Where were you when Veeky Forums got BTFO by tumblr?

where were you when Veeky Forums got BTFO by tumblr?

This is obviously not the case for a lot of people
Lots of lifters do it for fun

post the real tumbler pic after 2 years.

Lol I love how these comics always make the tumblfucks look attractive and healthy. The delusion is strong with these ones

In real life the tumblr guy is a 400 lb female with blue hair.

That's some awfully stale content you've got there, senpai.

old as fuck


>implying i dont go the gym in the afternoon

>implying any of us drinking kale shakes


>mcd's cup
>I like my self
fuggin fatties

nice meme

>fitness involves waking up early, kale shakes, cold showers and self loathing

this is what normies believe

Jokes on you, my self hatred fuels a lot more than just my fitness goals.

here OP have the aftermath
captcha: letuce

I hate how people think because i, or someone else, wakes up at 5am-ish, eats a good breakfast, works out and has goals is a "loser" and "hates themselves". No wonder 4/10 americans are obese now, and the rates are only going up. Society frowns upon goals and working on bettering yourself, whereas drugs are being pushed to be legalized and being overweight is now a symbol of being "healthy".

Don't be fooled bros. Keep going.

Why so early tho?

>Waiting for someone to post a pic of Jake Clark and compare it to this handsome, well kempt character he drew sipping a soda

>not waking up at 5am for the sunrise
>not listening to Arcade Fire while cooking breakfast
>not reading the news on your ipad while sipping coffee on your patio

c'mon man, do you even life?

I've got the 5 am thing down, now I just need arcade fire and morning news

Not that guy, but I also get up to gym at 5 am.
Its mainly cause work drains my energy so I get my lifts in early so I can put 100% into them.

>arcade fire

So you go to sleep at 9?

Why do normies think working out takes more than 3-4h a week and eating regular healthy food? Its barely a schedule change


5 am as a student isn't so bad either. You get up, eat an actual breakfast for once, do some work or studying if you need to and then get on with your day of classes, friends, weights, and posting on an African lion breeding forum

Because from 5am-8am is god time, where nobody else (atleast the common man) isn't awake. You can cook, workout, run, and enjoy life while watching the sun come up. Gives you an extra 3-4 hours on your day

Other user here. Yes, I go to sleep at 9 or earlier.. sometimes 10.. that's how you do it when you want a productive, successful life.

>posting on Veeky Forums in the afternoon

>that's how you do it when you want a productive, successful life.

how do you explain this contradiction

It's my day off and I'm about to head out. I have chicken cooking for lunch in the kitchen right now

>implying a Chad board is filled with r9kbots

ahaha okay, you were just stopping by!

>liking yourself
>but not wanting to become the best possible version of yourself
something seems of here
>not enjoying working out and a healthy lifestyle

Yup just trying to tone up for the summer.

My wife and I get up around 5-5:30 every day so we can run together with minimal traffic and nobody to agitate our dog (she is bad with other dogs). Also gives us lots of time to actually prepare real food for breakfast rather than just grabbing something quick while rushing out the door. We both function pretty well off of ~6.5-7.5 hours of sleep, so it's really not too inhibitory for our social lives.

pics of wife

who the fuck brags that much other than cranky seniles with dadbods?

Also pic related

>liking yourself

>thinking about skipping a workout
>implying he doesn't like working out and forces himself to do it
>not thoroughly enjoying and looking forward to the gym

Never gonna make it

Also the smug look on the fucker's face as he sips his fucking soda will never cease to piss me off to the 7th layer of hell because people like that actually exist

>typing out your fantasy life
how are you not embarrassed man, obviously there's no hard proof but me and you both know you're creating a fantasy here, this isn't healthy


>not going to the gym at 2-3am or at noon when it's empty as fuck

If there's anything that i hate more than degenerates and fuccbois, is smug millenial assholes

You honestly thinkg drug legalization is in anyway related to the obesity epidemic?
portugal is so goddamn fat huh?
apply yourself son

because uni class starts at 7

>>It's afternoon where I am, so it's afternoon wherever other anons are.

Ye well ur mom is a bitch

this lol
always 2 silly extremes
Everything is so black and white in tumblr world

Double dubs for truth.

>Reading comprehension

Kekd and checked


Waking up at 4 am tomorrow. Was gonna make it 5.


Were you born before 1980?


I'd just like to inform you that you've committed a microaggresion; the phrase
>black and white
Is an outdated idiom that harms POCs as native, asian, indian people are excluded. Please refrain from using such outdated language in the future.
Thank you

lol that sure is a funny pic XD literally made audible laughing noises

Ofcourse they aren't a cause dipshit but it's a silly thing to complain about when everyone is all fucking pilled up on "prescribed" drugs and bullshit anti anxiety/depressant crap.

You can save it if you like XDD

Normies don't know shit man
>come home from the gym
>hungry skeleton roommate asks how my run was
>my what?
>don't you run at the gym??
>mfw this fag thinks he has a fast metabolism so he doesn't need to workout but really he's growing man tits slowly

Maybe he actually has interests and hobbies outside of lifting weights. You'll develop these once you get a bigboy job. Or not kek.

>I make software at a 9 to 5 making triple what he does on easier hours
>he works at Walmart stacking boxes for shit wages and stupid hours
Yeah OK senpai. Project harder please.

I have interests and hobbies outside of weightlifting and I don't have a bigboy job.
Debate me, you will lose.

Video games isnt a hobby

>can't afford his own place

>doesn't know the difference between needs and wants
Stay poor pleb. 70k a year is hardly struggling. Not when cost of living is already low as shit in my area.

Well i guess this disproves OP

lifting isn't a hobby

>can't afford his own place

>can't even pay attention much less his rent
Let me guess. You buy Jordan's because only poor people buy off brand right?

yeah im improving myself because i hate myself


>can't afford his own place

Shitposting on a Malaysian shoemaking hobbyist forum isn't a hobby.

Shame Shmorky went off the deep end this year.

Haha this is great, can you give me your Twitter account so I can follow it? :)

Is big boy job what you call your man-FUPA?

>Haven't woken up at 5am since i left the military

Feels good Fuck the sunrise and i make my breakfast the night before or lean cuisine meal with some cottage cheese and fruit

no one on tumblr likes themselves

Mah nigga i love to save and stack my cash too

>African lion breeding forum

Well memed, I laughed.

I'd post twolionslaughing.jpeg but I cba.

Y'know what grinds my gears?
People who stay up all night and sleep half the day away, as if that's being more productive and brag about it on social media

Ride on brother, you just motivated me to wake up an hour earlier as well


>liking itself

Used to suffer from pretty severe insomnia. Was always pissed off by people who talked about how fucking tired they always were and how little they slept as though it was a badge of pride. It's kind of like bragging about how you only got a LITTLE brain damage from smashing your head against a rock continuously.

I love myself enough to put work into it to make my body the best it can be

Its the least I can do for the millions of cells actively working to death to keep me alive.

from the thumbnail i thought this was one of those things they use to jack off elephants

sadly after clicking on the picture it was not

>kale shake

who the fuck here drinks kale shakes

Its just what normies believe

> had a girl ask me if wheat grass or kale juice was better for you

This. I swear if normies had even an ounce of critical thinking ability they'd realize that, no, you don't have to go raw food vegan to be healthy, you just have to not eat hamburgers and a large fucking coke for every meal.

11:00 pm Saturday night master race checking in

Yea, but how come you don't have your own place? I make $65k in an eastern seaboard metropolis and bought a newly constructed home with 25% down. Oh yeah, and I'm 26 y/o

I dont talk to anybody about my fitness activities unless they ask me about it.

Different user here, my schedule is:
6AM: Get up, walk dog, make breakfast, water plants.
7:30AM: Grab gym bag, leave.
7:45AM: Lift
9:15AM: Shower
9:30AM: Work
7:45PM: Get home, eat dinner, chill with GF & pets.
9:00PM: brush teeth, wash face, floss, etc.
930PM: Lights out

>work evening shift at job, leave work at 2 or 3 AM
>usually sleep from 5 AM - 1 PM
>gym isn't open 24/7, so have to go to gym and shower before work

I hate my schedule.

Yeah blows their minds when i tell them i buy the cheapest shit at the grocery store and buy out the clearance meat and fruits

and tell them i mpstly live off of canned beans,canned chili, milk and yogurt