I made it!

Anyone else have any stories to share?

You're banging a fat chick.
Congrats, I guess?

You also broke up with your bf?

Looks fat.

Sh1t b8 not even trying anymore 1/8

you didn't really make it. maybe at this point in your life, overcoming virginity is like climbing everest, but keep in mind that "making it" isn't climbing everest: it's like climbing a ladder to the moon

im dissapointed. if you're not fat yourself, you're never gonna make it.

>ugly chick with neon colored highlights
Don't mean to ruin the moment for you lad, but you can do better.

You haven't made it until you've put your penis inside of her vagina OP.

10 bucks she cancels of flakes once chad swipes

Post a better pic of her

Are you that 28 year old virgin from last nite btw?

Too thick.

I got mired by what is probably an obese single mother, but it's still a mire. Conversation ended here when she wouldn't post a pic.

OP that's a bot

Before this did she ask

"Are you looking to date or hookup?"

Question for you anons, how many matches do you get per day if you swipe right to all?

op got fucked by a bot gg. Pic related, same bot

Any tips on improving my profile to find women looking to get fucked? I get a lot of matches, but they all seem too nice. I think it'd help if I could get a shirtless photo in my profile but I don't want to go the selfie route and look pathetic and I don't want to ask my friends to take one.

sorry op

Find some good lighting, practice some poses, set up your phone and take a picture of you without your shirt


If you didn't meet her IRL and WOO her IRL you didnt MAKE SHIT. If you havent FUCKED her while you were both sober, you havent MADE IT

>OP brags about fat girl
> fat girl turns out to be a bot

I suspect there's an algorithm that limits how often you're displayed to other users based on how active you are on Tinder, particularly on right swipes. I've noticed if I go several days without being on Tinder, the first few profiles displayed are instant matches.

In other words, if you're reasonably active and suddenly stop, your profile is pushed to the front of the queue to be displayed to other users so that when you come back and match right away, you're reeled back in.

ouch op lol

can't even land a fat girl

rip OP

As a 27 virgin (28 in two months) I've just accepted that the only way that I can get a gf or even laid is with a withered old hag who can't get anymore young cock so she settles for me. And honestly being alone is more appealing than that as painful as it is sometimes.

dude a chick that easy is usually bad news

>I didn't read through the thread

mhm, i actually also noticed something close to what you describe. Maybe its time to min/max my tinder gains by taking breaks.

>You and me both
Plus tell me you did this in purpose and understand the English language user

Congrats but i'd next that thing its not pretty

Twist: He broke up with HER boyfriend, they both realised they were being cheated on.

Yeah when I first read that I was hoping she'd notice what OP said and it'd lead to something funny but it's just a bot.

No, the first profiles in YOUR queue is people who have already accepted you. Meaning if you say yes, then they will instant match.

This also means that if you are offline for a while, the girls that has accepted you will have formed a bigger line in the front of your queue.

I've gotten that fking bot like 4 times already lol

I think you've missed what I said. If you're very active, you won't have anyone left that has swiped right on you, and it seems to remain this way until you take a break. If I'm very active every day, I should still get the occasional match based on the behavior I see when I take a break (that is, a queue of people who have swiped right on me appear as the first few profiles displayed to me). This doesn't happen. However if I take a break for even a day the first few profiles displayed tend to be matches.