Cutting to get cut

Who else /doing whatever it takes here/

I'm at 343 right no (only 6 feet tall), and I'm going to cut this shoulder every day as a reminder to lose some fucking weight.

>I'm going to cut this shoulder every day as a reminder to lose some fucking weight.

Now that's actual autism.

Yeah, won't cure autism

I meaaan

I meeeemmmmeeeeeee

Whatever, I'd be at peace with myself just knowing that I am not fat, besides this is more desperation than autism. Like, Ive been going to the gym for a year, I've tried the non retarded methods. I got mad gains and can lift more than like 3/4 of Veeky Forums but that doesn't fucking mean anything because I look and feel like shit because I'm a terrible person who won't eat less.

Tbh this is the only thing I path I see working.

Thats not how a cut works dumbass.

I've analyzed the data you've given me and I can confirm that this is autism

You're 343 of course you're not happy. The only reason you can lift more is because you're fat and your body is used to dragging that shit around.

Don't cut yourself faggot. Just eat a mild deficit and don't be retarded.

>user, why do you have your shoulder all cut?
>to cut
>ah, ok...*leaves*

Just buy a giant calendar and put it in front of the fridge you fatass. Mark it.
If you want to hurt yourself do 3 push ups every time you fuck up.

Someone please post the one guy who cut his chest for a girl while staring at the moon or some shit

This is some anime shit bruh

Yeah i realize how [spoiler] edgy [/spolier] it is

it would make more sense if you cut yourself only when you failed your daily calorie goals

otherwise you will condition your brain the wrong way and forever stay a fat fuck


I mean I'm just doing this to remind myself, I'm gonna be on a caloric deficit fäm.


You know you can just cut off a limb
instant weight loss

I mean I'm self aware of how autistic this all is, but tbhn I don't really care, honostly looking back I shouldn't have started this shitty thread, I should have like, waited to post this thread till I had lost 50 lbs or something.

I don't even feel >Tfw no gf
any more famalamborghini


Fuck, spoilers never work when posting from my phone

Ok I will do this, I needed to do it a bit to start out to prove I'm going to.

Does anybody know any other ways that I can just fuck my shit up that won't leave scars like this?

I'm sure there are plenty of ways to self-torture in ways that won't leave scars, just google it

You'll want a bit of a plan, you clearly don't quite grasp the concept of pavlonian conditioning and the skinner box. Read up on them, and make some plan on how to condition yourself.

For instance whenever you go over your ideal caloric goal for the day by more than 200kcals or (even worse) you don't know how many calories you've eaten that day, cut yourself

Whenever you're at caloric goal or 200 below, treat yourself to a wank or something positive, idk

Anyway, I'm not an expert on this either, look it up. Psychological conditioning can be extremely powerful, you just need to nudge yourself in the right direction. If you just start to associate dieting with cutting yourself, you will start to hate dieting, and be 4ever fat.

also look up ways to punish yourself that won't lead to medical complications, or you'll just fuck your shit up even more.

unfucking your life is the goal here, after all


yeah first of all repeatedly cutting the same place is just going to fuck your shit and cause an abscess

Why not do something (A) only on days you break your deficit and (B) not something that'll fuck you up for life

user, you might as well just spray any food in your vicinity that tempts you with bleach. About as autistic as your cutting.

Why the hell do people do this shit? Anybody remember the kid that did this to his chest and got a hard core infection and had to go to the ER because of high fever/ loads of puss. I really hoped that got screencapped.

>user cuts his arm regularly before going to the gym
>Squat day, user loads up dirty bar from local ymca
>bar touches cut on shoulder
>get's infected with MRSA
>user's immune system can't fight the infection because he's 300 fucking pounds