I got a problem

I got a problem.

I cannot drink alcohol. By that, I mean everything I have tried has just tasted so awful. Is it me, or am I just a beta for life? My younger brother can outdrink me, my dad is an alcoholic, my mom was an alcoholic, and my girlfriend can put down almost any beer or whiskey with ease.

plz help

You need to drink more, no one likes drinking the first few times they try.

I used to hate beer, now i love it 5 years later

I try different beers almost every night. I am 23 and in the military so going to the bar as a nightly ritual is almost a must. I have been trying to like alcohol for 2 years now and nothing seems to work.

why the fuck do you want to drink anyway?


>Both parents alcoholics
>Have a genetic predisposition to be a lush and ruin your liver, gains, and life
>Want to drink more

Are you fucking retarded?

Some people just don't like it, around 5-10% of the population I think. Interestingly monkeys show the same number

why would you want to 'learn' to drink anyway?

Maybe dont be a stupid faggot and do things just because others do

Have a cheap watery beer if you must to socialize, then kindly bow out of the next few rounds.

I love drinking but I like the taste of bitter stuff so thats me. If i didnt like the taste I wouldnt drink for the sake of drinking

Fucking this

>I got a problem

That's where you went wrong son. Just do you. I've found cunts are a lot less willing to get on your dick if you volunteer to be DD. If they still do, leave the fuckers where they are.

Are you 12? If you don't like alcohol don't drink it you retarded piece of shit

I LOVE that pepe. Mind if I save it?

I am constantly mocked at my job for not being able to drink. It happens so much to the point it almost feels like they favor other troops just because I am "that guy" at the bar or wherever they go. We used to have get togethers with people from other sections but I stopped getting invited because they "think I would have a bad time since there is a lot of drinking".

If I had more rank (just an E-4), then I might be able to do something, but damn.

You would think so.

You take shots with a chaser to start with. As you get drunk, you kill your taste buds and can drink alcohol fine. Just remember to swap your beers with water to not get too drunk.

sounds like its just greenie bantz, dont take it seriously man

in 20 years they'll all have mantits and beer bellies, and you'll still have a functioning testosterone level

You guys are probably right, I just want to still be able to socialize while deployed. Nothing sucks more than being "that guy" who never goes out. And it still feels like I won't be able to hit NCO status seeing how favoritism is being played.

Modern(and past) military problems.

how about you just like, tell them that you are a recovering alcoholic and its difficult for you to drink without relapsing

This shit always ends up making people feel guilty, thinking your brave, and then apologizing.

Tell them that you are a soldier and strong enough to be around people that drink, but that your disease is something you need to deal with by avoiding alcohol.

Lie to them, theyre in the military so theyre easy to manipulate

I think the better option is just to count my loses and just not drink. I never enjoyed drinking. I saw what happens when you live off alcohol. I just wish my friends, family, and coworkers would not judge me on something so stupid.

And I did probably dodge a bullet from not liking it. My brother got fucked up a lot and has cheated on almost every girlfriend, 4 I think. Dude gets mad pussy but he just stocks at Wal-Mart and wants to get a degree in Art.


why dont you tell your peers that this is why you dont drink. That your family drank themselves into poverty and shitty lifestyles

Alcoholism is probably why youre stuck in the military, and you should just be honest and tell the people you associate with that youve seen the effects of alcohol run through your entire kin and that youre at risk of those effects too

Some people know that but how long do I play the "victim" card? I work in an area where people getting buzzed/drunk almost every night is acceptable.

Also fun fact, my family has a history of depression, bi-polar, schizophrenia, and alcoholism. My uncle got caught not long ago sacrificing cats in his bedroom. He is 36 and lives with my grandmother(his mother) and she smelt something horrible so he had someone unlock his bedroom door.

My later years are going to be fun.

Drink tequila faggot.

its not a victim card bro. Its a "hey Im at risk of this disease, let me be"

Thatd be like if you found out you had a really high risk of emphysema from even a few cigarettes and you still smoked because of peer pressure. Its not smart, and I dont expect the average joe welfare queen to get it. But if you do, Ill sleep better at night knowing some user is living better because he was inspired to not give in to faggotry

Are you 11b? Or attached to an Infantry unit

>being 12yo autist
>swallowing deep into every meme you see on 4chins

shiggy diggy

I am a Chair Force bro, 2F051. I should have worded that better.

Thanks user.

Are you just drinking beer? Try starting off with something like rum and coke to get accustomed to the taste. I also dislike beer but noticed that once I've been drinking other stuff it becomes alright

I do not drink any form of soda anymore. In the past I was doing two 2 liters a night and weighed above 210. Family fucked me over on financial aid for college and I got fired from my job so I had to go enlist. Was told I was over the weight limit to enlist and to drop it.

Over two months, I survived off salads with no dressing, water, and a variety of nuts. Cardio 6-7 times a week. I had nothing else to do and nothing to lose. I dropped from 210 to 150 in that time. I am sitting comfortably around 180 now but about to start cutting again, just smarter this time.

Point is that I am afraid to go back to soda.

When was the last time you drank some? You should be able to have enough self control to have some mixed with alcohol if you made it this far. Maybe try scotch, vodka and tonic, or gin and tonic.

I drink the "0 calorie" Monsters every now and again, but has been awhile since I touched soda.

Try starting with tonic drinks like I said and then slowly move on to soda but at a pace where you won't get hooked on it again. If you can get yourself used to just drinking it with alcohol you should be fine. By that time you should also get used to drinking and maybe start enjoying beer or it being tolerable for you