You dudebros consistently provide detailed information on how to get "ripped", gain mass and muscle...

You dudebros consistently provide detailed information on how to get "ripped", gain mass and muscle. Yet there is never any positive, encouraging or useful information for more androgynous feminine people who want to learn how to get qt yoga bodies.


ask /g/


What's wrong with that boy's nose?

And why are his eyes so far apart?

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Dudebro'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''mentality'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Truly disgusting.

Estrogen in tap water

>Veeky Forums

We do that all the time. You're just new as fuck.


Because nobody cares about you, because you're stupid and worthless. Don't eat, don't exercise. Done.

Unless you're actually a femanon in which case, tits or gtfo.

>androgynous feminine

What the fuck does this even mean?

Fucking Kill yourself

I'd rather see a /qt-yoga-body general/ than some of the more common shit I see on here.

It's not my thing and I don't know anything about it or I'd help - so good luck to you OP.

Check out the /routine general/ thread. It's made by one with the androgynous feminine body that you're looking for, and nothing posted in there will get anyone ripped with muscle.

because trans people are disgusting


Boo. I represent that comment.

This, turning the potential for a beautiful man's body into an ugly and weak woman's body, except without the ability to bear children.

Truly abominable.

who is that semen demon

>wahh there is too much boy stuff on this board but instead of doing something constructive im just going to complain about it until some beta does it for me

this is what estrogen does to the brain gentlemen

> did u read the sticky

some retarded bitch who used to put videos on YouTube of her talking retarded shit and pissing in her panties. Too bad the normies found her and the channel got taken down...

Dafuq, is that brittney?

>how to get qt yoga bodies

Have you tried... you know... doing yoga?

Absolutely disgusting

>Virgin detected

Looks like a girl i knew from muskeegan, mi
She had big saggy titties and painful period
She aould be 18 atleast by now

On an only slightly serious note, how exactly would one hypertrophy into a yoga body? Doing yoga reps quickly or something?

>why is there so much advise on gaining muscle mass and getting ripped
Because thats hard

>and so little about getting a yoga body
Because thats easy af

maybe if you phrased it better and your post didnt smell of troll

>if you are androgynous/feminine and want the body to match...

this means you already have a good frame, and want to focus on being lean whilst targeting where you want to build muscle

so you cut like anybody else would (read the sticky)
focus glute/hams and try to keep the rest of body in balance so you don't look ridiculous
mobility work for good posture, and no you can't skip this

>bonus: estrogen

but i wouldnt recommend that unless you actually have GID and are seeing an endo