Your mind is teleported into the body of charles V on the day he gets crowned king of spain

Your mind is teleported into the body of charles V on the day he gets crowned king of spain
You retain all of his memories and know all the languages he knew
What do you do to save your empire?

Kill my infant son, Philip that is.

KarlV: flash2: selling full blk (g) 50k

Killing all the luterans after they made his giant chimpout and destroy Europa and the World forever.

Sorry, factually Sweden would stop you

This! but also adopt the entire Orange family give them primacy in succession and convert myself and most of the realm to Calvinism.

In all honesty, how would sweden stop the spainish at their height from fucking them in the ass?

Invent the printing press, the compass, gunpowder, and go on to discover America.


I don't think it's possible to save it. But I'd create an independent Burgundian kingdom (modern Belgium, Netherlands and franche Comté). That way Castille doesn't have to deal with useless wars and can focus on the Mediterranean against the Turks.

>literally kill all of europe


>inventing gunpowder
>inventing the compass
>discovering America

Truly visionary.

How would having a capable family with a love for tolerance on the throne of the mightiest feudal realm of Europe and converting that realm to a religion that promotes a strong work ethic, individualism and resists superstition "kill Europe"? Its the only way to avoid the religious wars.

>kill your son and adopt a new non habsburg family
>cause giant chimp out that destroys your emempi because you tried to take spain from the hapsburgs and converted to a protestant branch

People killed their family members all the time back then, its not like I would advertise it. The Oranges were extremely popular with both the imperial and Castilian nobility. Protestantism was the new hot thing if an authority figure like Charles adopted it, it would be spread very easily like with Constantine and Christianity.

They lost to Russia because their King died and nothing else what makes you believe Spain has any chance to beat them.

draw anime

Burn all your books and never do history again

Because the russians where going to beat the swedes anyways
Im not sure if you forgot this, but peter the great had them on the fucking ropes by the end of the war and the death of the king only brought sweden to a quick end
Sweden did well because russia had incompetent allies and the swedes where lucky
Spain is a entirely different beast from russia

>people killed family all the time
No they fucking didn't
No one kills their baby son because they like this other family better
Not only that but the habsburgs would chimp the fuck iut at you trying to cuck them out of spain and everyone would support them because you murdered your son and became a protestant
Hope you like getting ass raped by all of europe