Motivation Thread

Motivation Thread

Eh not motivated to post pics.


This is the only motivational picture i like


here u go OP

I wouldn't recommend wasting time on these
I started making the most progress the moment I stopped looking for external motivation like all these quotes and just started doing shit

If you think going hiking in the mountains is outside of a normal person's comfort zone, you're a raving ass faggot and should jump off a cliff.

motivation threads are angels that gives us wings when we forget how to fly

Wouldn't that just mean we'd have wings but still no idea how to fly.

bumping this SHIT thread with some actually good content




Why post then?

>going out if your way to attain hypothermia
>in a civilized world
Not gonna make it

Just leave.


All the summer fags not realising what the point of this tread is.

>taking everything literally

Never going to make it

Get me motivated you guys, i was laidoff on Friday.

Going to clean up my bike so i can start doing everyday cardio to lose fat cause im a fat fuck


You're fat and unemployed, if you need more motivation then that explains a lot


>tfw used to be thin
I should just drive my truck off a mountain

hope it's got good shocks

>tfw front shocks are wornout