
how am I looking. have been working out for 5 years.

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Where is the after picture?

he's a natty lifter dumbass. thats as good as it gets.

You're delusional. With any kind of consistent adherence to a program and caloric surplus, he should look a lot better after 5 years even if he is natty. This guy looks dyel.

Working out what exactly?


Nice pecks and abs
Anyone being a cunt to OP should post their own pic for comparison

Also 5'9" 165
Mostly workout with bodyweight at home.
Hes certainly nowhere near the natural limit but he looks good. Some people make slower or faster progress than others.

I'm slightly swoler than him at 4 years. Progress is slow for guys like me who have nerd genetics

Tfw fat

Took a back pic this morning and it made me realise that if I don't cut soon I'll be obese within the year. The strength gains are too fucking real though, nearly 2/3/4/5

6'1", 205lbs

nice image name, your pic is still my goal body

where is the before and after, that's pathetic for 5Y lifting breh, that is attainable in 6 months

Looking good brah

Pic related is me, been training properly for about a year

Its actually me. srs. I posted it somewhere and deleted on my phone then downloaded it.

How long famalam
>You have better body than me using bodyweight

this is attainable in like a month if you aren't a fat cunt


How am i looking

I lift once a week


good balanced body,looks like you can do 10 pullups and 50 pushups

Working out for about 3 years, minor set back recently due to torn rotator cuff in left shoulder. 100% natty, just get dem good angles under the lighting. Currently 86kg trying to get back to my original weight at 89kg which was 5 months ago

cut,you look fat,maybe go for 83kg instead.

Back shot. Not gonna post my chicken quads tho

No I'm only like 5'10 I wanna be solid as possible. Don't care much to look lean

>100% natty
I dont understand when average guys include this in their posts
Meme, trolling, delusional?


do you want the succ?

fuck me daddy

>that body
>so pale he probably never leaves the house
what a waste of roids

Brown skin is for Farmers you pleb

whatever makes you feel better, permavirgin

You just look fat dude not solid.

How's this for one year?

talk to me about that bulge, big boy

I've seen your benis, it's cute. :DDD

zit dead center

>Independence Day Post

5"8 @150 ibs. I know I need to catch my body up with my arms but I started out as a clueless curlbro for the first two years. Also...

>what is the most AMERICAN lift I can perform for the 4th?

hapa lmao


Your skin looks reptilian.

You won't be obese anytime soon at 205

1 year 3 months family

15 months of lifting, can user give any tips?

Remove pants desu.

Maybe n-no homo

I swear I'm not a hebrew.

>nearly 2pl8 ohp
>looking like this
maybe 2pl8 seated 50% rom smith machine shoulder press

tease :^(

Get a better phone . Do more dips

Which kind of dips?

my gf calls me the grizzly bear and i make bear noises when we fuck and it makes her cum hard.

like this?
you and your gf are mentally challenged bro.

thats a black bear, not a grizzly, but yeah just showed my gf and she said thats what i sound like when she sucks my dick.

thanks for the video man, favourited

5'11, 79kg. Been working out for nearly 2 years

Done with bulking for the year, going to see if I can get a bit more cut for a few months.

Been quite a frustrating year- did my lower back in which took me out for 2-3 months which has slowed progress down. Still not been able to get the chest gains I'm after too.

bad bait

Keep doing whatever you're doing.

wait is that impressive? srs question

This is why ibwas hesitant to post it.

You're a retard. leave this board and never spread such stupid lies again

lol love this dude



1 week till cut starts
any tips appreciated

goal body desu

Seems about right for an Asian

nice fuckin stats my man

i-is it big?

Time to cut, bro. Definitely not fatmode. Good stats.


i got a tip for you right here, kiddo


you got a license for those sicknasty guns, citizen?

keeping a bulge like that hidden is just unfair
share the love, dude

i can spray my gains all over your chest if you want, boy

cute forearms man, and sweet pecs also

there is just more of you to love

Disgusting cuck- faggotry

can i see a picture of you, daddy?

i like to know who im talking to xoxox

Νοpe, but it's uncut and cute.

>wanting skin cancer
>wanting accelerated aging

Pale is better, any day of the week.

look up vitamin D deficiency faggot

5'9" 155 manlet reporting

Been doing SL (sort of) for about a year. Sort of because I don't eat enough to progress and don't really have any method of tracking calories(the cafeteria at work is essentially free but puts up basically no information on the food)

>doesn't tripcode

Not sure wich is worse. I fucking hate summer


Is it generally better to workout early in the morning or in the evening? I usually workout at 4 pm but I know some guys that wake up and workout at like 8 or 9 in the morning. Just seems less efficient since they are working out before breakfast or any meals. But maybe I'm wrong. If it makes a difference I'm trying to bulk. Sorry no current pic because I'm seriously skelly mode right now.

I usually do it at 12-2 AM after i walk my dog at 11 PM. Im a night person so ot works for me.
It doesnt matter when you do it as long as you get it done.

Wassup Clayton

stats/lifting stats?

Nothing to see here

lighting is bad but whatever

back picture

sickening trap genetics

6' 180 20yr old

myron those cannonball delts

chest looks bigger since last time I saw you post, gj

thx m8, they've always been a strong point

I'm 5'11" and last time I weighed myself was a few pounds below 170, currently cutting

400mg tren/500 mg test everyweek

why are your pin sites scabbing dude? what size gauge you using holy shit

lol whats up who ever this is

Ingrown hair man.

how long were you b/c'ing before you hopped on tren? im nearly done with babys first cycle and want to stay on and just blast next time round.
yeh wtf dude. anything bigger than a 25g feels like a harpoon for me


20 yrs old

hahahahaha you will never make it

bruh you dont look 5'10" you look around my height and I'm 5'7"

22 years old

Started at 69kg skinnyfat, training for 7 months

OHP 65kg x 5
BP 85kg x 5
S 110kg x 5
DL 140kg x 3

How I'm doing senpai?

5'8 160~ lbs been lifting for 11 months as of this picture.

Looking pretty good, I'd eat at maintenance or maybe at slight deficit for a while and let abs eventually show.

Looking strong breh.

Mirin back.

Scoli-bro here. Recently reimplemented squats/DL back into my routine and my back seems to be holding up. Getting pain in my right knee now though.

Am 5'11, 140lb. Aiming for the 155lb range as an end-goal.

What can I do to work my calves? They never grow.

do i even lift

Calves need a fuck ton of weight or low leverage insertions to grow. You need the former. Load a ton of plates on the leg press. Push it up with both legs, then do sets of 8-12 on each side with your knee straight but not locked out. Works all the calf muscles. Seated and bent knee only works one of the three. Also glute ham raises on a proper GHD bench with foot plates will work them like mad, too. Also running down hills on the ball of your foot.