/mewing/ general

>What is mewing?
It's the exercise of having your mouth closed, teeth together and tongue on the roof of your mouth

>Does it work?
Yes, absolutely, some have a more malleable bone structure and will see faster results, but it does work.

>What do I do?
There are two simple things you have to do.
1. Chew hard gum.
2. Perform a simple exercise.
I will explain each in detail below:

>Chewing gum.
This process strengthens your facial muscles, allowing them to be more accentuated, reducing the pudgy look, and giving a more "indented" and concave look, adding more definition while also improving dental structure and health.
Like dogs and other animals, we were meant to constantly chew to strengthen our jaws and biting strength.

Traditional gum is full of sugar and incredibly soft, made for weak people.
This is Veeky Forums, we don't chew pussy gum.

>Tongue exercise.
This is the most important part and perform this exercise whenever you're not chewing gum.
Close your mouth and keep your teeth together in whatever way feels natural and comfortable for you.
Then using as much area as you can of your tongue (so not just the tip), apply pressure on the roof of your mouth.
If it gets slightly uncomfortable, you're doing good.
What you should feel, and the only way you know its working is if you feel place your fingers underneath your jaw and feel a hardening and flexing motion happening.

This flexing motion is what is used to push your jaw forward over time, and to give it more definition, fixing any under-bite and aligning things properly.

This will take time, do not give up.

Mewing 101
Dr. Mew's full lecture on face aesthetics


>mfw good quality threads like this are ignored

post jawline with timestamp OP

What gum would you recommend, i don't know any 'hard' gum brands in particular

yes this

stop shilling this shit bro

I dont know why but i like to "save" threads when theyre nearing expiration
Anyways anybody know how much pressure my tongue should give out because the roof of my tongue i believe is now sore from all the pressure ive been giving since yesterday

I'm a dentistry student and this is absulutely bullshit.

Also im only 18 years old so i believe my face hasnt fully grown yet
Within the next 5 years I will be posting if this shit does indeed work or not

So I noticed this thread last week and have been trying it since. I had saw some threads on this before but I didn't pay much attention. It's been tough to remember to do it throughout the day especially when concentratiing on other tasks but I'd say the majority of the day I'm doing it and I've already noticed some slight differences. The most obvious one is that when you do it it instantly sucks the skin/fat below your chin upwards and makes your jaw appear more defined. But apart from that it's also helped move my jaw forward slightly, whereas before my bottom teeth sat behind the top ones a bit. The last thing I've noticed so far is that it's been helping me improve my foward head posture, I've made more progress with that this week than I have in months, it really seems to keep your head up and stabalised.

tl:dr this is actually not bullshit and everyone should be doing it

The majority of dentists are also fucking retards when it comes to the proper shape of the mouth and jaw

Amazing what people will believe.


Oh wow a denistry student, I'm sure you're much more educated on this matter than Mike and his father.

They aren't trying to make money from their knowledge, if you don't want to accept it then don't

but not retarded enough to believe moving the tongue is going to change the shape of the jawbone in a fully grown adult

It totally fucking works. This is a before and after showing two years of constant jaw training. I'm thinking another three more will have my jaw into CHAD mode.


What makes you think the shape of the jawbone can't change? Maybe you should watch the lecture. He describes how victims of strokes.. fully grown adults... have their jawbones grossly deformed because of muscular weakness on one side of the face.

omg, it works!

>how do i upvote this?

I don't understand how this is supposed to help the jaw grow, I've been biting my tongue and keeping my lips up ever since i saw this threads two weeks ago and i feel like a retard and my tongue hurts, i think i'm gonna quit

You have to do three sets of 8 of tongue to roof and

Mouth close, teeth together 'til failure

You're doing it wrong

this is something i have always been interested in but there are a few things

1. what purpose does the gum serve? OP said before that it has literally no purpose
2. how do i swallow in that position
3. how can i tell if the back 1/3 of the tongue is in the first position
4. how the fuck do you tolerate the fatigue

>Chew hard gum
what fucking gum you fucking kike ?

Also this will never take off with a name like "mewing" i thought it was about cats ffs

Biting your tongue? What are you talking about?

You don't do this when swallowing. You can tell if the back of the tongue is in position by gulping or sucking the tongue. Start in short intervals and hold the tongue up for longer and longer each time, no-one is expecting you to be able to hold it for a long time when starting out.

What the fuck is hard gum?

Just chew a mouthful of that shit. One of those giant balls of gum, or a few small ones. You should feel your jaw getting fatigued.

However, there is a limit to how much hypertrophy you can cause in these muscles. If you look at the skull, pic related, there is a hole there (left of the eye socket) that only allows so much muscle to fit through.

For anons worryying about their jawline, first manage your weight. Get lean and your face aesthetics will improve rapidly. Only a small amount of fat is stored in the face, true, but when you lose it you really bring out the underlying facial structure. Jawline, cheekbones, browline, etc.

sucking the tongue up*


I think i'll give this mewing/hard gum a go

i'm curious, I wonder if anyone at fit would like progress pics or should i just fucking do it for a few months and snap a before and after pic?
>inb4 tmj
actually how would this work for someone whose jaws click?

The temporal muscle is not the only muscle trained by chewing gum, and certainly not the only muscle that is inserted at the jaw.

>How to get TMJ the thread

How do I know whether my posterior third of the tongue is in its correct place?

>You don't do this when swallowing.
why? i just tried it just now and it felt fine.

Can't you just use a mouthguard and bite with a 10kg weight attached to it for 5 sets of 12 like you do with your other muscles

Google for some but didn't really find anything except for people who used steroids simultaneously and therefore got huge jaws anyway

I seriously don't get what I'm supposed to do with my tongue. Can anyone explain? Also, what do you think of mastic gum?

>he is still trying to shill this

it will create suction when you pull your tongue away, you should feel like you're sucking a dick

like 200-500 grams of force to move bone without damaging the rest of the face

Tongue should be kept against the roof of your mouth, and you should be breathing through your nose 90% of the time.

There's a forum called breakthematrix dedicated to this stuff. Lots of information and methods on improving the maxilla.

Make sure its not just the tip of the tongue but like 70% of the tongue. Like the tongue is flat against most of the roof of the mouth.

b-but I don't know what that feels like

...no homo, right?


and a sum of anecdotal evidence is evidence.

its evidence, but its unreliable evidence because "my friends all did this and it worked" is just simply not very thorough or trustworthy for many reasons

You're an idiot or an arts major.

so basically pushing as hard as my tongue can

I thought this was a joke a few days ago, but since OP posted that first thread I've been doing it. I feel like my masseter muscle is larger and sticks out more and creates a wider jaw structure. Is that normal?

I still need to get to single digit body fat so I can actually cut away the fat that's still being held in my cheeks

Braces or corrective surgery for an overbite will typically give you a stronger chin. Any "exercise" isn't going to do it.

>lacks everything and makes no sense


Sounds like someone who takes a lot of cocks to the mouth

I can guarantee from personal experience this also steps up your pussy eating game

BS biology from UW

how are you on Veeky Forums without knowing how to suck a dick, dyel?

>people dont realize this gives you TMJ
>people domt realize it gives you lockjaw
How would you like your jaw to get stuck unhooked at the peak of a yawn? Imagine conciously being aware of your jaw muscles every time you yawn without fail. Long day at work, yawning in traffic? Enjoy lockjaw. Enjoy the onset of terror as the slightest relaxation during an onset produces terrible uncomfortableness, where your jaw mecanically cannot close.
>dont end up like me


why would it cause that?

do a quick search for causes of TMJ/TMD
>Tension of the jaw muscles. This can occur if you clench your jaw a lot during sleep, which is quite common. People also clench their jaw during the day if they are feeling tense or anxious.
>Overuse of the jaw muscles, such as habitually CHEWING GUM, or biting nails.
>Rarely, other conditions make the jaw muscles overactive. For example, there are some rare kinds of movement disorders (called orofacial dystonias) which cause excessive jaw clenching.
Chewing gum and clenching your jaw all day can fuck your shit up. This is coming from actual medical research not some guy using anecdotal evidence with nothing else to back it up.