
my back is getting fucking huge

Think you could trade it for a decent phone?

you have nothing to compare it to so you are gonna get shit on my friend.

it's the s6 you idiot

how about I compare it to your back?

Did you intentionally blur it to make your ugly face more attractive?

what the fuck is that even suppose to mean?

Nice bro do you compete?

yah, with your dad for your mom

Your face. Even from here, I can tell that you're ugly as fuck. Do you work your back extra-hard so that some day you'll hope it envelops your disgusting head completely?


not bad kid, not bad

Are you a dude? Because if you are then I don't give a fuck if you think I'm ugly lol

>manlets proud of gains

You didn't think that through did you

lol yah im 5' 10'' r u mad

I didn't need to

What do you feel is the best way to get a good back.
I'm on SS with additionals: i do chinups and light DLs on workout A, deadlifts and db rows on workout B.
I added the rows because my lats are shite and since im not good at chins i couldnt really train them

lol you need to compete with the husband for the wife and not just claim the wife?

What was is your work out routine user


I only do 2 sets of cable row and 2 sets of lat pull down that's it


don't over think it. it's not that fucking important

full-body everyother day


cool bro you know who rich piana is

insecurity leads to only relative competition. why not just post a fucking before pic so we can see the process. you are here obv expecting people to pick on you, in order for you to lash out at everyone. a sub-conscious human practice for more serious times in our life.


yah maybe your right. But when you think about it who really gives a fuck what you think? you know? I can do whatever I want lol

thanks bro. The picture of your back looks good


You aren't in control.


Underrated post

Yeah maybe I am ugly lol
I don't give a shit

that's the spirit. we got a little chuckle out of you!

Are you trying to say 5 10 isn't manlet?

how do i into giga-back?
i already do pull ups, rows, and pull overs. what else?
>inb4 deadlift and other meme neckbeard exercises

Weighted pullups and deadlifts.
You can get a big back without deadlifts but they definitely help

5'10 is small as fuck kek

>deadlifts are a meme exercise

I was stupid enough to believe this shit for the longest time. All I ever did was pullups and rows and all I got was better at doing pullups and rows while my back never looked very strong.

Then I realized "deadlifts are a meme" is the meme. After integrating deadlifts I noticed I could do heavier weighted pullups and heavier rows over time. My back even started to look stronger. Deadlifts are a fundamental compound lift and if you don't do them you'll be DYEL forever.

I'm 5'7'' and the more gains I get the more depressed I get.

It's all for nothing, even if I get a killer body Ill still be 5'7

Whats the best way to kill myself?

My back used to be pretty big and defined. I got into a fight at school and had my shirt torn off and I received alot of compliments about my back from girls at my school.

I grappled a shitload and kickboxed and I did a fuck load of pull ups and muscle ups. I think grappling is the best back work out imo but then again I am also am addicted to ambien so what do i know

I was dyel started deadlifting 2 times a week
Went from 40kg to 70kg in 2 months

Feels good man