What can you tell me about this, Veeky Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Immigration prior to the 20th century wasn't really an issue in Britain, as the only people wealthy enough to immigrate were educated and wanted to assimilate into British culture (as you can see by the westernised dress) now where immigration is an option to less wealthy people, you draw in people who simply desire to live in a welfare state, with no desire to assimilate

>here are 10 random black people
>thi proves that Victorian Britain was just as diverse as it is today

Ah yes this picture of a black person in nice clothes shows that diversity is very important!

The sad thing about this photo is that if any of these people where actually rich during the time of back oppression and did nothing, then they would be the true Uncle Tom's of the black race. And not the "house nigger" everything likes referring too. But I guess you can correlate between black rich folk and black home bound slaves.

Hi /pol/, so when are the Jews going to make their final move?

cherry picked pictures ?
I mean who in his right mind believes this shit was common? dont people read actual history anymore?
Black victorians of britain? come the fuck on, next will be the negroid generals of prussia?

>not being an insane leftist makes one an anti-semitic conspiracy theorist
Hmm. Really sizzles my steak.


I can directly tell you that a perfunctory google search shows this didn't come from twitter or insta, meaning that "someone" had to make this pic and add their own text before uploading it here. I wonder what that could mean.

What is your point? Are you saying Victorian Britain was very diverse racially, and that this picture is the proof for it?

>public twitter and instagram pages are the only source of original material on the internet

Come on now

Well then tell me who made the OP pic? Where's it from?

less than 50000 of the population were white until the post war era


OP here. Apparently, half of Twitter and R*ddit are more than willing to tear their hairs out about how racists we have been for not taking these into account.

Making shit up to get triggered by is not healthy.

It is from Twitter in fact. Crappy search you did there, user. twitter.com/logophile_maria/status/924031809397993472


britain was never white sweety, get over it

This but unironically
Celts are literally bleached niggers

Pre windrush London would have been