
>Unknown author
>Literally a Rome 2 screenshot.

Other urls found in this thread:


>What was the people that
Can't even fucking write

Yeah, just look at this pre-Roman Carthaginian nigger

This nigga bitch also

This bitch clearly black

Second punic war nigga

Third punic war nigga bitch

This amulet nigga

Veeky Forums gets triggered way to easilly.

How do middle easterners fell about blacks appropriating them?

Nothing, they are POC and fighting whitey

We wuz Hannibal Lecter N Shiett?

Serious question, these African revisionists who write about how great African civilization was, what's their explanation for Europeans beating and conquering them?

They just say "white devil"

White Magic

It pisses me off honestly

guns, germs, and steel

They were Goblins

A Beta Rome 2 screenshot at that.

The English pisses me off more than anything. Literally, she is claiming that the Carthaginian civilization currently exists in Tunisia.

Let the truth be free

muh dik, muh afrika. what a joke. play handball and stfu

That's from the white guy who was intent on making black egypt , black carthage and black rome mods on steam for Rome II to make them more "historically accurate" isn't it?

To be fair, historically the Roman Empire was predominantly black. Whites didn't start really becoming an influential part of the population until the migration period.

Kek, did I miss the creation of a new "sardinia was unreachable until the Renaissance"-tier meme?

>*mutters furiously in Nasser*

Does this look like a nigger?

>Believing that art made by whitey is historically accurate. Learn history.


> That's from the white guy who was intent on making black egypt , black carthage and black rome mods

Dude, this is his literal self portrait from deviantart lmfao;



Fuck carthage elite, they destroyed carthage

We are naturally inclined to be attracted to superior genes.

A man of taste I see. Who doesn't love a bit of delicious dark chocolate?

> superior genes

> entire continent gets ass blasted by a few thousand pale scumfucks


Because only primitive beasts turn to violence.

> Because only primitive beasts turn to violence.

Errrrryone primitive then.

>How do middle easterners fell about blacks appropriating them?

they hate black people more than whites do

The only wars black people had before white's destroyed their nations was when white's were invading.

They aren't aware and don't really care. Literally the average Egyptian has no idea about this Afro stuff and they honestly have more pressing issues on their minds.

> The only wars black people had before white's destroyed their nations was when white's were invading.

That is just demonstrably not true.

African archaeology is filled with mountains of skeletal remains featuring war wounds.

I think we all enjoy getting triggered and ranting about stuff

Here we go again, whitey lying about sub-saharan culture.

>primary sources are bad if white people make them

no records of wars ≠ no wars

>Primary sources are bad if they are blatantly biased and incorrect

>So no record of wars = wars?
Nice logic, I see Antartica has been plagued with warfare for millenia then.


why did phonecians depict themselves as caucasian?

>still did his job
How? He was kicked the fuck out.

He wasnt, romans used what syracuse did, they went to carthage and that force Hannibal to defend his city

Phoenicians were levantine traders. Of course they would depict themselves as Caucasian.

Phoenician =/= Carthaginian, although Phoenicians would set up trading posts within Africa.

Isn't there a group of black revisionists that think they destroyed all their achievements to keep the white man from using their power for evil?

>Phoenician =/= Carthaginian
wow, stop posting at anytime


Berber here, i hate it actually

>>*mutters furiously in Nasser*
Gotta go get my specs -- thought you were posting about motors in NASCAR.

But you are berber not canaanite

Is that a contemporaneous image? I don;t think so -- if not, using it as an example is as dim-witted as the Everybody Was Really Black revisionists.

CA fucking bait a switch marketing!!!

Beginning small rant:

There was no such person ad "Hannibal Barca."

Hannibal, who fought the Romans in Italy and all, was the son of Hamilcar Barca. Barca was not their family name, the Carthaginians did not have family names like we do or like the Romans had in their "nomen." The Carthaginians used something similar to the Roman "cognomen" to distinguish one "Hamilcar" or "Hannibal" from the next, but this name did not pass down from father to son.

Historians usually refer to Hannibal's family or even the political faction associated with them as "the Barcids," for convenience, this was not in any sense the name of the family in their own time.

Rant ends.

Ancient Carthage were many things, Congoid they weren’t.

Carthage was Sardinian you're right

Confront your blasphemic madness with people from pol,for his shall not anymore soak up your tears.

Those are leftist people shitting out their intelligence from the place where the sun never shines. Go ahead and claim that Carthage and even Egypt were Negroid,it stays wrong,you fucking SJW.

Carthaginians: Semitic people,they were white,Europoid, the original semites and pure ones were and are white, all darker semites have mixed with African migrants and groups they came into contact over trade and war,the purest African Semites are the Ethiopians,they also are the blankest Subsaharan Africans. Jemenites are pretty dark,jemenite Jews come closer to the original South Arabs. Look at depictures of Mohammed,compare it with Gengis Khan and other Europaid Asian rulers and tell me the original Semites were not white.

That means Jesus beeing depicted as white is wrong,which is laughable.

Egyptians were mixed with Greeks but now are Arab Mulatos,because the Muslims brought African genes with them.

Guess what,the most southern Jewish groups in Africa are only 50% semite.

We can tell that the Aryan Indian civilisations are white,original Dravidians were likely Negroid,regarding the appearance of Indian island inhabitants and that the mixed ones look pretty Mulatto too.
Egypt was invaded and founded by Indo-Europeans anyway, African people and Semites from the Fertile Crescent migrated to Egypt after it was founded, when the earth got drier and the Sahara became a desert. The elite always looked more white than others,which indicates that theory is right.

We have no knowledge of great black seamen.
Interestingly the Mali King Mansa Musa dropped the gold price massively in Egypt,by suddenly and unexpected buying in the basar of Kairo,if Mali and Egypt were culturally affiliated and had trade with each other the gold would have already been sended earlier.
Berbers=Mixed,which means they're between whites(Carthage) and Blacks.


Fun fact. those towers are still there on MP and custom maps.

was literally everyone around the medditeranean greek before the arabs attacked?

Blame Yakub that traitor fuck

Half Berber, half Nubian from Aswan here. Honestly sickening.

>Hannibal, who almost destroyed the Roman Empire

Roman Empire did not exist during the time of Hannibal.

whites have no history
they only steal history or whitewash non whites
some of those subhumans unironically try to whitewash us. but i wreck them in every genetic thread so fucking hard they start to cry and call me names
we should cleanse this board.

No they were ARYAN

At least provide a source if you are going to keep autiscally rant about this on every thread that mentions Hannibal Barca. It's also rather pointless because it's a very useful identifier for discussing him, since Carthaginians reused names like crazt.

Why do Afrocentrists do this? There's plenty of legitimately interesting black history in Africa, from Mali to the Ethiopians and beyond. Sure, it might not had the same scale as Eurasian history but it was still very interesting stuff in its own right.

Two reasons:
1) They want to commandeer history that is actually interesting and important.
2) They don't want to actually have to research shit.


>We have no knowledge of a great black seamen
Yes we do, Carthage

Yes, ignore the large African population within Carthage at the time.

WE WUZ SLAVES.....wait

Shit picture sorry


Rome had acquired the first foreign territories - there was not yet an Emperor, but there was the first stages of an Empire.

Also, had he destroyed the Republic at that stage, the Empire under the Emperors would not have happened.

If you can't handle repeated names, history may not be for you.

Tagging the family as Barcids is correct, calling him Hannibal Barca is incorrect

>every thread

Fair enough, I'll cut back. But if every thread on Veeky Forums that mentioned the Julio-Claudians mentioned Augustus Julio-Claudius and Caligula Julio-Claudius, it would be pointed out every time it happened.


Read a book? I could google it for you, but I am confident you can find it -- it is basic stuff. If you have trouble, let me know and I'll do it fr you.

>Can't handle repeated names
Come on, even texts on Carthage make note of how it can even cause confusion for historians. When you just cycle between Himilco, Hannibal, Mago, Hadsrubal, and Hamilcar and their are multiple within an event it can easily become a pain.

>Read a book
I've read plenty books on the Phoenicians, Carthage, the Punic wars, and on Hannibal specifically. Please point to a specific source. I sincerely want to know. Your autistic rant is the first time I've ever heard that claim.

>black caligula
He doesn't even look black. He just looks like a typical Medi/NA. What are you even on?

I didn't know Hannibal was an ancestor of Mr T

It's still factually incorrect

It wasn't an empire you ding dong.

fucking how? there are land routes from europe to africa, they could share diseases, unlike in the new world

>Land routes from Europe to Africa
Yes, through that land bridge in the Mediterranean, right?

>a contemporary statue isn't contemporary

African ≠ black you retard

Doesn't mean white either.

I never once said that Carthaginians, Phoenicians, or North Africans in general were white. Hell I never used the word "white".

Whoever Thinks Carthage looked that good is a major idiot

They didn't, the fans actually fucked themselves over by demanding all the brown filters be removed, so they did and then it looked like shit, they never actually removed any models.

So what did Carthage look like, mister expert

user... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isthmus_of_Suez

no one gives a shit about this except the liberal west.

everywhere else doesn't care or thinks you're a nut.

Calm down Hans.

>Middle East
So are you saying all the trade routes went through the Caucasus mountains from there?

A black african living in Egypt faces more discrimination than anywhere else in the world.


Arabs hate blacks with a passion of a thousand suns, and consider them subhumans.

Stop trying to justify this abomination of an article you stupid autist.

why even bother making a thread about this

You were saying there was no LAND route between Africa and Europe...

>and consider them subhumans.
because they are