Is Low Carb a meme diet or is it really that good?

Is Low Carb a meme diet or is it really that good?

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Keto is no better than other diets.

You don't lose more fat when you get your body to use up fats instead of carbs when you're eating more fats to make up for it.

it depends heavily on what you're trying to achieve, but in general, it's not a particularly good choice for overall health

it is if you're 13% trying to drop to 9%

it is if you have diabetes or are prone to diabetes

otherwise no

keto doesnt equal low carb. i'm a diabetic and i eat 130g of carbs per day, most of them fiber. it's considered low carb, but it's not even close to keto

No, because carbs don't make you fat.

It's like any diet which comes down to eating less calories in order to lose weight.

only eating carbs before workouts. helps me during cuts.

this plus when i carb up heavily it acts like a ridiculous preworkout

>it is if you have diabetes or are prone to diabetes

Diabetics and people at risk of diabetes shouldn't go low carb, diabetes is a risk factor for heart disease. You'd just want to swap white rice and other processed carbs for beans, lentils, and whole grains.

false and false, read up.

>read up

How about a textbook

Keto works because it stops you from stuffing your fat face with candy bars and coke for second.

Carbs aren't the devil, but the average person gets way too much simple sugar in their diet.

Coupled with eating less carbs generally equates to eating more protein.

Lyle mcdonald really hit low carb dieting on the head.

Personally i think for high bf % it can be useful, but at low bf% kinobody knows what is up.

Carbs and fats are almost more important than protein if you are sub 10%

Not false at all.

YOU read up:

Same amount of calroies = same amount of weight lost & same amount of body fat shed.

Doesnt matter if high fat low carb or vice versa.

Carbs fats and proteins are all beneficial macronutrients. There is no evil scapegoat macronutrient you should cut out of your diet

>LDL-C increased significantly only on VLCARB by 7%

>LDL increasing even while losing weight

into the trash

No endocrinologist will recommend keto for a T1D.

what about after?

Counting calories is for STUPID.

Could we finally bury all this calories-bullshit?

A calorie is only a calorie if it is incinerated, and the heat given off measured; indeed
that is the definition. However, calories from different foods have entirely different
metabolic effects on the human body rendering that definition useless. Therefore,
the effect on our health differs substantially depending upon where that calorie is
derived from. For example, equal calorie portions of sugar, alcohol, meat or olive oil
have widely differing effects on hormonal systems such as insulin, and satiety
signals such as cholecystokinin or peptide YY. It is highly irrelevant how many
calories a portion of food on a plate contains. What matters is how our body
responds to the ingestion and absorption of those calories, and how they are
metabolised, depending upon the specific food in question.


Ketoretards, tell me what happens when amino acids from protein triggers insulin which crashes blood sugar and isnt brought back up by carbs intake? A stress/cortisol reaction. Ketotards feel good on it at firsy because a stress can be perceived as stimulating, enjoy wrecking your body with a meme diet.

Okay retard, here's a case study for you. Go find your maintenance, add 1000 calories to it, and eat that amount every day for just 1 fucking month, and eat as clean as you want, as healthy as you want, with any macro ratios and food choices you want. You WILL get fat, and there is simply no way around it. If you intake more energy than your body expends, you WILL gain weight. If you intake less energy than your body expends, you WILL lose weight. There is absolutely NO way to get arounds this fact. Calorie counting may not be perfectly accurate, the energy values we assign to foods may not be perfect, but it's the most effective way of pointing you in the right direction, and it's certainly much more effective than just eating arbitrary amounts and hoping for the best.

>can be stored as fat

WTF is the source for this liebook?

I've lost about 300-500 grams a week for 6 weeks on Keto. Don't really count calories and don't do any cardio. Sitting around 15% bf. Still drink 3 LC beers a night too lol

Will I have lost this much on any other diet? Who knows. I did it mainly for a change in foods to be honest.

Why don't you ahead and try it?

I only shit myself once from runny bum but I think that was because of the nut juice (Almond Milk) sugar free chocolate I drink for breakfast.

If you want facts and scientific studies backing up those facts, then watch Vegan GGains video about the keto diet. Whether you hate him or not, he only spews factual information.

If you want advice from anonymous 15 year olds that don't even lift, then you're at the right place

Hier ist das Bait im eniem leinem.

Too bad it was such shit that I only caught a bluegill with it.

If you want clogged arteries it's a fantastic diet.

Fuck off retard. A calorie is a fucking calorie carbs aren't evil it's just easy to eat too much simple carbs and get fat as fuck. Complex carbs come with fiber and vitamins n shit - not bad for you.

Holy shit bait

It "works" in that carbs are usually in very calorie dense food that doesn't satiate for long. I have started doing keto recently, not because I think there's some magic secret to losing weight, but because I want to be less hungry, and eating only fats and proteins tends to do that for me.

i don't understand why you don't just try it for a meaningful time and make your own judgement

I'm at risk for beetus. May even have it undiagnosed but too scared to see a doctor. Is brown rice fine?

You eat more fats than protein to offset that..

Hello new

2 posts in and this thread already had two common misunderstandings:

>low carb = keto
>low carb means that you eat only processed meat and cheese

It is amazing how mouthbreathers always think so dualistically.

It's very good for heart disease


it's the latest fad diet that makes you feel like absolute shit while you're on it.

Low carb is a conclusion people come to when they aren't well educated in nutrition.

They understand that processed carbs like soda and white bread are unhealthy but they aren't familiar enough with unprocessed foods to start eating wholesome things like sweet potatoes, apples, barley, or black beans, so in cutting out their usual unhealthy carbohydrate foods they think "now the only thing left to eat is meat and veg, that must be healthy"


Obese cutting user here. I was doing strict keto. But I decided to start eating fruit and yogurt. Not gonna touch bread or caloric drinks. I've lost 22 lbs on keto. And I'm keeping the same Cal defecit with a few carbs.

The biggest help for me was the sugar cut for the first 2 weeks. Then I went into intermittent fasting mode. IF is huuuuge help. Just 2-3 simple meals. Aiming for 500-1000 cals. Makes the cut easier. Losing 1.5 a week. I'm on week 7


broccoli and carrots are extremely satiating

yep that's what i thought, close the thread you stupid meme dieter

Case in point

watch this and make you own opinion it might be good for you it might do fuck all your just going to have to try it

shill detected

Catalyst is a pretty batshit program, very similar to anti-evolution propaganda you see from evangelical christian groups.

Low carb is a meme diet without a doubt. What you want to be cutting out is bad sugars (carbonated drinks, candy, ice cream) etc Those are the things responsible for rapid weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure.

Carbs are required to keep your brain and body healthy. You can definitely have too many of them (just like you can die of having too much water) but there is no reason to cut them out of your diet.

Even if you are low carb it's unsustainable and it will just cause your protein intake to go up and fat intake. Your body will burn the energy either way.

Better off going with a solid amount of carbs, 0.65-0.70g of protein/lb of body weight and a good amount of fats with a calorie deficit. You will have more energy, you will feel more happy, your diet will be more sustainable (which is the most important part) and you will still see results.

>Carbs are required to keep your brain and body healthy. You can definitely have too many of them (just like you can die of having too much water) but there is no reason to cut them out of your diet.

Not to mention that carbs are synonymous with plant foods, and cutting carbs out of your diet means missing out on a lot health benefits from those foods.