What's the most freakishly big bodybuilder out there?

What's the most freakishly big bodybuilder out there?

looks like he skipped head day

big lenny

>headlets btfo

Big Ramy

It's amazing though... So many IFBB pros fucking BALLOONED this year.

Top kek

Why aren't you doing Starting Space Marine, user?

@Craiggolias on Instagram.

New drugs on the market?

big lenny

he must be like 5'2

what makes someone want to limit their range of motion that much? I'm surprised he can get a proper workout in with that little mobility.

isn't this guy like almost 7 ft tall?

>those tiny shoes

Jason Blaha

anime isn't real

Yeah well he's a nigger what can you do?

Who is that guy though, over years on the internet I always thought it was shooped.

A lot of advancements in myostatin inhibitors have been made in Iraq recently.

His name is M'tumbwe Oogaboowlikkamikte

>mfw I actually googled that

>roiding for this

Ramy today
Paul Dillet or Markus Ruhl from the past

Why would someone do this to thrnsekves