Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums
This Monday I fucked up my ankle pretty bad and I have a doctor's appointment later. I can't walk on it properly and I can sorta move it. I'm thinking it's a torn ligament. I'm trying to get a cast so I can get help pulling bitches. Is there anything I should say to the doctor to make him feel like I should get a cast?

Stab your ankle you white faggot.

torn ligament? you fucking busted your foot so bad theres a fucking golf ball in ur ankle its broken forever WTF

>can i get a cast


Doctors do not give cast anymore. Tell you to walk on it as soon as possible to speed recovery.
RICE ... if you are a poor pleb use a bag of frozen vegetables. Do the stretches after all is healed. Now that you have done this it would be best to invest in proper ice packs, heating pads, compression wraps, etc. as it will happen again.

dude for the rest of your life you're gonna be walking like a dead girl in Japanese horror movie

How to train ankles, OP?

Tf are you talking about? My friend dislocated his ankle along with partially tearing the ligament and he was in a cast

I've rolled my ankle a few times leaving black and blue bruises on the side but what you got going on their is another level of fucked up.

Ahh yes, very impressive

How did you fuck it up? Sports? Lifting? Running? I play soccer a lot and this shit has happened to me when I landed wrong.

Definitely a deep tear in the ligament. Same happened to me brah.

Life is going to be briddy shitty for a while. Keep ice on it all the time and don't fucking walk on it. Other than that you should be good in a month or four.

Why do non whites always resort to stabbing?

Recover quickly bro, your gains await

>pic from 2007

Uhh I rolled my ankle so bad before it looked like a mini football, you might be fine.

OP never said it was him in the pic though.

that's true

this happened to me in both my ankles and i never went to the doctor OP

hope you find out what's wrong exactly. my shit healed up and i have all the movement in them just fine, but somethings never felt right about them ever since. they still get irritated when swimming.

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