Hey fitbros

Hey fitbros,
A month ago I met a girl at the gym who honestly seemed interested in me. For a while we were hanging out hugging/holding hands and all seemed good.-- well, until I suddenly slipped into the friendzone.
I don't know how, why or anything but I'm kind of at the point where I wanna just stop talking to her if she's wasting my time.
BUT she's cute, and it would be such a waste if someone else takes her.
Wat do?

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make a real fucking move then. The reason you slipped into the friendzone is because you didn't, you were wasting her time

just rape her dude

>Make 0 fucking moves
>No kiss no date no nothing
>Bawww I got friendzones

Don't cut her off. She might have QT3.14 friends you can meet through her

Well, she left me no space to plan like proper date. And then suddenly I was a friend (like when introducing me to people.)
I can just go and tell her that I want a date, then she might either just stop talking to me or accepts it.
I mean, my question was this, I totally want to stop talking to her, and didn't talk to her for a few days. Will that probably make her intentions more clear?

>hugging/holding hands

Beta as fuck.

>I can just go and tell her that I want a date
That's what you should have done in the first place, desu

Even if she refuses, if you had the courage to ask her out, why wouldn't you ask any other girl on a date?

>to plan like a proper date
There is nothing to plan. Maybe a reservation for a restaurant if you've got the money for that, or tickets for a cinema, but seriously. Just go with it. Girls love a bit of spontaneity.

>met a girl
>hit it off quite good
>make plans to go do sports sometime
>plans fall through
>after a while we do sports together
>she wants to do this "more often", but "can't next week"
>go the week afterwards
>a week or two later make plans but I have to cancel due to injury
>she invites me to her birthdayparty
>we go cycling and doing yoga the same week
>during the cycling trip I think there was a moment I should've taken a risk and make a move
>pussied out
>yoga was a few days afterwards and really fun but we didn't do anything since
did I fuck up by not taking the risk?
I mean if she rejected me it would've been an hour cycling back together awkwardly which is why I didn't do anything

i'd rather ahve her never had any interest in me than actually having had a chance and losing it due to pussying out.

>go do sports sometime
>do sports together

What does this mean?

Exactly man..
It's not like I'm pussied out or anything because at first SHE was tallking me to hang out more and to meet tonight, tomorrow -whatever. Then always coming up with a lame excuse.
For example, two days ago:

>in work
>finishing up to go to the gym
>by texting her earlier, we were supposed to go the gym together, then spend the night together
>i had so many things planned for the night, all canceled to make room for her
>go to gym, she doesn't pick up
>eventually finishing all my sets, I know by this point she just backed out
>sends a message by 1:15am
>"heeyyy babes, call you soon!"

She gives me contradictory signals man

ITT: Pussies.

Slap her ass and see what she says

didnt want to specify what sports activity we did because people might know me
yeah that really sucks
just make a mental note not to cancel plans with friends just to make room for her
if she agreed on a date then obviously don't make other plans at the same time, but in that case i'd be annoyed that she cancelled that late

in my case I tried to show her interest by saying that I really enjoy spending time with her, so she knows it's not only about finding someone to do sports with.
before that she wanted to go rockclimbing with me, and wanted to doo that "soon"
maybe i'm overthinking this shit, she has exams sooon and has to study but it bugs me. I'd think if she was actually interested, she'd try to see me sometimes or propose another day for meeting up when she has no time at the date I asked her.

You start joking around. "friend huh... Yeah.."

I've had this happen plenty of times. Girls specifically stating you're a friend means theyre interested. Especially when you've only known each other a short while.

I've taken "Just a Friend" to sex 3 times in december.

Yeah, exactly.
A question though out of curiosity: how frequently does she reply to your messages and calls?

Man, if this is true.. I'd sure love to be just a friend

Man, if this is true.. I'd sure love to be just a friend

Wrong reply earlier

Mane, take sum xtc. All flows well after.

lol don't believe this retard

if you want her GO GET HER
she showed interest you say...
but now she dows not...
maybe it is time for you pussy-fag-weakling-beta-fag to show your manliness and do stuff to get her...
like say you want her and such...
stick you dick in her or smth...

Quit being such a faggot and trying to play mind games.. You're not going to talk to her so that your intentions are clear?? That could be interpreted a thousand different ways.
Nut up and just tell her what you want, queerbait

If you end up asking her out and she isn't interested, start flirting with women whenever you two hang out. I can guarantee she'll hop right on your dick.

I rarely endorse anything by GoodLookingLoser since the site is mostly bro science, especially the stuff related to training and nutrition.

But the one thing he really gets right is the "Get laid or get lost" mindset.


>I wanna just stop talking to her if she's wasting my time
This is the right mindset to have. But first, make a move. Try to fuck her. If it doesn't work, fine. Screen her out. She is wasting your time.

Too bad girls never hook you up with their pretty friends. They always give you the 4/10 ugly troll with a great personality. Fucking sluts can rot in Hell.

>For a while we were hanging out hugging/holding hands

There's your problem. Are you in middle school? Make a move.