Im starting a bike trip around the world with my gf in 6 months...

Im starting a bike trip around the world with my gf in 6 months. I wasnt to stay reasonably Veeky Forums so i can protect her and intimidate 3rd world manlets. Ive been casual Veeky Forums for a year, gone from 140 to 162 at 6ft.

I havent done the math, but I'm guessing 40-80 miles a day with 80lbs of bike+gear is about 4000 calories a day just for pedaling. Is there any hope in maintaining Veeky Forums in this situation? Will i be able to get used to shoving 7000+ calories a day down my throat?

What kind of bodyweight exercises can I do that will build muscle and require no gear (not even pullup bar)? Should I bring resistance bands or whatever those stretching things are called? If i can only bring one or two strengths, what should they be?

Thanks Veeky Forums

pic is big ol truck in canada from last trip

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have you ever ridden 20 miles a day for more than a week

also i hope your bikes float because of the whole Bering Strait thing

yeah i did a 4 month tour in canada, US an mexico a couple years ago. See pics related.
An obviously some plane/boat travel will be incorporated.


qt hippie in british colombia

Trail mix man. Shove your mouth full of them godly almonds and raisins every chance you get. Also, pbj sandwiches, (jar of peanut butter keeps for ages and those mini jam cartons are super easy to swipe from diners) make a half dozen at the start of each day and aim to eat them all. As for body weight just do push-up variations and resistance band flies, maybe figure out a good form to OHP your bicycle with and do lat raises and curls with two backpacks.

Super jelly OP, always wanted to go on a long distance bike trip.

>OHP your bicycle
Thats a good idea. Just tried it, cant put the top tube on chest well but its better than nothing
>Super jelly OP, always wanted to go on a long distance bike trip.
nothing stopping you but time and inclination man. It's the cheapest way to travel

I've got a waifu and a couple kids so world adventures are on hold for now.

I live in BC though so trail riding gets done about 3-4 times a week. Lol so hard when I see people staring at a TV on their exercise bike at the gym when there are dozens of good forest trails less than a 10 minute ride away.

I plan on doing a cross Canada bike tour this august. Food ideas are what's killing me too man. Rice, trail mix, MREs are all that really come to mind. I'm sure you could get away with using trees for your pullups.

Where abouts are you? Kamloops here. If you can scrape together enough money to support them for a few months I guarantee they would be supportive. Those kids would think you're a super hero

Milk is your best friend. Basically do GOMAD, it will keep throughout the day but throw it away in the morning if theres any left.

On my trip the rule of thumb was 300 calories per dollar, sometimes a worse ratio if it was high protein. Milk has 500-600/dollar even when overpaying in gas stations.

Rice takes too long to cook.

Instant oatmeal (the packets are convenient) and ramen are good.

Kraft dinners (the macaroni and cheese things) still taste decent without the butter, and you can add some of your milk. Thats 750 calories for 1-2 dollars.

Instant mashed potatoes.

Eggs. Usually have to buy a dozen, but you can cook and eat some in the morning, boil the rest and eat throughout the day. Flavor boiled eggs with mayonnaise packs snatched from fast food places.

Mcdonalds. McChicken has 360 calories for $1.20

Dried fruit bags from gas stations are surprisingly high calorie (basically all sugar)

MREs? not sure where youre even going to get that, and have a bad weight/calorie and cost/calorie ration (source: was in US army)

If youre especially worried about protein, not a bad idea to bring powder with you.

For grains other than rice that cook faster and have more protein, try quinoa and couscous. Still good cost/calorie ratio bu not as cheap as rice ofc

Oh, and vienna sausages.

Appreciate the ideas friendo, the snatching stuff from fast food is a golden idea. I found a surplus store that sells MREs for $11 and 2800cals. Those might last a week though loaded up. Water is something I worry about as well. Likely going to get a camel back bag with a few litres and ration it until I get to the next town. Might be hard on some stretches of road though.

Whats your general route look like? The thing is, you need water for cooking, washing dishes and cleaning clothes as well. A water source was my number one priority for picking a spot to spend the night, and it usually wasnt hard. But I wasnt in super isolated areas. Also consider getting a pump filter or UV pen, no lack of streams in Canada. You should at least spend 10 bucks on iodine pills for an emergency

All I have planned so far is taking the Canyon roads from Vancouver. Did you have any fears of someone snatching your bike at any point in time? I've read to many stories about people having to cut their trip short because of that

No lol I actually didnt even carry a lock for the Canada portion of my trip. Wouldnt necessarily recommend that. In small towns/rural areas in a first world country, not a major risk. Feels a lot more sketchy when you go through a city. Just carry a little cable lock.
Keep all your electronics, money and documents in a separate easily removable bag, and never let that leave your person.

>bike trip around the world with my gf
You're going to get murdered in a third world shithole. And your gf will be raped then murdered.

thousand of people have done it fampai.

ive already done it to some extent

dont be scared of the world.

you know theres a trancanada route? ive heard good and bad things about it

Hitchhiked out to BC last year, was fun

Sparwood is a cute little town

Metro Vancouver. I live in the Fraser Valley (Langley).

When the most glorious spawn are old enough to understand what I'm doing I really should. I've been aiming to be able to do a century ride by next Sumner but a cross Canada trip is a killer long term Veeky Forums goal

id advise against biking that across the prairies unless you want to lose your mind. ive driven from edmonton to regina and its like the fucking twilight zone, its beyond flat and theres absolutely NOTHING, and the small number of towns you go through are tiny farming communities with a population of 100 and they proudly boast they have no services. i cant imagine what itd be like on a bike, probably like riding through limbo or being stuck in The Jaunt.

I talked to a guy who told me the highway trucks passing will really try and pull you into or off the road with their wind so I decided on the direction that would be less populated and I know a few people on the way there so I would have a real bed to sleep in for a few nights. Thats the biggest selling point for me

check out Site for letting bicycle tourists to crash on your couch. I've used it a dozen times, even in mexico. Real fun and met a lot of nice people. Also strangers love helping single bicycle tourists. Expect to be invited into homes for the night.
As far as the truck thing..... ehhhh.. id be wary of ancedotal evidence. I've done 7000 kilometers of touring, yeah youll be pulled a bit by the wind as the trucks pass, buts its a non-issue. Ive been passed by tens of thousands of trucks, if anything they give you more space than normal drivers. just see the stuff you want to see.

I should add I'll be riding this thing, and not a bike as I said earlier, so I will surely be a lot lighter than you. I will check out that site, it looks like it will be a major help on the trip

This. Edmonton to Jasper was boring af. That being said, can't really avoid it without going way north

holy shit, nice. backpack or trailer?

everything is good, but some thirld world countries don't have manlets and weak people, they died cause evolution didnt pamper them.

Backpack and some saddle bags under the seat. I'm not sure if my cousin will be ready for the trip but I'm hoping he rides with me on his to lighten the load between us.

Youre gonna get a fuck ton of attention. Prepare to recite your story 5 times a day

If shes white 3rd world manlets wont even go near her