ultimately the issue lies there.

If true we need to import millions of Africans to impregnate our women and breed the racism out of us thus improving our IQ.

If the greatest accomplishment of the Negroid race is a pile of rocks built a few centuries ago then why are we treating them like fully modern humans? It is obvious they are more intelligent than chimps and gorillas but to place them on the same level as anatomically modern Homo Sapiens is stretching it and is honestly kind of insulting to people who belong to truly modern and inventive human types. The same should be said for the Australoid/Papuan type

St. Albans, 1077
The oldest university in the world is Greek.

No, this is the greatest accomplishment of the Negroid race

Not impressive given it's age. By the time those crafts were made other civilizations had used advanced metalworking for centuries, if not millennial.

The only valid test of a race's accomplishments are advanced forms of philosophical discourse and complex religions. In this regard the Negroid (and Australoid-Papuan) are lacking in any accomplishments.

Once again I will say, to call those animals "human" is insulting to every European Cathedral builder, every Chinese philosopher, every Persian artist, every Mesoamerican stoneworker

>Not impressive given it's age.

Makes no sense as an argument, they didn't copy this from other civilizations, they came up with the lost wax technique on their own and brought it on an incredible level too.

>The only valid test of a race's accomplishments are advanced forms of philosophical discourse and complex religions.

Maybe according to you.

> every Chinese philosopher

Definitely those bronzeworks are thousands of times more impressive than any of the bs spewed by Confucius

>Definitely those bronzeworks are thousands of times more impressive than any of the bs spewed by Confucius

Yeah this debate is over, You lost lol

I'm betting all I have you're either American or a slav, I refuse to believe anyone else can be as dumb as you


Why does everyone insist on this "every group of people on modern demarcations of land should be expected to accomplish to same level" autism?

People are constrained by their geography, environment, and proximity and rate of exchange with other groups. Also, they only generally invent things they need to, ancient people weren't in some race to impress autists on Philippine shadow-puppetry forums thousands of years into the future.

I don't know why people don't understand and appreciate this.


Around here isn't where you would find a rational argument

University? Lol

>because they are literal retards they aren’t even human

The average /pol/tard

No morals

What next, people with downs aren’t human either?

Find Jesus. Nibber.


TEBAATUSASULA is way better than any movie made by honkies



Top was built by the French in the 19th century

>Mud castle with sticks
>kek negros built it first

Are you fucking retarded?

History has always been used as competition.

Timbuktu university was essentially a big muslim Sunday school

He has a point



The thing is it doesn't actually hold up. It needs a shit ton of maintenance else it collapses.

Sandniggs are better caucasoids than snowniggs tho

Its actually an islamic