First day

Tomorrow im hitting the gym for the first time ever to gain some muscle. How did you start? Any advice?

Don't try to max out your squat on the first day or you will be unable to walk for a week

Read the sticky

>wanting to walk
No but srsly you are greatly over exaggerating.

Just go in there, establish a 5 rep max on your lifts, then start on a novice program.

I recommend greyskull lp

Don't forget to tip the girl on the front desk.

read the sticky

read the first chapter of starting strength (3rd edition), by mark rippetoe. it teaches you how to teach yourself to squat. practice tonight with a broomstick

spend a good percentage of your time at the gym tomorrow just getting comfortable squatting. Only when youre quite comfortable doing it with an empty bar should you put any weight on it.


Go around and do like 10 reps on every machine to decide what you like to do

Nope. Just pick some random guy, follow him around and just do everything he does

I lifted shit up and put it back down. Dont bring any accessories.

It depends what you're after

If you want muscly arms do lots of bicep curls and some tricep exercises. Try to do sets of 20-30 reps for mass and hypertrophy gains.

Push-ups are good for your arms too because you're using your own bodyweight instead of artificial weight. If you feel comfortable and don't think you'll hurt yourself you can do some bench press too

If you want a six pack, it's really important you workout your abs. Personally I do about 30 minutes of abs every workout and my abs are pretty toned

Diet is important too. You need lots of protein but stay away from protein powder. You can just get chicken for much cheaper and it's better for your kidneys

Tomorrow is Monday. Don't do Chest.

I believe you, user.

>abs are toned



Anyway just ease into it. And never give up.

Just copy someone nearby. Start mimicking their routine but with a lower weight.

>That's the only thing wrong with what he said

>go to gym.
>find empty stall
>cry x F

Do SS. Start with the bar, 25's for deadlifts. Add 5 lbs every workout, 3 times per week.

>B-b-but thats a waste of time! I can lift more than the bar

You haven't lifted for 20 years and you're worried that a month of form work is too long a wait? Start with the goddamn bar.


Don't listen to anyone who says to do SS (starting strength) or GOMAD (gallon of milk a day) it's what people say to troll new people. People who do it end up either fat or looking like a t-Rex with huge legs and small arms

Don't fall for it


Fierce 5 novice is the most balanced and fun routine out of all the beginner routines I've tried, if you google it there is also a faq that explains all the Questions you will have.

Don't do starting strength straight from the jump. In my opinion you should do a conditioning phase where you practice the form of the main lifts for at least three weeks before begging a 3x5 or 5x5 intensity driven program.

Eat to maintain your current weight. Do 4 sets of 10-12 and try to get your form perfect even if you have to use just the bar. Focus on tempo too, descend into a squat or bench slowly and explode up. You can increase the weight on the bar if you want, or add in other "pump" work if you want, but your main focus should be ingraining the form and movement patterns in your body.
Stretch religiously.

I wish I had done this before. Would've saved me a bunch of time.

>call gym
>make (free) appointment for them to show you good form for barbell compound lifts
>disregard the shitty routine they give you

> Push-ups are good for your arms too because you're using your own bodyweight instead of artificial weight

Wtf is "artificial weight"

i wish i could report you for not reading the sticky first but sadly it isnt rule violation.

it really should be though.

read the fucking sticky.

>gym staff
>knowing how to use a barbell

They'll make you use a bunch of shitty machines instead, because machines are easy to use and harder to injure yourself with.

I have a weak back so I will start with just the bar.

Wait, what's wrong with GOMAD? I've started to drink between a half a gallon and a gallon of milk every day since I'm a perma-skellington and I've noticed modest gains with no problems.