As I understand, the churches of the Anglican communion have female priests...

As I understand, the churches of the Anglican communion have female priests, practising homosexual clergy and bless/marry same-sex couples. It basically seems to be some sort of a SJW denomination.

What I'm interested in is, when did it all go wrong? Did Anglicans use to be on par with Catholics in terms on conservatism? When? And did they really come into existance simply because a King wanted a divorce or is that a huge simplification?

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Mainstream Anglicanism went to pot in 1977 but there are still some who have managed to remain faithful.

Anglicanism was originally just supposed to be Catholicism with the monarch as head of the church so he could tweak it as needed to suit his needs.

The abandoned the rock of St. Peter. What do you expect to have happened?

>anyone more liberal than me is a sjw

Of all the arguments used to shame Anglicanism, I did not expect puritanical patriarchal reactionarism to be one of them.

>claim to be Christian
>promote things forbidden by Christianity

I was just using Veeky Forums slang.

>tfw you create a new religion just to get your dick wet

To be fair, the last time a woman tried to rule england there was a civil war, and the next woman who ruled bathed in blood.



Christianity never forbade any of that shit, the Old Testament did.

The bongs had enemies, many of whom were Roman Catholic: jocks, frogs, eire apes, moor rape babies et al. Not surprising that they'd get on the other side of that mob, but yeah it turned quite perverse at some point. When they put a moneychanger in the top job a few years ago, it turned not just perverse but more like snuff porn. It needs cleansing by fire if it's to ever matter now, but post-Christian Bongistan really has no use for it in any event.

You're an idiot.

>thinks the book whose rules Christ rendered redundant is somehow Christian
Yeah, I'M the idiot.

>Veeky Forums

prove me wrong

>practising homosexual clergy and bless/marry same-sex couples
varies wildly by country, and if you're using the CoE they don't officially bless/marry same sex couples, though the Scottish Anglicans now do.
It's quite inevitable for state churches to be under pressure to conform to national beliefs on cultural mores, though more to the point for the CoE it's inherent coalition nature means it's always been open to changing doctrines and hashing shit out.

>never read the Epistle to the Romans and thinks only Old Testament condemns sodomy
>thinks actively promoting damnable offenses and thus preventing people from salvation is Christian in any way
Yes you're an idiot.

He's the quintessential secular retard who's never read the Scripture but feels qualified to lecture people about it.

it's all good if you ask for forgiveness bro

You're an idiot.

to be fair 90% of the time your average brainlet will only cite the Old Testament if they're trying to bash homosexuality

if a priest can forgive me for murder as a catholic, god will forgive me for liking a cheeky bit in the bum
sounds like you just don't have a good relationship with the man upstairs

God's mercy is for repentant sinners not those who turn their sin into a "lifestyle."

>Anglican Minister Urges Prayers for Prince George to Be Gay

if it's good enough for god's holy men it's good enough for me

"Gay pride" is a mortal sin.

You're failing basic theology you dumb tranny.

>practising homosexual clergy
This is hardly something unique to the Anglo church.

did I hurt your feewings
is babby gonna cwy

Not my fault your low IQ prevents you from comprehending simple text.

>In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Well, there's a reason the Anglican church is the fastest shrinking religion pretty much everywhere it operates (Australia, UK, Episcopalians in America).
I don't think they realise stuff like this is what's driving everyone away, not not being 'progressive' enough.

Jocks? I thought Scotland had converted to Calvanism by then?

>"Old Testament Law has been abrogated by the New Covenant (((Except when we feel like arbitrarily enforcing cherry picked mandates dictated by our whims and feelies)))"
~t. council of jerusalem

Sam is a tortured bisexual

The Roman Catholics in Scotland were probably only finally put down after Culloden in the '45-er. Hollywood's only historically correct factoid in the Mel Gibson fantasy was that Mel was a Catholic, as were most all Highlanders, until they were ethnically cleansed, and driven off to North America in my family's case.

Catholics are really on it with the conservatism yeah.
Based pontiff amirite.

>the council of Jerusalem made clear that unrepentant sinners are ok
t. Faggot, source: my ass