"Unser Führer ist gefallen."

>"Unser Führer ist gefallen."

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What's with all the /pol/ threads in the last couple of days? I know Veeky Forums has a lot of hitler shitposts but the rate of storm wojaks is unusual. Did someone get banned from /pol/?


I knew about Karl Dönitz, but I never knew he actually formally accepted the rule of Germany
this speech is beautiful


The 4th(chan) reich has begun.

>This video isn´t available in your country.
Guess where i live !

Good riddance.

>learning about history is forbidden in Germany

Is German culture like Islam where any depiction of the prophet is Haram, so all pictures of hitler are censored out of respect?

White Sharia does exist.

Yea, thats about it. It´s like Merkel is trying to flush Germanys past down the toilet by suppressing anything besides the mainstream and replacing Germans with refugees.

>tfw I went to the Miniatur Wunderland museum in Hamburg and all their WWII exhibits had the swastikas removed so that the Nazi flags were just red with a white circle in the center
It might have been the most autistic thing I have ever seen.

I dind't ask for those feels

>Falsch. Gott ist tot.


>just red with a white circle in the center
aesthetic in a sense actually


Censorship is not aesthetic.

that's ironic


gott ich wish das were mich


>assuming I am a fascist because I posted a frog

In the last days of the war everybody wanted Hitler dead and were rejoicing when they heard the good news. Unfortunately since the german high command were cowards as always it took a few days until they surrendered.