My philosophy professor asks for examples of oxymorons

>my philosophy professor asks for examples of oxymorons
>roastie in the back says "ethical capitalism"

Did you respond with "functioning communism"? If no, you're a faget

>all the POCs in class start snapping their fingers as if clapping




>respond with "functioning communism"
how to lose all your university friends in one easy trick

The best way to deal with blatant virtue signalling like that is to retardedly but unsarcastically laugh along and go "HAH! GOTEEM!" or something like that to make them self-conscious of their pathetic attempt to garner approval from their peers.

Women shouldn't go to college.

In fact no one should go to college. Trades should be taught in guilds like in the old days.

that's a great way to out yourself as an autist. just challenge their ideas or stay quiet


>being friends with people who can't tolerate their worldviews getting cribbed

*drinks pepsei*

>implying you want to be friends with people than can't tolerate different opinions

>implying everybody an uni is a communist
What kind of shitty uni did you go to? Did you study pedagogy or something as retarded as that?

>Trades should be taught in guilds
This, universities should only teach humanities.


Why is you philosophy teacher wasting your time with English Lit.?

lads, I literally laughed so hard for so long I almost passed out

Unis are businesses now unfortunately. It's like wishing for Sony to sell only TVs or something, it wouldn't benefit them because they would lose a lot of money unless they are ordered by the government.

oxymoron in philosophy are called contradictions
your professor is prolly shit
also ethical capitalism is a contradiction

>also ethical capitalism is a contradiction
Maybe if you're a retard AKA Marxist.

>A system that seeks to maximize profits has no room for ethics
It is not that hard, stop being a [spoiler] liberal [/spoiler]

That's actually pretty sharp


Teacher would give you a failing grade if you insult Communism

Only on Veeky Forums

Personally I always go with civil war

Except it's not. Free market capitalism is the most ethical economic system there is.

More like
>gain coll chad friends that help you score e-z ass while all the limp wristed nu-males sperg about 'womens issues'

>Unironically calling them pee oh see.

surely you agree with her, right? right?

...Is capitalism ethical?

That doesn't even make sense because there's a million and one ethical frameworks out there and Capitalism is perfectly copacetic with at least one of them.

not particularly, unless you think property rights supercede all other principles

Capitalism is based on society respecting property rights. If you consider property rights to be ethical, then capitalism is ethical in that sense. With respect to other types of ethics, capitalism is almost totally amoral. Most of the good or evil that arises in capitalist societies is due to other influences or is at best a side effect of the system, which is extremely flexible and permissive so long as property rights continue to be respected.

This is why trying to lump "capitalist" societies together is pretty pointless, because all that does is say "these people have laws respecting property and voluntary exchange" and doesn't really tell you much else about their society.

It can be.

Capitalism isn't concerned with ethics, so no. It is basically survival of the fittest.
In the same way, unethical capitalism would be a contradiction as well

Ethics are constructed rather than discovered, so yes, there are ethical frameworks under which capitalism is more ethical than systems without private ownership. Some ancaps are pretty ideologically pure, but this is just something that makes them even more deviant, by regular people's standards.

That's not virtue signalling, it's just being retarded.

i barely understand this thread, tbqf