Post shoulders and post your OHP stats

1.5pl8 for 2 reps
7 shoulder dislocations pls no bully

>5pl8 ohp




Dyel Veeky Forums?

>120lb for sets of 3

Fuark 1pl8 is just teasing me at this point.

Learn to read faggot

OHP 70kg - my delts are my best body part

Stupid question: is OHP the same as clean & press?

Maybe the first rep if you lift it off the ground like me.

Also 135 for 5

So most people don't start by lifting it off the ground? Do they use a squat rack to get it?

When I google images for OHP, military press and clean and press they all come with the same workout diagrams.

they look nice, better pic?


Fucking dyel Veeky Forums with skelly's and neckbeards confirm nobody besides a few have shoulders here top kek

>280 lbs

Either bullshit or tell us your secrets sempai

lmao you look like a little shit stinking bitch

fuck off puny mantlet

supposed to be 180 sorry


Nice shoulders senpai

190lbs. Just snuck past BW (185)


6'4, 92kg

Stay jelly neckbeard

>7 shoulder dislocations pls no bully
what, why are you only doing 7? That just gets your shit warmed up.

Also press 85kg at least, I just do a bunch of triples and have found that it's pretty much the best way to increase your le press


Why is Veeky Forums so terrible at reading comprehension? On every fucking board?

>frogposting tripfag that lacks comprehension abilities

Why are you so greasy?

>When I google images for OHP, military press and clean and press they all come with the same workout diagrams.

No they fucking don't,

you got a video of your claims?

>video screenshot from 2 weeks ago

Weight was 27.5kg each side, current PR was hit a few days ago

Of all the lifts I've researched it feels like OHP has the widest variance in recommended form. The form you learn from Starting Strength is completely different from the form you learn via Stronglifts, for example, and I've seen so much conflicting advice regarding grip (open or closed?) stance (wide or heel to heel?) and arm position (tucked in or flared?). It doesn't make any sense.

>Mfw just did 4 reps of one pl8

We all do seated OHP right?

I do both. First standing just to get stronger. Then seated because it targets the shoulders better.


225x5 atm

Also OP roids

Oh well, they dropped "health" from the description of /fit a long time ago.


Yes sempai