Quit lifting tnread

>Lifted for 8 month.
>Got the gainz I wanted
>Gonna do cardio and play sports to stay Veeky Forums now.
>Actually happy with my body and fitness routine
Got any quitting lifting stories Veeky Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:


>lifted for a year and a half
>mad gains, deadlift from 220 lb to 500
>go to university and stop working out
>now a fat fuck

this is retarded

Just do cardio and play sports.
I'm still cutting (245 - 215). Losing weight is easy nigger just drink a lot less and avoid sugar, keep eating plenty of protein you'll be lean in a year.

What is?
Having lifting being a chapter not a whole book on being Veeky Forums?
It's smart

You will need to start lifting in 1 to 2 years again.

Or you need to max your reps to at least 300 400 of own bodyweight trainings in a good cycle to keep up your gains.

I didn't lose my gainz before after years of not lifting so this is bunk.

>PAJEET is eating VINDALOO while POOPING in the STREET

>Lifted for over 5 years
>Made great gains got to some pretty heavy lifts
>Start feeling achy in the wrong places like joints and tendons
>Right elbow was always aching
>Try some time off after switching to lighter loads wasnt helping
>Start doing body weight exercises just because they are easy
>Have more fun doing them then I ever did lifting plus I feel light and agile since I'm used to controlling my body but still feel very strong
>Added in weights for legs and accessories

I never will quit but I love the change up my joints feels great now.

>lifted for 8 months
>got gainz i wanted

Its like going to school for 8 months and learning everything you need to know about life

Once I get leaner from daily cardio I might throw in some calisthenics. It's my goal to be strong enough to do pull ups and decline crunches daily. I got decent gainz now I just want to be lean and strong.

Not everyone wants to look like zyzz. I got gains in shoulders arms back and chest. It's enough for me my goal is actual fitness now.

Maybe because there were no gains to be lost?

You are retarded

Framelets say what? I bet you still have normie tier shoulder width.

Not that guy but you're retarded

Enjoy snapping your shit up just to still look dyel

>lifted for about 2 years
>got to thailand for a month (23)
>was the peak of my life
>slayed mad amounts of pussy with my hot beach body
>now 5 years later
>let myself go
>hadn't lifted at all for the past year
>got fat
>hardly get any girls now
>going to thailand for a month again in october
>went back to lifting
>cutting like crazy
>not gonna be shredded obviously, but will lose my belly hopefully
>we're all gonna m-make it right?

Sharky pls

>getting fat
This is why lifting isn't good long term. Do daily cardio and throw in calisthenics if you want to be strong

Not the that dude. The concept is sound. This thread is retarded though.

The concept is sound it's insecure fiticizens who made the thread retarded

Since when hookers/traps care about the customers body and not for his money?

no it's just that i ate like a depressed fatty. i probably would have still looked great if i only didn't eat trash.

>paying for sex
absolute beta

I don't pay them for sex
I pay them to leave

>saw little to no progress lifting on an off for two years
>realized its futile and I'll never be who I want
>stop lifting
>continue being miserable, but less so since I'm not an active failure, just a retired failure

Just do push ups and pull ups daily. Easy as shit. Basically no effort and youll get in shape. Oh yea, don't overeat u Lego head


>> Started powerlifting at 16 after struggling with eating disorders
>> Lift for a year and a half. Go from 115 to 190 pounds bodyweight. 405 squat. 500 deadlift.
>> Eating disorders again. No progress for three and a half years.
>> Get injured and gain weight.
>> Start lifting again. Start with bar. Bulk despite being 20 pounds fatter.
>> Get past eating disorders and fall in love with oly.
>> Fuck lifting for appearance.
>> Snatch and C&J every fucking day.
>> Happier with myself and my body and with lifting than ever, even being fatter than I ever have.

Veeky Forums, when did you stop lifting to cover up your insecurities and start learning to enjoy lifting for the purpose of lifting, the technical aspects of the snatch, or a heavy-as-shit, or how fucking alpha the jerk feels? Or how damn satisfying a solid, deep squat feels?


What are those things?

holy shit

>Powerlifting at 16
>Hit 405 500 in less than two years and gain eighty
Sure user

c&j = clean and jerk, they are both powerlifting exercises. also lurk more

>lurk more

Make me

got a feisty one over here

Powerlifting exercises?

Is everybody on Veeky Forums this fucking stupid?

The squat, bench, and deadlift are the two competitive powerlifting movements.

The Clean & Jerk and the Snatch are the two competitive olympic movements.

Jesus fucking christ. I have to put up with this shit in my uni gym but never did I think people on Veeky Forums would be this ignorant.

Yeah. I was gaining a pound a week.

>> 1.5 years
>> 78 weeks
>> gain a pound a week, consistently.
>> add holidays
>> OMG user how could you gain 80 WHOLE pounds in a year in a half!?!?

Yeah, some was fat. That's normal. But I pretty much maintained my same bodyfat percentage all the way through.

And I ran Starting Strength, and variations of it designed to drag out linear progress, for nearly a year straight, and ran borderline-bulgarian programming afterward.

Some of us actually train. And train for strength,

I had the benefit of starting off in a powerlifting gym. The next weakest person there squatted five hundred.

Funny thing is, I'm actually weaker now. Still coming back after that stupid injury.


Clean and Jerk.

Fucking idiot.

>deadlift increases 280lbs in 1.5 years

Yeah ok buddy lol

I managed.

Its literally adding ten pounds every third week. Do you really think that's completely unsustainable, especially as new lifter, with a shitload of newb gains available, and adding bodyweight?