What is wrong with not doing squats and deadlifts?

What is wrong with not doing squats and deadlifts?

You wont make gains

squats you can skip, there are other ways to train legs. Not as efficient, but they are

lack of deadlifts really show though, always. I don't know why you'd want to skip them to begin with

You probably wont have enough training intensity or training load to induce as much endogenous test and gh as you would if you included these high intensity fullbody lifts.

You will also have a weak everything.

If you were dead set on not doing either, you could strengthen you posterior chain with hip thrusts, and just have weak legs

Other way around, squat is the most effective leg excersise. They could be substituted with about three other excersises.

I know I'd fuck up my form eventually, one mistake and I'll be on a one way ticket to snap city


Deadlifts are literally safer than bench.

Just focus on keeping your spine in neutrality and you are good. When your back is strong (dl 450lb or more), you will be able to handle compromising positions (lumbar or thoracic flexion) without any injury at all.

Dont be afrais, just be cautious.

The guy said there are other, not as efficient ways to train legs.

Implying squats are the most effective.

You are in agreement.

Deadlifts are nowhere near that level of injury risk

I'm personally having issues getting the deadlift form correct. I always feel fine up until my workset, and then once I start lowering the bar there's a spot in my lower back that starts to hurt, same place every time. I can't tell if it's a muscle thing or a spine thing but it frightens me so I stop when I feel it.


Hey, I'd like to know what Mag you read that said deadlifts are safer than benching. Resident Med student here, and I can tell you that DLing, however important it is, is not a safe exercise to do.

Incline bench doesn't pose as much risk as flat.

The problem is that you'll have one day where you're not fully concentrated, or you're thinking about some shit that happened at work or something and you'll forget to keep your spine neutral - that's it, game over, you've permanently fucked your spine up (if you're lifting heavy).

I know I sound like a pussy, but I'd rather not take that chance on my health.

From what I can tell, squats and deadlifts are just very time efficient, they're not magical - there are replacement lifts which can be used in their place.

You don't get to visit snap city.


But they're fun user, getting strong is always gonna have some injury risk but far less stastically then playing a game of pickup soccer.

nothing. they are memelifts that people only do for internet approval points. unless you are a skelly or pro body builder there's no reason to do them. rack pulls are good though.

if you can manage to think about anything other than the lift while deadlifting then congrats to you, you brainiac.

the reason i like deadlifts so much is that the ONLY thing my mind is thinking about is form and lifting the weight. it's an empty headed feel that only meditation or heavy opiate use can compare to.

If you think bench is more safe then you are no med student you liar.

>Get safety rail or whatever it's called
>Problem solved
>RIP discs

The Bench press is by far much safer than a deadlift. More back injuries occur yearly due to improper deadlifting than benching. The strain placed on your back is enormous. Improper form can lead to the pulverization of your hips. Try and prove me wrong with all of the Bro-Science sites and sports illustrated mags, deadlifting is too dangerous for the little muscle you'd gain performing the exercise. Like user said above me, it's basically a lift you would do to show off how many penis points you have.

You'd be safer doing a CKC such as the leg curling machine than deadlifts. CKC for legs may place more strain on your knees, thus wearing away cartilage faster, but I'd sooner have my knee's replaced than my hips or have my back fucked man.

What are the properties again?

This makes no sense, I've never had trouble keeping proper form in a deadlift, it actually takes effort to do it wrong.