
Day 3 of 2500 calorie cut. I get 270+ grams of protein a day.
I've been training since the start of February,
but didn't monitor my diet, until now.

Height: 6' 4" (193 cm)
Starting weight (February): 304 lbs (138 kg)
Current weight: 280 lbs (127 kg)

Starting Maximal Lifts - February
Bench: 235 lbs (107 kg)
Deadlift: 275 lbs (125 kg)
Press: 145 lbs (66 kg)
Squat: 265 lbs (120 kg)

Recent Maximal Lifts - June
Bench: 300 lbs (136 kg)
Deadlift: 405 lbs (184 kg)
Press: 190 lbs (86 kg)
Squat: 375 lbs (170 kg)

According to this formula developed by the US NAVAL HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER
% body fat = 86.010 x log10(abdomen II - neck) - 70.041 x log10(height) + 36.76

My Body Fat = 36%~

Around what Body fat percentage do you think I'll start to see some definition?
Does it look like I have a good base of muscle? Or should I train and eat at a slight surplus, for more muscle growth?
Last one guys...What body part is my strength/weakness from your perspective?

Video incoming

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Here are my May Maxes. Notice that my Squat dropped 10 lbs...that's because I increased my range of motion. I now go deep on the squat.

Anything you see form-wise I can work on?

You could bench 235 when you started lifting?

Fuck this shit

You don't need that much protein, I'd eat 200 at max per day at your weight.
Focus more on getting healthy fats and healthy carbs, unless you do a ketonic diet.

You squat high and your deadlift form is shit. This place ain't your diary.

id go as afar as max 100g protein
hell 80g would suffice

>id go as afar as max 100g protein
I'm sure you would. and you would be wrong.

oh do explain

Hey kid.
Batsinthebarbell m.youtube.com/watch?v=znLmhdx0STc
here. Don't shill your YouTube videos. I'll check you out. See you on the tubes.

Don't listen to this guy

It's true that a lot of 150 lb guys eat a lot more protein than necessary, 300g+ with shakes etc

But you're huge and cutting, you should keep it very high

0.6-1.0 g/lb bodyweight, and the excess isn't going to hurt you at all if you have normal kidneys

for example:
"CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that approximately 2.3 g x kg(-1) or approximately 35% protein was significantly superior to approximately 1.0 g x kg(-1) or approximately 15% energy protein for maintenance of lean body mass in young healthy athletes during short-term hypoenergetic weight loss."

and fatties have the nerve to say that starting a skeleton is easier, get the fuck out of here

I always say fatties have the advantage getting strong fast, skellies have the advantage to look good sooner

he's either lying or very strong. a 235lbs bench press is almost intermediate, even for a fatty:

You should try setting up for your deadlift with higher hips and more vertical shins

This is a good example of someone trying to squat the weight up

well, what will get you more bitches ? Strong ? Or aesthetic ?

So yeah, starting a skeleton is waaay easier, you see the progress faster, you look good faster, you're staying motivated because how fast you can look good etc etc
Fatties will starves themselves for a loooooong time before even see some definition or progress.

>You will never be a balding fatass in his mid-30's all alone posting for attention on a Belorussian penis size comparing forum.

Thanks for making me feel better about myself OP.

>>You will never be a balding fatass in his mid-30's all alone posting for attention on a Belorussian penis size comparing forum.
not so fast, faggot! I already am!

Nice livejournal post.

>lifting for girls


How much for maintenance and bulking according to this source?

>you may lift more or less than me, but at the end the only competition is with yourself
I was going to shit on your thread but now I'm not gonna

Why cover your face when you reveal yourself in the video anyway?
Also you're a big guy, do you find cutting the galories, but keeping the number of protein high good for your strenght? Or does the strenght decreases anyway?

To be fair, i'm a former collegiate athlete, and did wrestling/weightlifting/football in high school. So i have previous experience. When I started in February it was roughly 2 years I went without training, but maybe I retained my strength.

You are probably right. I researched the topic of protein consumption for the purposes of muscle retention and I might be going overboard. But I like to be safe than sorry, besides, any extra protein will just be burned for energy.
I take two multivitamins and four fish oil caps to guarantee my essential micro-nutrient intake.

Perhaps you could show me a video of your max lift with proper form, so I can learn a thing or two.
I deloaded this month and practiced squat with deeper range. Deadlift, eh, needs more work.

Lol. I make these videos because I love the journey. And I figure I'd share my joy. Either way, I'll check you out. Be cool.

Like I said above, I had prior experience, but had two years off of training. So don't doubt yourselves. From a fatty to all skellys with love.

Lie?! On the internet? Who would do such a thing? /s
I think it's because I had prior experience, see above. I don't lie often.


Good article about "squatting" the bar up. I agree my form could use some finesse, but having my shins vertical puts me off balance, and puts enormous strain on my lower back. I'm still experimenting with it though, and may make adjustments with my body proportions in mind.

Go ahead and feel good! Just make sure it comes from a good place, bud.
Also I'm 26, and can't wait to be gloriously bald. I dig the strong and masculine look.

I'm just an ordinary guy giving you a break from the repetitious memes. This thread will 404 and I'll disappear among all of you, again.