You have one chance, one opportunity

You have one chance, one opportunity.
You walk up to her, what do you say?


Cute tights.

>tfw no gf

>Y-You too!

>Cute tights.

Smile and say cute tights, she knows damn well what she's doing.

mother my children

i wouldn't take it
i would let it slip
im nervous
palms are sweaty
knees weak
arms are heavy
theres a stain on my jacket already
shitty chicken

The guy taking that picture is totally their teacher.
>brown shoes with black pants

who gives a shit shes like 17

>not understanding my post

>Hey, nice shoes.
Smile and walk away.
>Nailed it.

Why the fuck would you walk up? That looks like a mighty comfortable reclined postion. "Hey, cute tights"

and then what?

That's creepy as fuck. You would never say that m8

And? If she wants to act like a whore that's on her

>chick comes into the gym in leggings
>super tight, even just standing still you can see her camel toe easily
>society trying to make it MY fault for staring

Fuck you

i jerk and jerk but my dick dont work

Jrk jrk Jrk Jrk jrk

H-hey c-can I get a spot? y yyou too.

Oh look, another spastic autist.

>she's riding the corner
Either say something about what the groups talking about or complement her tights like the other user said

>you dont have to tell me what happened but you have to eat all of these

>complement her tights like the other user said

Why would you autists do this? Do you realize how creepy that is?

Kek. This shouldn't go unnoticed.

>I have never walked up and complemented a girl about a feature she is obviously trying to show off


It's all in the delivery you either pull it off or she shows her lack of interest and you continue talking to the group

Yeah but complimenting tights is just weird. Honestly what kind of possible responses do you expect besides "thanks..."

I think it's an attractiveness thing. If chad was like, "Those are some tight tights, bby" she would drag him to the handicap bathroom and suck his balls dry.
If I said that I'd be tazed by cops until I shit myself.

I can feel the social anxiety of this entire board by this thread alone. What is so damn difficult about talking to a woman, for Christ sake?

I don't get it. Would you mind explaining?

What you should actually do in this situation

>calmly assess the situation
>realize that you are being distracted from doing your vital work
>slowly walk up to her
>politely mention that she is breaking dress code
>threaten to fill a filed report to the boss
>she looks up at your face than back down to your "legs" and makes a half smile than snickers
>"looks like someone skipped legday" she tells to the person sitting next to her
>you then immediately look away and walk in an orderly fashion towards the boss' office
>recommend that the female employee poses an immediate threat to the work space and should be dealt with immediately
>diligently head back to your desk
>later the boss comes by and says he would like a word with her in his office
>snarl loudly at her as she walks by and revoltingly displays her entire leg down to the ankle
>the boss closes the blinds as she enters his office
>30 minutes later see her walk out
>her hair is a mess and it looks like her skirt is now inside and out
>the boss smacks her ass on the way out signalling for her to head home and get off work early for the day
>successfully save all the people from being distracted and unable to work due to immature behavior in the working enviroment


>she would drag him to the handicap bathroom and suck his balls dry

Is that what /r9k/ said?

Are you from Iraq cuz you should Baghdad ass up

Thanks I got them from *place* blah blah blah I'm Stacy
Hi I'm user want to get a drink Friday?
Blah blah blah

I have done this exact thing to a girl waring galaxy print tights

>insert le CHAD meme here

It's an old copypasta about some weird fedora-tipping faggot that takes a passed out girl, i think, to his home. This are the first words he tells her upon waking up while offering her eggs or some bullshit. It's a nice one though.

>Thanks I got them from *place* blah blah blah I'm Stacy
>Hi I'm user want to get a drink Friday?
>Blah blah blah

Idk m8 just doesn't feel like it'd play out that way

You got it first. And fuck yeah, my memory isn't as bad as I thought.

>Thanks I got them from *place* blah blah blah I'm Stacy
>Hi I'm user want to get a drink Friday?
>Blah blah blah
chad pls go

I'm sure it doesn't every time
It's worked for me once so I would try it again if the opportunity came

Dude I'mand fuck yes lines like this is how I've gotten every girl I've ever been with. short and simple letting them know you're mildly interested. do you talk to women bro? try a 2-3 word opener like this next time and watch what happens.

Try it on 10 different girls. Statistically speaking, at least 2 will say yes; unless you are terribly looking (which you are), then you are basically fucked and you should an hero.


that's why you fail
women are simple attention whores

Thats because youve built talking to girls up in your head to be this impossible task. Girls are good at talking, they'll talk about anything. You literally just have to bring up something that they'd have an opinion on or that they know the answer to, i.e something about themselves, and the conversation carries from there. They know why you're talking to them

>and fuck yes lines like this is how I've gotten every girl I've ever been with. short and simple letting them know you're mildly interested. do you talk to women bro? try a 2-3 word opener like this next time and watch what happens.

I don't know how to continue.

I say this shit but it never goes away. It just ends up being like "Hey, thanks I'm stacy. blahblah" then we part ways and never see eachother again.

Should I be more aggressive? Should I ask them out or some shit?

>You literally just have to bring up something that they'd have an opinion on or that they know the answer to, i.e something about themselves, and the conversation carries from there. They know why you're talking to them

Oh fuck.

I was eating at a restaurant once and I was talking to the server and she kept telling me how she was considering getting the same thing I was eating when her shift was done. She kept repeating it autistically.

Was she awaiting me to offer my dick? did I fuck up?


Go start to build the wall you skank.

She set you up for it faggot. Why else would she mention getting what YOU'RE getting AFTER her shift?

Your response should have been "Hey why don't we both get/split it after your shift?" or some variation of that

Come on user

Wat. I think I should've asked her when she finishes then if anything
Fuck. I was like "Ok why does she keep repeating that? It's a little bit awkward".

What would I even do afterwards bruh? there is no way this would work out

I honestly wouldn't know what to do after step by step. I kind of just wing it and listen to my intuition

But I haven't had a gf in two years now so I don't really know if I got lucky or am just naturally good at talking to grills but stopped applying myself

I dont fuckin know man.

I mean I constantly see opportunities after the fact but I can never tell if they're just being friendly. I mean I guess I have nothing to lose, if she reciprocates then great but if not then fuck.

>friends are coming in from out of town, will be late

Now I am alone in my car because social anxiety. What do? Do I go inside the bar and wait for them there? .... alone?

Says the nonchad.

She'd say thanks, I'd smile at her. It's first contact I'm allowed to do it.

You should have just casually asked "do you want to join me afterwards?".



Uh, yes. Why the fuck would you wait in your car?

If she says yes, ask her when her shift ends. Obviously it's soon since she even mentioned it. Just order a drink and wait for her. Then you're essentially on a date. The next part I can't really help you with. You're supposed to use the setting, and your perception if her to hold a conversation over dinner. You can find some guidelines and conversation starters, but the conversation and interaction is supoosed to he natural, not canned. It's not so difficult. The woman should hold most ofnthe conversation. Just help direct it, pick it up if it goes stale, speak clearly, maintain eye contact, and don't be afraid to make more plans with her if it goes well.

God speed brother.

Because I don't know what the fuck to do!


I just never got to that "date" part before

I was out with my friend (guy) and another friend (girl)(qt) and he asked her how much she would pay to nail me if i was a male whore, she said "5 bucks, nah 50 cents you can get sex for free"

>implying she would pay 50 cents to fuck me
>implying she would fuck me

Months later im still a virgin. How do i make her an fwb?

I wouldn't use the word agressive, but try to be the one steering the conversation.

So say you said "Cute tights" and she says "Thanks! I'm Roastie."
you would say "I'm x, nice to meet you."
make physical contact with her
then ask her a question about why she is in your area (your area)
"Oh I live just down the blah blah blah"
then you say "That's cool. I live over here. You doing anything after this?"
eventually get her number

keep practicing brother. eventually it's second nature.

You go inside, ask for a table for (insert number of friends attending + yourself), sit down and wait for them. Send a text telling them you grabbed a table.

this ultimately displays the subconscious desires to fornicate when seeing such a position presented. thus your drone brains go into sex mode and you all feel the need to approach her and say something.
>allowing her to catch you staring at her
>not waiting for her to make her moves on you to reaffirm your passive sexual dominance within the office.
> ^ thinking this is unrealistic ^

Can you give the same thing but for my restaurant-server scenario that actually happened(a few posts up)?

I'm so confused about this shit, on the one hand it seems easy but on the other hand it's so hard to do in the moment...

Let's be real here for a second.
"not waiting for her to make her moves on you to reaffirm your passive sexual dominance within the office"

that is 100% bullshit and even you know it. You're a pussy that is afraid of rejection. You either talk to her or you don't, and 90% of the time she's going to reject you unless you're very good looking or uniquely charming.

But I won't let a fellow Veeky Forums guy slip into these delusions. You would be 10x more successful with women if you just start talking to women every single day. It's a numbers game. Talk to her, gauge her interest and respond appropiately. Rather than this passive "dominance" bullshit. come on man don't fall for that shit

Woah, did you just double greentext? greentext2



"Wow that looks pretty good. I'm thinking about ordering some of that when my shift is over."
"You should. When do you get off?"
"That's cool. Why don't we grab drinks and some _____(dish) when you're off?"

then either "Sure" and you do that
or "Oh, I meant by myself" and you respond "No worries."

>this also works

I keep thinking of things I'd say in this situation,but all of them involve appreciation of the tiny bit of company she's already given me
Shit like "it probably wouldn't be as good without you making it though"
How do I into alpha?

wrong. pick and choose based on office dynamic. giving any average or above average girl the time of the day, whether you know you are successful or not, only fosters her own bullshit. you honestly don't think it's pathetic when girls wear heavy make up and literally act like another person on any given day? she lives a fucking fantasy and you help enable that. lure her into your domain and let her understand that she comes to the cock. the amount of men in the office who would be on her is basically all of them. you've never decided to not talk to her in this situation? SHE starts coming to YOU. it's not like when she talks to you you just keep quiet and shy. fuck that. she already knows you see everything going on in the office and she digs that. not only that but chances are you are fit and clean cut and women approach you anyways. no? that's on you then.

Pls help

What do you do after that? How can I slam her pussy in the bathroom?

She'd pay you nothing, even though you're the whore in that situation? She has that bass ackwards.

She meant it like she could just fuck someone else

Ok man. I pay attention to what works. What's actually got a better chance of working and leads to more human relationships. Not all these concepts and theories. You are way way overthinking this and it leads me to believe this is just an ideal that you have. Not a real strategy that produces results repeatedly. If it works for you and you're constantly satisfied with how much female attention you're getting - kudos to you man and I salute you, seriously. But i'm 99% that that's bullshit and you're defending an ideal, not a real tangible thing that you do. Go talk to pretty girls as often as possible and just be yourself. We all hear this and just dismiss it because it sounds like it won't work. It will work, it's all that ever works and anything else is just a roundabout way to achieve that same thing except those other things never work consistently because you are overthinking yourself into ruts.

Either way good luck to you man I'm not trying to come off as negative - I sincerely want you to do well but i've known too many good guys go down this really weird path where they have all these theories about girls and they are always always misguided and wrong.

I don't walk up to her and I don't say anything

Problem solved

This is advanced stuff you're talking about bro. You better be Veeky Forums and handsome with nice style and everything. Then just do everything I said initially and add on "On second thought, how about you meet me in the bathroom in 5 minutes?"
~1% success rate

Dude I used to be the same way. Up until I was 18, I really thought girls wanted to hear that shit. It's all good man, just keep lifting and you'll naturally get more alpha. Also be aware of coming across as needy or emotionally weak. It's cool to compliment chicks, but the example you gave is obviously disingenuous (unless you're at a top notch restaurant and she's a legit chef but I'm not getting that vibe). Give them real compliments, not insincere ones that sound nice to you.

#1 tip: practice, practice, practice
You'll get there bro, it takes time just like lifting.

The comfy choice. Well played

>Then just do everything I said initially and add on "On second thought, how about you meet me in the bathroom in 5 minutes?"

Kek. I want to say this at least once in my life

Imagine the test boost when she says "ok..." and you pound the fuck out of her in the bathroom? Fuck man anyone who does that must feel like a million fucking bucks

I never knew Veeky Forums was also in the "how to become a chick magnet" business, although it's a logical step.

The beta choice. Have fun.

Go for it bro.

>It doesn't work=embarrassed for 15 seconds
>It works=awesome experience/story + sex now and possibly in future

seems pretty safe to me

>>It works=awesome experience/story + sex now and possibly in future

Dude I don't even know how I would react if that would actually work. Imagine how that must feel... fuck

Fuck user, I skipped breakfast, now I have a craving for eggs.

>Ok man. I pay attention to what works. What's actually got a better chance of working and leads to more human relationships.
the obvious choice. approach the person. there are time to and not to keep socializing. especially with the way younger people are and problems that arise in offices.

>Not all these concepts and theories. You are way way overthinking this and it leads me to believe this is just an ideal that you have.
whatever anybody does should be an "ideal" for them. that is why we pick and choose.

>Not a real strategy that produces results repeatedly.
that is why we pick and choose.

>If it works for you and you're constantly satisfied with how much female attention you're getting - kudos to you man and I salute you, seriously.
it's not about trying to condition how much satisfaction there is other than keeping the amount that i already hold. there is no need to change for others. work is the first thing and you work around that system. you break that conduct and you place yourself on a lower level than you deserve.

>But i'm 99% that that's bullshit and you're defending an ideal, not a real tangible thing that you do. Go talk to pretty girls as often as possible and just be yourself.
i live in a tourist city. i work with people. i am out doing dailys and blend right in with "normalcy"

>We all hear this and just dismiss it because it sounds like it won't work. It will work, it's all that ever works and anything else is just a roundabout way to achieve that same thing except those other things never work consistently because you are overthinking yourself into ruts.
simply picking and choosing allows yourself to be less prone to inconsistent processes. no shit there is no need to be like this at all times. there are times that are appropriate for this. you look at the processes and you avoid all other distraction that falls your way.

Because not everyone has normie genetics user.
When I try to picture the situation:
"nice tights"
Then I'd simply walk away. And it's the same the other way around. When a girl compliments me or start a conversation, I just answer and go back to my business. I can feel her stare on me, like she expects me to say something, then she leaves.

but is he wrong?

Do you seriously invite a girl for drinks the first time you meet her on your second sentence? Are murikan girls that easy?

you have now proven to me that you are focused on distractions and not the process of my original post. i identify you with this way of thinking when approaching women.

Hey I'm Thaddeus I recently moved here from St. Chad. Can you show me where the gym is please?

Humor. Someone else said practice, so practice. But humor.

I'm autist as fuck, but years of getting bullied and using humor as a defense have helped me with talking to women. Take your full autist "It probably wouldn't be as good without you making it, though." comment. The girl is, if she's not completely repulsed by you, going to give you a standard "Aww, that's so sweet." generic canned "get away from me autist" reply. That's when you switch from full autist to full retard and follow up with something like "But it would definitely be better if I made it."
It's situational and I'm drunk so I can't un-autist well, but light-sarcasm and acting aloof scores pointsssssssssssss.

>Hi, My name is Conner, my middle name is Angus
>I better skedaddle if you sniff my drift

"Hey can you come help me load a chair into my van?"


>American normies not realizing how easy they got it

>N-nice tights
>Um, thanks
>*Looks a mix of annoyed and weirded out*
>*Goes back to the group, says something, they all look at me and giggle*

>Thanks *blank stare*
>*Goes back to work*

I can see your panties, whore.

Wait....that would be good if the was the whore and let you fuck her for free.
If you are the whore and she doesnt pay you tahts pretty bad
You should have given her some shit like
>Nah you wouldnt cut it, i have some standards
>Either pay my fee or walk bitch

You dont.
People are born this way.
Some people are genetically and environmentally predisposed to be alpha and good with girls and some people arent. Nothing you can do about it. You'll always look out of place

Fukkaroo too chadsbeen
Ok,I get what you're saying.
I'm imposing a need for relationship on strangers,and that's fucking weird
On the other hand,I haven't had much practice with this,so I'll keep on going
Good advice bro,I can definitely see this working a lot better.

Yeah, that's how life is for handsome popular chads. We cant even comprehend how good that feels