What are your most incredible WW1 facts?

What are your most incredible WW1 facts?
For me, it's the execution of Lucien Bersot in 1915 for refusing to wear a pair of bloody trousers taken off a corpse and given to him by an officer.

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The Leichenfeld von Loos, definetly.

This .gif is silly.
WWI barbed wire was made so that you could not fit your hand between the barbs and grab it.

The fact that there were more defective shells fired in WW1 than ALL shells in WW2

>that time a pigeon was awarded the Croix de Guerre

Detonation of mines at Messines ridge on 7th june 1917 was metal af
>The day before British general Harington says "Gentlemen, we may not make history tomorrow, but we shall certainly change the geography"
>455 tons of explosives set off right under German postions
>One of largest and loudest non-nuclear explosions ever in history
>The sound was heard in Dublin and London
>People at Lille university's geology department mistook shockwave for an earthquake
>10 000 Germans killed
>19 great craters created
>Der Weltkrieg names the Messines mines one of 5 reasons of German defeat in ww1

>that time a bear fought in Poland and became a corporal

>the execution of Lucien Bersot in 1915
Fuck. He was somebody's son, somebody's friend... and he died for such an idiotic reason.


the G*rmans built an electric fence across the Belgian-Dutch border in order to more efficiently abuse the Belgian citizenry

It's from a movie

Yeah no shit, that happened to like 30 million people in the war

if you want to see useless look at the Italian front of WW1, Italians just charging up literal mountains and getting mowed down by machine guns for 3-4 years

That a 14 year old australian boy lied about his age in order to fight for his country and was killed at Gallipoli - one of the worst battles in aussie history

incredibly uninteresting fact

Austria and Italy tried offensives over the Alps.

There are battles with 10,000+ dead, almost all from avalanches and freezing to death.

Wrong war

British didn't betrayed the allied and didn't sign a separate peace


he didnt fight in Poland you brainlet. He carried artillery shells for Polish troops in Italy.

20 million people died in WW1, not 30.

that a*glos got millions of ch*nks addicted to opium