Arnold says No to Meat

Veeky Forums what do you think about Arnold telling us to become vegetarian?

I don't have a problem with it. Vegetarianism is fine with me - it's veganism that is an issue.

Sell out. Lived long enough to become the villain.

>Man literally eats more meat than most people for the majority of his life.
>Decides to go veggo once he can no longer look aesthetic..
>Shills shitty advice to other people.


More like:
>Gets paid to shill stupid lifestyle
>Retarded DYELs buy it thinking they can look like arnold and not eat meat
>Vegetarian cucks rejoice
>Arnold still eats meat while cashing his check because he doesn't give a shit

Yep and remember that he only put out his branded supplements after his divorce so this is just to make more money...

From a hero to a shill.

I think he's a huge hypocrite considering he lived on steak and beer during his Olympia reign.

>MFW all lifting inspirations fall from grace eventually...
>Greg Plitt
>Chris Benoit

Now fucking Arnold.

its not like you lose your gains if you stop eating meat. It just tells me that you haven't done any research about vegetarianism

But most of you should just eat meat, because you are too stupid to live healthy while being vegetarian

No one who knows what they are doing takes Arnold seriously.

He has realized that eating meat is unhealthy and now he wants to spread the word.

Eating meat will be taboo is 50 years, more and more people have come to realise this.

Vegans live longer and healthier, humans are not ment to eat meat.

If anyone has any legit reason to refute this I'd love to see them.

But I'll probably only get retarded responses from stupid shitposters.

Every study I ever saw showed vegetarianism and veganism don't help you live longer or contribute to health when controlled, but that instead, a highly plant based diet DOES.

If you've concluded otherwise I can only assume you're heavily biased. Sardines are named after Sardinia for fucks sake.

>humans are not meant to eat meat.
Well aside from:

Evolving differently from our great ape cousins to do it.
Butchering predating homo sapiens.
Humans following herds across Beringia to the new world.
Humans surviving in climes which they normally cannot except for the consumption of meat.
Lacking the vegetarian qualities of all other great apes.

But sure, I imagine you are right.

Humans have not been eating meat long enough for it to be healthy.

What vegetarian qualities do we lack?

Our teeth are those of frugivores.

Humans have been consuming meat since they evolved.

Butchering tools predate homo sapiens

Not having a cecum is pretty interesting, considering all the other great apes have one.

>taking anythig Arnold says seriously
>not knowing he has a habbit of misleading competition
>not knowing he cucked Sergio Oliva out of his Olympia title via mind games and shenanigans
>not know knowing Arnold is a master ruseman and salesman

I mean, he literally laughed at Sly's punch in Escape Plan and told him he hits like a vegetarian. Anyone who seriously believes Arnold thinks vegan diet is on par with meat + verggies is a newfag.

Humans have been eating meat since before they were humans, you veggie cuck. Homo Habillis started eating meat millions of years ago, which resulted in them getting bigger and stronger, as well as developing larger brains.

A cecum is usefull if you are a herbivore, not a frugivore like humans are.

Cooking our foods is what lead to the growth of our brains, not eating meat.

Because humans have been doing it doesnt mean we were ment to do it.

Meat is not the optimal food for humans.

Are you guys retarded? The PSA is to eat LESS meat not eat 0 meat which i believe is a good thing.

Get people to switch from eating a ridiculous amount of meat ----> having protein supplements with more sustainable/less damaging animal meats.

The americas need to eat more fucking vegetables anyways

Perhaps it's time to take the next step in our evolutionary destiny? We can't stay on the path we're on for much longer. I expect lab grown meat will solve that issue, but until that is available and at a reasonable price, I will continue to be vegan.

>Cooking our foods is what lead to the growth of our brains, not eating meat.
Vegetarian animals are passive, herding creatures that are designed to live solely on the fight or flight portion of their brain.
Omnivore animals developed the perfect balance of grazing and survival instincts, mixed with the predatory cunning and tool use of meat eaters.
This developed our brains to what we are now.
Chimpanzees are the perfect example, perfectly content eating berries or hey i'm going to smash this rats head in with a rock and than eat it.
alpha as fuck

we do have a cecum, its called our appendix

>The message today that we're recording is asking people to eat less meat according to the guidelines published by the Chinese government.
>eat leas meat...according to the the Chinese government
>eat less meat
>Chinese government
The fuck?

>James Cameron: "The second biggest sector for production of Greenhouse Gases is 'animal agriculture.' And so, I just realized, 'hey, how can I call myself an environmentalist when I'm contributing to environmental degradation based on what I eat?'
Oh FUCK off James Cameron who that FUCK should listen to your fuckass?

>James Cameron: "The NUMBER ONE thing that you can do is to JUST. STOP. EATING or CUT DOWN on your consumption on meat and dairy. Meat and diary are NOT GOOD for you body and it's NOT GOOD for the environment."
Christ. Plus, you're not even really against industrial animal farming, you don't like COWS for some reason. I'd ask what he thinks of chickens but I don't give a fuck what James Cameron thinks about chickens.

>James Cameron: "What China's doing right now with this announcement, of trying to reduce meat by just have to respect that! I mean, that's a LEADERSHIP position. International cooperation to solve global problems."

And for anyone who did really watch the 2 minutes of that, all Arnold is relaying is that his doctors are telling him during his routine physicals that he takes as a 68-year-old man is that he should reduce how much red meat he eats and Arnold admits he feels a little better for doing it (at his age). He also says you don't NEED to eat huge quantities of beef everyday in order to grow strong muscles. He don't deny that meat is a great source of protein for muscles, either.

>Knowing biology
time for you to leave.

>what do you think about Arnold telling us
He's nearly 70 and doctors are telling him to eat less beef. Go figure. Arnold, a former governor and Kennedy is using his enormous influence and connections to make PSAs to do the same. Okay, whatever. It's not like I'm eating steak every day or even every week or even every month. You know what else I'm not eating everyday, week, month?


(((Arnold Schwarzenegger)))

The brunt of this is that meat and dairy are bad for the environment. Vs. health.

James Cameron in cooperation with the CHINESE GOVERNMENT is filming a greenhouse gas emissions PSA. It's Arnold walking through a desert and literally says six words
Less meat
Less heat
More life
because James Cameron thinks cows are the second biggest cause of global warming.

Chinese government is now telling us what to eat?

Since when has China given a shit about the environment?

This whole debacle reeks of eugenicist shadow government.

>fall from grace

U wot

By dying at the peak of their aesthetics, Zyzz and Plitt's gains have become immortal. They'll always be remembered for their physiques while Arnold is losing to old age and entropy.

And what is this "path we're on", pray tell?

Dude. Arnold will always be remembered for saying "I'll be back" with a funny accent in film(s).

Does eating dogs count?

Of course they don't give a flying fuck. It's self-serving social legislation (and then, mostly serving the ruling elite who benefit from the status quo) dressed up as a humanitarian one. Basically the chinks realised that 1.4billion people can't all have daily hamburgers and are presenting rice as a health initiative. Theres no reason us westerners should pay attention to ant-people propaganda.

The amount of meat chimpanzees eat is VERY low.

Like I said humans are frugivores, the optimal food for humans are whole fruits.

What naturally occurring raw foods are appealing to humans? Fruit.

Your body tells you what to eat, and thats fruit.

I'm so glad I took the time to read your posts! They were enlightening and you've changed my dietary habits today! You don't need to post your ideas anymore!

Do whatever you want, as long as it makes you feel right.

>The amount of meat chimpanzees eat is VERY low.
Still more than all other non-human great apes.

Also it is interesting they are the most human-like.
They can also digest cellulose, humans cannot.

>humans are frugivores
Obviously not, or we wouldn't be having this discussion.

>the optimal food for humans are whole fruits.
Well aside from a huge number of dietary nutrients humans need that aren't in any fruit.

>What naturally occurring raw foods are appealing to humans?
Human ancestors have been cooking before the evolution towards homo sapiens. Being raw is irrelevant.

>Your body tells you what to eat, and thats fruit.
You have a strange relationship with your body.

>they can digest cellulose

No animal can digest cellulose

Can you all please stop talking about evolutionary dietary biology and return to talking about what the FUCK is wrong with people listening to what the Chinese Government announcements for its population to eat less red meat has ANYTHING to do with us at all?

And why James Cameron is such a fucking retard???

Humans should be frugivores, sadly humans do a lot of strange unnatural things.

What are these nutrients you are talking about?

Its not like Arnold ever had a problem with giving bad fitness advice in exchange for money.

If somebody paid me to say meat is bad I would do it too, and then go home and eat a nice steak.

>What naturally occurring raw foods are appealing to humans? Fruit

Nuts taste better than fruit (no homo).

Nuts are shit if they aren't salted and roasted

>Meat is mmm bad boys you know...veggies are better

Vegetarianism is good.

Milk and eggs are way better for gains than meat.


We didn't use to cage and torture animals for the entirety of their short lives (think veal).

If everyone hunted or ate organic, grass-fed meat there would be less to worry about. The truth is that virtually none of you do the above.

In terms of health benefits you have to eat more exotic foods like papaya and curry when you forego meat because you are seriously restricting your source of protein, calories, and nutrients.

i know i haven't changed my mind about anything over the years

Pussy, pistachios are GOAT raw. Humans confirmed for pistachiovores.