Religion is dying on earth. Are you happy now?

Religion is dying on earth. Are you happy now?

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Not really, it's not dying quickly enough.

>Religion is dying on earth. Are you happy now?

If you choose a false god, religions for it are doomed to die.

I know it's obnoxious but I'm having a jolly laugh whenever I see this meme.

Not yet.

Religion is only dying in the West. Don't worry, there'll be plenty of Africans to replace you.

If you're on Veeky Forums, you're automatically part of the reason why this is happening

No, because it ain't dying.

Non-religious people have fewer babies, or none at all. Religious people have many babies. Do the math.

Meanwhile more people believe in ghosts and magic in the united states than ever.

>I know it's obnoxious but I'm having a jolly laugh whenever I see this meme.

God has a jolly laugh whenever you laugh at God. In this screenshot, he's laughing at you through Flannery O'Connor.

Or here he is having a good laugh through Quentin Tarentino:

The fall of religion was a mistake.

What replaced Christianity was mindless hedonism.

>that video
Is this what paranoid schizophrenia looks like?

>complaining about the death of religion
>>on Veeky Forums, the most nihilistic, cynical, depressive and angry community on the internet
take it up with your church

user, what the fuck? Are you the one who made all this shit?

Yes, religious people are having many beautiful non-religious baby. So what ?

>religion is an inheritable trait
The absolute state of brainlets on Veeky Forums

Even I*lam is dying out.

>Religious people have many babies
And all of them are stupid.

>Is this what paranoid schizophrenia looks like?


>user, what the fuck? Are you the one who made all this shit?

Yeah, I got nothing better to do. My life has otherwise been destroyed by this society, as a result, God will destroy and/or damn your souls for treason against the Emperor.

*forgot to mention sinful as well
The type of shit posted here would easily land you in the eternal hotbox. It amazes me how people claim to be religious then post BLACKED porn and call everyone "jews that need to be gassed."

>sand niggers can't make babies
What's wrong with that?

this is just... sad

What is your mental illness?


What is happening in the Western world is literally just a fluke, things are going to go back to normal soon enough but boy is it going to be painful.

>What is your mental illness?

I tend to be depressed due to having been raped for years as a child and being subject to a government that doesn't consider that worthy of compensation - but other than that my mind is well above average.

>this is just... sad

You can mock Zeus all day long and you'll never get struck by lightning. Same goes for Yahweh. Think about that for a minute...

If you are capable of thinking. If you were, I'm sure you'd find my videos interesting.

Now, it may be the case that religion as a percentage of the population is declining in most highly-developed societies. This however, is coinciding with lower population growth. In the meantime, underdeveloped nations are growing much faster, and their populations are becoming increasingly religious. In countries like China, you have a growth of religious affiliation in a country that has previously lacked any attachment to a particular religion. Korea, a developed nation, has become increasingly Christianized as it has become industrialized.

Mind you, this trend may eventually peak: Christianity in Korea, for instance, is starting to slow down.

Can't argue with that.



Yes. I am unironically joyful over this fact.

Nicce sauce

>I tend to be depressed due to having been raped for years as a child and being subject to a government that doesn't consider that worthy of compensation - but other than that my mind is well above average.
ok.. you can stay on Veeky Forums and shitpost if you want, I won't roast you anymore

>Are you happy now?
Well, yeah. Not about that, or the path the popular discourse is taking, or about the state of society, but I am happy.

So you have a victim complex and expect the government to take care of you because of a traumatic event? I dislike you even more now.

Nope. Atheism is actually dying faster than religion.

because Christians are too stuffy, we need Roman Paganism back.

>I can't read: The Post.

Says who?

Not really. Most religious people are too old to have kids. It's unsustainable, even assuming their kids carry on an antiquated and dying tradition.

Hey retard you realize that America isn't the entire Earth right? The percentage of Christiana and Muslims is increasing globally while the percentage of atheists is decreasing

>The percentage of Muslims is increasing

Well, fuck

And then someone points out that religious people have more children and gets called a brainlet.
With all these "you post about religion on hellwebsite" replies this makes this a really shit thread.

The only people actually converting to Christianity are sub-saharan Africans mate.

Do not underestimate the sub-Saharan Africans

I reget nothing

Hot take: this is literally because of science.

Not matter what people say, science and religion are in direct competition to provide people with and understanding and place in the universe. Science has proven the superior religion in the developed world.

I don't, but at the same time I just don't really care what they do. Dee

This. Also, I'm annoyed at how many people have just bought into political religions, like hard leftism, nu-fascism, and so on.

>science is the new religion
Who's their prophet?


Guess what? If you haven't realized this place is just contrarian and reactionary.

>Hot take: this is literally because of science.

Except it's not, given that the average atheist/agnostic struggles to articulate exactly why they don't believe in a higher power. And given all the cognitive biases people display when confronted with evidence that's contrary to their worldview, I think "science is why I don't believe in a god(s)" is a post-hoc rationalisation for not having much religious feeling in the first place.

Even most "formerly religious" people have a crisis of faith before they embrace atheism/agnosticism; they don't start investigating alternatives out of the blue and simply going with "whichever has the most evidence supporting it"

To follow this up, I'm not religious myself, I just think the rise of atheism in the West has much more to do with the massive wrenching socioeconomic changes produced by the last century than it does with some fedora-tip-tier awakening that "actually God doesn't exist because SCIENCE!"

Black science man.

Wheelchair man.


You're forgetting about the Chinese

>So you have a victim complex and expect the government to take care of you because of a traumatic event?

The US Government is ordered to obey all my orders or its employees will spend eternity in hell. I have already ordered all of Israel's $40 billion package turned directly over to me plus $40 billion in late fees. If I don't receive this money by 2018, the amount owed to me from the US Government doubles to $160 billion.

The penalty for treason is eternity in solitary confinement. No government job is worth spending eternity conscious in a black void with no sensory input.

>God will destroy and/or damn your souls for treason against the Emperor.

>So you have a victim complex and expect the government to take care of you because of a traumatic event?

The US Government is ordered to obey all my orders or its employees will spend eternity in hell. I have already ordered all of Israel's $40 billion package turned directly over to me plus $40 billion in late fees. If I don't receive this money by 2018, the amount owed to me from the US Government doubles to $160 billion.

The penalty for treason is eternity in solitary confinement. No government job is worth spending eternity conscious in a black void with no sensory input.

The US Government chooses to represent itself as servants of God - well, I'm God and they're definitely not serving me.

>Any religion in China.
Enjoy Jesus sharing a table with the Jade Emperor or Buddha or something.

>God will destroy and/or damn your souls for treason against the Emperor.

That's how it works - if "King" and "God" no longer mean anything because the Jews have obfuscated the meaning of these words so much, humanity isn't worth anything anymore - God isn't going to let sewer rats into any good afterlife.

> “You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot.

>Hahahahaha how could Western countries become secular when 99% of the people having children are religious and the remaining 1% are godless sodomites? Stop talking nonsense! Where would all the atheists come from?

I'm absolutely baffled that you insist the low fertility in Western countries makes them irrelevant in the long run and then you offer East Asians countries as a counter-trend. Are you somehow unaware that their demographic profiles are even more fucked? East Asians must be the least fertile people on the fucking planet.
In fact, in the article you just linked to, it's the aging of China, Korea and Japan (in the "Asia-Pacific" group) that would be primarily responsible for the global decline of the unaffiliated.

>So you have a victim complex and expect the government to take care of you because of a traumatic event?

I expect the government to cease and desist using the name of God as they use it in a Mosaic context and the Hebrew Text has been thoroughly disproved while simultaneously being terrorist in nature like any responsible organization would do. Furthermore, I am the recipient of all authority on Earth and the United States as a major victim of their ongoing religious extortion scheme.

As a true agent of God, I have chosen to use this authority to opulently reward myself with US Taxpayer money fraudulently obtained in the name of God. It is up the US Government to choose to follow their divine obligations or choose to face divine consequences for treason:

China alone has millions of catholics, we're not doing so bad.

>pls stay in ur safe space so I can stay in mine.

Yes. More heretics in hell, more stuff for us in heaven.

tell the u.s government to stop supporting israel.

The mainland Catholics are mostly schismatics, they're about as Catholic as Anglicans.

Sex dying?

Yeah, I live in China. Asians are more religious and superstitious than people think, but they aren't particularly zealous and just mishmash religions.

Wrong, try again.
You don't know what religion is. These vague uncited studies do not know what religion is.
False, try again

It's also not dying at all. Did you guys even look this up or just assume that it was dying out?

>tell the u.s government to stop supporting israel.

That which is God regards me as its "son"/brother which I can support with empirical evidence. I've already told the govt. that Israel is under worldwide import embargo. It's up to other mortals to take these facts and do with them as reason would dictate.

user, I seriously suggest you seek help from a mental health professional.
Please understand that I do not intend this to be an insult, but rather an expression of concern for your well-being.
Based off what you've said in your posts, it's incredibly likely you suffer from schizophrenia. While you may not suffer hallucinations, many of those suffering from schizophrenia don't, and you seem to suffer from what delusions of grandeur, persecution, and reference (seeing patterns and references where there are none). You say you feel depressed, and often a feeling of depression and a loss of drive and interest are symptomatic of schizophrenia.
I know in the past you've said that you feel like you're trapped in hell; surrounded by those who won't believe that which seems obvious to you.
If you truly feel depressed and trapped, you can get treatment and be delivered from this "hell," but you have to take the first step.

>you seem to suffer from what delusions of grandeur, persecution, and reference (seeing patterns and references where there are none).

Isn't that the standard Veeky Forums poster more or less?

>Please understand that I do not intend this to be an insult, but rather an expression of concern for your well-being.
>Based off what you've said in your posts, it's incredibly likely you suffer from schizophrenia.

That's factually inaccurate. Your presumption relies on the false belief there are no superhuman non-human entities in the universe - that is apparently false.

I was an atheist for over a decade and would not have changed my view were it not for being given evidence. You can choose to evaluate the data I present or not, but baseless ad hominems from armchair psychiatrist "appeals to authority" will not affect me in any way.

Also, I hardly "draw connection where there are none." I'm someone capable of acing differential equations and calc-based electromagnetism without breaking a sweat - there is nothing dysfunctional about my analytical skills.

> I know in the past you've said that you feel like you're trapped in hell

Only because the odds of being some sort of direct agent of God seems so improbable as someone who used to be an atheist that it makes me seriously consider some sort of solipsistic/Cartesian "evil demon" interpretation of my life's perceptions. I can only evaluate my environment with my senses and nobody has presented any serious refutations to the data I've accumulated which convinced me atheism is, quite simply, not a correct evaluation of this environment I am witness to:

Like 70% of scientists (AKA people who matter) are irreligious, so it's essentially already in a coma if not dead.


>this triggers the Chr/his/tian

Koreans. The growth of the christian community in South Korea is pretty impressive.

>in six decades
great depression
great financial crises

yeah no shit people loose faith in god when a shadowy elite to pull the plug and cause market forces to wipe out your existence

>scientists (AKA people who matter)
I don't have a reaction image smug enough to express the way this makes me feel