Who here regressed?

Who here regressed?
Left is now, right is 2014.

Girlfriend made me feel self conscious about trying to look good by calling it narcissistic, vain and uncultured.
She cheated on me with a guy twice the size I was back then.

I got decently fit then went back to a lazy skinny fat physique. Working harder than ever now though. There's a girl in my dept at uni who wants the D and her bf is a bodybuilder. Don't have the greatest body and I am autismal but it all works out in the end I suppose.

And now I'm back again
Stuck at the same weight I was two years ago before gaining it all back


Wow you are pathetic lol

she cheated on you because you are a cuck and you would do as she order, nothing to do with your appearence.

Yes, humans are pathetic by nature. We all fail sometime during our lives, don't we?

I first started lifting 4 years ago, OP. I went at it for a solid 8 months before I stopped for a year due to being pathetic. I started again in 2014 and haven't stopped since, and now I'm at 2/3/4/5, 220lbs at 6'1". If I can do it, you can too.

I used to lift back in high school for football and wrestling. My friends and I had absolutely no idea what we were doing but we got up to 275 lb on bench and I only weighed 135 lbs. I stopped working out for many years and now I'm lifting again and I'm struggling to get above 200 lbs on bench. And I weigh a shitload more than 135 lbs.

Same thing happened to me in '14, except I had more free time cause I wasnt doing anything, but now I work full time and I can't seem to motivate myself to get back into it

>anorexia hits in early teens
>gf seriously scared I might die
>spend teen years in mental hospital
>doc gives me depression pills
>fast foward to 18
>80kg at 5'7 which is more than double the amount of when I was 14
Now I'm almost 20 and at 65kg physically fit
had to hit rock bottom twice for the wake up call

If a girl doesn't like the way you look, fuck her--literally--and then chuck her to the side.

What is with old people being crazy delusional about their high school days. I have a boss that does this. He swears he squatted 495 his sophomore year and I saw a picture of him, and he was tiny. You didn't fucking bench 270 at 135. Especially not without knowing the fuck you were doing.

I absolutely did. We did flat bench, incline bench, decline bench, and military press 3 times a week and barely did any other lifts. And 135 was my weight class, I was usually a few pounds below that.

I will not argue with you anymore, if you really did that that it fucking ridiculous and you should have taken up powerlifting. Check a strength standards sight that's above elite for an adult male at that weight.

Fuckin faggots ITT! Man up, men. Stop sounding and acting like sissies. Hit the weights. Lay off the social media. And the video games. And the Netflix. And whatever it is you fuckall do. Read a book. Meditate. Fix your diet. Bunch of fucking half faggot slobs and it's making me sick. YOUD OF BEEN FEED TO THE WOLVES!

This was my regression. I didn't get fat, just lost lots of muscle mass. I lose weight really quickly once I stop lifting.

I'm actually lifting the same weights now as I was in my before picture (before picture was after 7ish months of lifting). I'm planning to bulk all the way until early next spring.

Shit, the current picture is from April not June. That's my first progress photo I took on this newest lifting journey. Started in February.

I got really sick and I gained like 20 pounds. And I feel like shit because I had just finished my 10k training. And now I feel so weak. I need to completely revamp everything and it's so hard to come back from surgery to getting fit again. And I feel like such a loser now.

Don't make the rest of us part of your failure buddy, you're a fat tub of shit on your own.

I stopped lifting because i felt like a vain asshole but now I don't like the way I look so I guess I should start lifting again

You had bad form and the person spotting you was doing half the weight. I see high school fuckers doing this daily.

satanic trips speak truth

Dubs don't lie.