Why aren't you leaving humanity behind Veeky Forums?

Why aren't you leaving humanity behind Veeky Forums?

You realize all your problems in life will be fixed if you take lots of steroids, eat tons of food and get super huge? It's not as crazy as it sounds

>people will respect a 260lb man 100x more than they'll respect a skinny 185lb guy
>your Instagram will sky rocket, with girls checking you out, guys checking you out, and people anonymously creeping your profile because they're Mirin
>you will be able to get jobs easier. Security guard, bouncer, Supplement store worker, etc.
>women will literally be all over you. Don't ever listen to a girl when she tells her skinny 185lb BF "I would never date one of those big bodybuilders". Women are genetically programmed to find the biggest baddest men. When she's fucking you she's visualizing herself fucking a beeping pile of muscle
>life will become better. Your confidence from being so big will land you oppertunities you never would have got before.

>b-but I dont want to take steroids and die young xDD

You're an idiot if you say this. More people than you realize take steroids. And majority of steroid users love well into their 70s (just look at Arnold)
The shit you hear in the news about bodybuilders dying is from their shit diet. Steroids are 100% safe if you do them correctly with only minimal side effects.

The choice is yours. You can, right now, decide to get huge and change your life. Or stay small, Unsatisfied, and irrelevant.

Just remember, soon you'll be 60 years old. Do you want to look back on your life as being a badass giant mother fucker that made people turn heads everywhere he went? Or do you want to look back at how you struggle to get to lol 200lbs 15% bf because you took pride in being "natural"?


you're right.

you're fucking rright

Because I don't want gyno or baldness

just cultivate a positive attitude and be friendly with everyone and you will coast through life, no drugs necessary

This is what a 160lb guy would have you believe. You can make this life fun. You can make yourself a badass. Being 260lbs+ is fun. And anyone who says different is small.

I know this is b8, but you don't have to do roids to get adequately muscular. Once you hit 1/2/3/4 for reps you pretty much reap all the benefits of being muscular, putting on more muscle than that doesnt give any addition benefits [spoiler] as long as you're low bf and aesthetic [/spoiler]

this 2bh, mostly the baldness part.


>take steroids so you can fuck sloots
>limp dick bc steroids

how idiot can you be?

is this a new copypasta?

>know a guy that juices
>They use this one on animals, so it has to be safe, he says
>Complains about how his testicles are literally shrinking
>Is balding
>Heart problems already

He looks good tho.

Juice responsibly, I guess

some of us play sports that are inhibited by unnecessary weight

don't tell me user...you dont play sports or have hobbies and just lift??

You know what's badass? Having money, being able to take your wife to Paris, having people in your line of work respect you. Nothing badass about a guy with big muscles eating chicken out of a tupperware on his timed lunch hour

Meanwhile your wife cucks you

Yeah man livin da dreem

Either you're dumb as fuck or under 22. One day you'll realize. Or you're just a classless as fuck simpleton who takes his gf to Olive Garden on her birthday (and she's happy with it)


That's an entirely different subject... I would hope you'd strive for financial success despite being a bodybuilder. Because it's a well know fact high testosterone + being desiplined enough to make it to 260lbs muscle results in a successful and determined mindset. Just look at majority of bodybuilders on YouTube. They're all rolling in the dough.

How many jacked ceo's, wall street bankers, high profile lawyers, etc. do you see? Literally money and intelligence > muscles. This is not cave man era anymore

No, coming from a 30 year old who has had his heart shattered by someone he waifu'd for 15 years. I learned my fucking lesson, even if I had such a nice job(which I do, I own a cigar shop), money, charisma, her heart and her family's blessing and even CHILDREN, they'll still cuck you just because you don't look good. And trust me, I'm just fucking skinny.

I manned my shit up and got a fucking gym membership two years ago and fucked my shit till I came out as someone else.

If you have such an almost perfect life, why not literally then PERFECT it by getting fit?
No money, as much as you want, can buy you the years of dedication to a gym.

Who would leave someone who is 10/10 in all fields?

Then no offense m8 but you married/dated/were engaged to a shitty woman. Or you're just boring and dumb

But you're not successful

And you're not big

And you're not even good at anything. And yet seem contempt with it.

So what's your point? That jacked CEOs are a diamond dozen? Okay? Enjoy living in mediocrity little guy. Just remember, I'm the 6'5 270lb chad you see being mired everywhere I go with babes in my arms and a comfy 90k a year salary. I'm also the guy at the gym that warms up on bench with your deadlift max.

>security guard, bouncer, supp store worker
>quality jobs with career opportunities

kek. also 2/10 b8


underrated kek

Assumptions: the post. I'm more successful than you'll ever be with you shitty cigar shop.

>you will be able to get jobs easier. Security guard, bouncer, Supplement store worker, etc.

I stopped reading here. I have an actual career already where I make a shit ton more than these jobs.

b8 or retarded

Assumptions: The Post

It's far too obvious you're locked away in a room you don't pay for yourself far too often. Get outside more, you'll feel less compelled to lie to people over the Internet.

Also. I work at a supplement store 50 hours a week making $15 an hour, work as a bouncer on weekends, am a personal trainer, and sell steroids in between. When you get to do what you love for work, life is easy. I work harder in a day than you do in a week. Little fuck boi.

Also. I have $50 grand in SAVINGS and I'm 23. You?

Fucking rekt

It's funny I see this thread pop up. And idk if you're being serious. But I am literally contemplating getting 100% serious and dedicating a few years to steroids, eating healthy, and training like a bodybuilder. There is this dude I went to school with who's now 285lbs going to 300lbs and he's 24. He's massive and has out of control confidence and I swear because of it he's as successful as he is and he's starting to rub off on me. Dude is a house owner, has a wife, a little girl, and dresses in style. We went to school together forever. I remember in grade 8 he was a insecure skeleton rack. No way he was growing up to be someone confident and successful. He started taking gear at 16 and went all out. I gotta say. I want to leave humanity behind.

i don't think it looks good. wanna keep it tight

I'll be honest, testosterone is amazing.

I don't inject shitloads, Just cruise on 200mg most of the year with the odd blast of 500mg + tbol when I want to look better for summer or whatever.

Never had any negative blood tests come back because I always keep my diet good and do plenty of cardio.

Life was good before I started using, but since I started it has been incredible. Personally I think it is worth it. The confidence flows into all aspects of life, career is better, sex life is better, social interaction is better.

All for less than £30 a month.

>>you will be able to get jobs easier. Security guard, bouncer, Supplement store worker, etc.
lmao holy fuck. Youve sold me op, im going to roid so i can accomplish my dream of working shit minimum wage jobs

This is what I imagine. The confidence from steroids and working out will have a domino effect on your life in a healthy way.

makes me want to do it even more. Have you had any negative side effects like ance, shrunken balls or ED? Also, post pics?

>Getting arrested and having a felony on my record to just say "I'm huge"
>Doing those things to get attention

You're not gonna make it.

why aren't half the people from every gym in the country getting locked up for steroid usage then?

I'm saying the risk isn't worth the reward. I can handle dying at 35. I can't handle how my country fucks those who do drugs.

No way half of gym goers use gear. U went full potato.

Most people here are 15-22s with social anxiety, old man. I'm here to help get people's foot in the door.

Plus, 100 bucks says you're a pale, small anti social freak with not even a cent to his name.

More people take gear than you think.

Everyone seems to think you take a pill and over night you gain 30lbs.

You can slack, eat mediocre, train mediocre, and you'll get mediocre results on gear, to the point where people won't even think you took steroids. I see it happen lots.

Everyone you see who you immediately dismiss as a roid head puts more time, effort, and mental focus into their craft than you do into your entire life.

>Everyone you see who you immediately dismiss as a roid head puts more time, effort, and mental focus into their craft than you do into your entire life.

Well hello there blanket statements.

A diamond dozen?

This a meme?

It's not sustainable with my professional commitments user and I like my aspirations more than I like being ripped.

If my gf leaves me because I'm 6'3" and not Arnold so be it, four years and I hardly knew her, but to be honest user I think roiding is best kept to the professional athletes and competing lifters.

Does your family show any patterns of early baldness or baldness in general?

>contempt with it
>diamond dozen

it's shit now

>you will be able to get jobs easier. Security guard, bouncer

kek. you stand in front of a door for ~6 hours and occasionally defend yourself from drunken fratboys (for basically minimum wage). if I'm still doing this beyond my 20s I'll an hero.

>It's not sustainable with my professional commitments user and I like my aspirations more than I like being ripped.
How to start. How to find