Inducing mild retardation to aid weight loss

>Have a cousin
>He has mental illness
>Has fat parents
>His parents CONSTANTLY give him chocolate, cakes and snacks to make him stop screaming
>Despite this he is in pretty good shape and not fat

So I have been thinking, he must be in good shape due to his retardation right?
He is always moving around, shaking his body, throwing fits, smashing his toys everywhere. He must be burning at least 1000 calories a day from being retarded.

I am struggling to lose weight. I am 340lbs and just can't do it, because I can't stop eating. So I've been thinking is it medically possible to induce mental retardation for a period of time each day without causing lasting damage so that I can burn calories like he does? I am jealous of him. I have been trying to 'role play' as a retarded person for a few hours each day by rolling around on the floor slamming things but it isn't easy to do without feeling ridiculous

Have you guys ever tried this?
I am considering going about 26 hours without sleep then trying to play a puzzle videogame to cause my brain to become temporarily overwhelmed which I hope will induce retardation

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What the fuck dude

That could work, or you could just put down the fork.

I get the feeling you don't need to induce retardation any more than you already have

My friend, do not worry. You already are retarded.

Dumbest thing I have read in a while.

Well, excuse me for trying to lose weight.

He's not the retarded one op, you are.
Like seriously, you're mentally disabled and worse off than he is. You should just kill yourself and hope for a less retarded reincarnation

He has actual retardation, i don't so either participate constructively or fuck off.

Yup, confirmed retard

>he must be burning at least 1000 calories a day from being retarded

holy fuck kek

Stop trying to find retarded shortcuts, that's what fitness magazines are for.

Read the sticky.

No, but you do. Just because you werent retarded when you were checked by docs as a small child, doesn't mean you aren't retarded now. Your brain is just like muscles in that if you don't use it, you lose it. Being as fat as you are, has also been shown to significantly reduce IQ scores and everything good really. You're actually probably retarded by this point in your life.

>either participate constructively or fuck off
Tumblr might be more to your liking

you'll find plenty of other losers who have tried all kinds of fad diets/exercises, not lost a pound and then just end up blaming genetics and never do anything fitness related again

>downsload (1).jpg

This. Fat clogs up arteries and blood flow to the brain.

Lmao. Just lmao.

> he must be burning one thousand calories a day from being retarded

Lost it


>he must be burning at least 1000 calories a day from being retarded

If you think that "overloading your brain" will make you retarded, then you don't need to do it.

You already are retarded.

Get on meth, you'll just melt the fat right off.

>I am considering going about 26 hours without sleep then trying to play a puzzle videogame to cause my brain to become temporarily overwhelmed which I hope will induce retardation

This shit is fucking gold

You're half way there, OP.