What is Veeky Forumsbros opinion on plastic surgery?

what is Veeky Forumsbros opinion on plastic surgery?

cheating, fraud, etc...

I think about all the future husbands of the jewish girls I went to HS with and how they'll react when their kid comes out with an 2 foot schnoz

how fucking long has she had all that garbage splattered around the kitchen for

i probably wouldn't consider it since im kinda comfortable with the way my face looks but i can understand why some people would want to take the risk

depends. if it is to fix a deformity, then why not - you also get a surgery when you are fucked up internally
I'm going to get loose skin removed after loosing a lot of weight and I don't think about it as cheating

as long as you are honest about it

I don't want my kid to look like a jew

Satanic and evil.

Sameness = Satanic

I plan to get several surgeries asap, funds permitting

I'm actually considering it. I've lost 50 pounds and I'm no longer "overweight", but I still have a belly. Come to think of it, I've ALWAYS had a belly, even when I was younger and lighter than I am now.

Don't need it, I am naturally beautiful.

I have been considering it since I really despise the way my nose and lips look.
I have a Slavic potato nose, and full lips and it would just be so much better if I got a bit of work done.

She looks better for it, but still reeks of insecurity.

Absolutely nothing wrong with it. If I felt like I needed it, I'd get it. But I'm already like a 6/10 and that's all you need as a man.

amen my friend

plastic surgery for the sake of aesthetics is the lowest of the low.

then again women build themselves first and foremost around their looks, centuries of feminist will not supersede millenniums of evolution.

Does cosmetic dentistry count as plastic surgery? Because I would absolutely love a new set of teeth.


haha rofl


It's embarrassing if you know a lot of people, and they will think you're superficial if you get work down... but if you're in cocoon mode/have no social life atm and then it will help your confidence to get out there, AND you have the money... absolutely nothing wrong with it.

I'm moving out of my state early next year and plan to get a little work done before I go. Just need a bit of nose reduction and forehead thinning.

Cant wait til i can afford to get my nose job. Though its because i have a deviated septum and have never been able to properly breathe through my nose.

Depends on how extreme the surgery is.

I've had my nose broken a lot, so it's a bit crooked. I intent to have it fixed. I don't want it reshaped with plastic, or have anything done to it that will make it easier to break next time, but if they just snap it and set it to heal in the right spot I'll be happy.

Nothing wrong with that, and I can sympathize with anybody who wants the surgery because they just happen to be straight up ugly too, as long as they don't lie about it.

fucking hell this is why all the chinese prostitutes look the fucking same

These facial gains tho, might consider minor things nothingness crazy like these full overhauls.

>Being a sub human ignorant

She is Korean, you mongrel.

they were advertised as Chinese calm down faggot. Although Korean spinners also look like them so fuck off.

I used to be against it and still think it can be dangerous and that girls who have a lot of very obvious plastic surgery have ruined their looks and look like freaks.

But now at the same time I think if you have one or two very bad "problem areas" like an ugly as fuck nose, chin, neck, brow, etc that a little bit of surgery may be overall beneficial to your sense of well-being and happiness. A lot of ugly people can look a whole lot better with a bit of nose work (as the op image shows). Though it could easily lead to a runaway train of procedures and operations, and that should be avoided.

I'd never want it for myself but sometimes seeing an oddly attractive 6/10 chick with a huge nose I silently think she'd look absolutely gorgeous with a smaller nose and more doors would open for her.

Pretty much this. If it's a some sort of birth defect or something then yeah it's cool. For the general population though it's kind of ridiculous.

Im fine with it as long as people are honest about it. The girl in the pic made a good decision I think.

Good choice in OpOpie's pic. She went from a 3 to a 6.

usually it's a lateral move. The best surgery tends to be the one that makes a minor change. OP's pic is a shit example because the before picture is the most unflattering way to take one and the after pic is as flattering as possible.

i've had 2 operations done (my stickout ears and gyno).
the ears still stick out a little bit, so i don't feel i got my money's worth, but i'm 100% satisfied with my gyno surgery

do stomach vacuums

I might get laser resurfacing for my acne scars

If I held your mouth closed, would you die?

its fine, you dont hurt anyone, in fact for the most part you are making everything better for everyone by doing it

you give the surgeon money, and everyone else a handsome face to look at

It's a guy.

>the after pic is as flattering as possible


The light, stupid

It's not just nose
That was facial feminization
So likely nose, brows, forehead, chin, jaw, etc

I can accept it if you already look okay but want to improve on or two things.
It is not okay for seriously ugly people, or people who have been born deformed, to have plastic surgery.
Imagine if you had children with "beatiful" woman and then all of your children are hideous because she lied about her looks. I would freak out and divorce her.
Only people who have been deformed because of an accident can do it since they won't surprise you with ugly children. If an ugly person has to use plastic surgery to get married, then it's better if they don't get married at all.

Your original post didn't single out lighting as the one factor that was worst/best ... I don't think you know what "as possible" means.

People who are born deformed often have normal looking parents so even that reasoning is shitty
A lot of things can go wrong during pregnancy


yeah well you definately know what autism means, consider you've must have heard it throughout your childhood

It wasn't my post but I'm just pointing out
The lightning in the before is quite obviously accentuating the problems and the in the after it is smoother so things look better

It would be exceedingly painful

>for you

made me gag. fucking disgusting gook

talk about offensive

we are all genetically the same

just because some our of features and tone of our skin can differ, doesn't make anyone lesser or more of a human being

stop this nonsense, srs

t.Subhuman or someone who's never forced to interact with actual subhumans

As long as it isn't in the genes, I don't mind.

I was always under the impression that getting plastic surgery ensured your kids will have good facial features?


I'm going to get jaw surgery at some point since my genetics fucked me.

> >she

I'm an ugly fucker, but I still wouldn't get plastic surgery. I'm not ugly enough that it's worth the risk of it turning out bad, plus it's sort of like being a tranny, except you're pretending to be an attractive person rather than a girl.


>not being content with looks
>not focusing on career and self improvement

plastic surgery is self improvement

1. Physical look
2. Self improvement

Yeah, sure

>not realising that your looks directly relate to your career progression
>what is the halo effect

Imagine having a child with those and then wondering why your kids are ugly af

I have to get the exact same operation, my mouth breathing during the night is hell bad because of this fucked condition

>physical look isn't self improvement
>on fucking Veeky Forums


When you say plastic surgery, is that including tummy tucks? Ive got extra skin from being obese as fuck and plan to get one after I have kids.

well yeah, that counts as plastic surgery

>marry plastic surgery girl
>have ugly kids

Make sure you look at childhood pics anons.

You don't want to end up with beastly kids.

little bit like OP? sure

complete facial reconstruction like:

only if you're extremely fucking ugly, but even then you shouldn't go that far... probably dysmorphia

The main problem I see with it other than the superficial side of it is that if you ever have children with this person thinking she's beautiful and smart, you'll learn by your child that she might've only been smart. i.e. the child will be ugly as fuck and will also need plastic surgery because her genes are still fucked up, which is the whole point of looking for a good appearance on an evolutionary standpoint.