Majority of the world is religious in some way

>majority of the world is religious in some way
Where were you when you realized that the "religion/religious people are stupid" crowd only exists for the sake of contrarianism?

Other urls found in this thread:

there were atheist in the ancient world?
like they didnt believe in gods

these people shit so much in christianity, its everywhere

Speak English namefag abomination

>If the majority supports it that means it's right

>majority of people are weak minded enough not to realize the logical inconsistencies in religion
>majority of people are weak minded enough that they need to lie to themselves to have a meaningful life

Oh my god I remember who you are now. You're the fucker who spammed /pol/ constantly years ago. You're some indio black with a real chip on his shoulder when it comes to Europeans.

I'm sorry pal but ancient Greeks weren't Asian negroes like yourself lol

quit conflating antitheism with atheism

Mainline atheism is its own religion

Well i did browse for 3 years but i have like 8 months that i don't browse it

Why you are so mad?

I just asked if were there atheist in the ancient world?


It's funny how you hate Germans who claim romans were Germanic and yet you yourself are just as bad. I remember specifically about a year and a half ago in a thread you claimed romans and Greeks looked like you (black and Asian)

Did you even read history of that portrait?

Egypt used to portrait females with light hair and eyes and entruscan and romans copied it

>romans and Greeks looked like you (black and Asian)
That wasnt me, i have never claimed that romans and greeks were black or asian

I just said that they werent people with light hair and eyes

>I just said that they werent people with light hair and eyes
Literally untrue according to contemporary historians

The average /pol/ user is smarter than you, and that's why you left and came over here. You're a fucking Indio negro larper

>contemporary historians
And they are modern "europeans"
They are mostly germanic
I left it because its a shitfest and you cant have a serious discussion

Most of the threads are bait thread that users dont bother on sagin and reporting. They just bite and reply with even more bullshit so that is why i left

I browse Veeky Forums sometimes as i lift

It is a fact that religiosity correlates with low IQ, and no amount of fedora pictures will change that.

No you left because even they were smarter than you.

Greeks and romans didn't look like your black Indio ass, get over it lad

>IQ isn't a bullshit metric
>not knowing those studies about religion and IQ were debunked a long time but doesn't matter anyway because of ^

But i never said they looked like that

Do you remember the flag the user was posting?

Why dont you believe me?
I never claimed they were black

Denying IQ measures something real is anti-intellectual

>IQ is a bullshit metric

Go ahead and debunk the 63 studies cited here