So, about 3 years ago I developed PTSD. Ended up in 3 car accidents at 18, extreme sciatica, etc

So, about 3 years ago I developed PTSD. Ended up in 3 car accidents at 18, extreme sciatica, etc.

Gained over 60lbs, couldn't do shit, constant pain. I finally had enough this year, took part in an MDMA trial for my ptsd, and then a ketamine trial for my pain.

I started exercising again, but my hip and lower back pain was just insane. I persevered though. A month into dealing with this shit, I decided to take DNP.

I ran a 2 week cycle of DNP, and ended up losing 30lbs. Went from 260 to 230. It's been 2 months since I took it, and I'm down to 224, mainly stabilizing. Now I'm going to Take it again, and cut down to 190 once I hit 220.

Side note, DNP is not that bad. The sides are overblown by retards. Seriously, if you take DNP you can't binge. Binging is bad. You need to maintain low cals and carbs, and then don't over hydrate or you'll piss 90 times a night.

I'm stoked!
Does anyone have suggestions on lifting gear/equipment to help me increase my mobility?

Stop driving. 3 car crashes? Should be banned for life

Are you fucking retarded?

Even if you're trolling you're a fucking idiot.

I got nailed at 3 stop signs by people texting and driving.

Also, me before the accidents. 200lbs

>Asks if I'm retarded
>Gets wiped out 3 times
I travel 350kms a week and have done so for 6 years and have never had a crash

Please be trolling.

don't blame the ptsd for getting fat, I have combat related ptsd, and the over eating, muh injuries muh handicap, and binge drinking make the fat, not the disorder...

I would compliment you on the weightloss but you didn't do it natural so I don't really give a fuck how much weight you lost, that's like fucking a 3 and calling her a 9...

I have sciatica from being blown through a rock hadji goat fucker wall, what ever the fuck they call them, and slipped disc in my back, and I still squat lmao2pl8 for reps and dl lmao3pl8, it's a handicap, but the difference between success and failure will be

>am I in pain right now because my injury and I need to stop
>am I uncomfortable due to the injury but I can keep going

pro tip, it's always the second fucking option, get one of the sciatica relief bands from Wal-Mart, ISYMFS, and don't be a vagina

Jason Blaha?

You look nice
N-no homo of course ;^)

that's OP before the accidents, 3 years ago bro, doesn't count

how far apart? damn thats retarded luck bruh

mdma is fun as fuck, especially the first time you do it.. the infinite expansiveness you feel is incredible, bliss.

Shit man, seeing this and then your current pic, really hoping you don't have a ton of loose skin or anything. You were pretty yolked, mirin' hard.

>mfw thinking about you hurting

>muh welfare queen belittling other people's misfortunes while humble-bragging himself

Don't you have civilians to bomb?

That was a little much.

I cleaned my dads brains off the wall when he came home from Iraq. I was 11. He called me into the bedroom, told me he loved me, and I watched his skull explode.

I then found my grandfather deceased, while going to check on him to bring him candy as a kid. He had died of a heart attack 4 days earlier, in 100 degree whether in his apartment . I used a paint remover to scrape his skin and blood off the floor.
I spent most of my time counseling vets after being denied all of my military benefits. My mo called me before she committed suicide when I was 16.

After my dad died, my step dad would tell me what a piece of shit I was every day, hit me with bricks, shoulder me in the face. I have 4 slipped disks, my c5 and c6 are fused, there's literally zero disk.

I'm sorry you went through combat. I remember going to visit my childhood friend in Vegas, back when I was 18. He'd joined the air force and become a weapons specialist on a drone. I remember have to wrestle his 9mm that he kept in his dresser out of his mouth, and having him bawl for hours on me, asking me to kill him.

My only other friend was brutally raped in Palm Springs. She called me, told me she loved me, and before I knew it, my best friend was hone.

Luckily I don't. I know the pictures dont do it justice, but I'm 200's in that pic, and I'm about 2 feet.

Basically, I can finish my cut to 190, and then bulk properly once this fat is gone. A lot of people talk shit on here about DNP, but it made it much, much easier to eat better and overall feel about my life.

Since I have some SI joint damage, my doctor and I are talking about based HGH treatment.


She killed herself after she got off the phone.

Dude, fucking literally one after another. Just enough time to believe I better, LOL.

Also I don't "have" sciatica. I have long lasting pirirformis syndrome, where the muscle around the sciatica goes bitch mode. I can squat 445, but not my glute wont fire.


2 feet wide"

Jesus fucking christ

Agreeing with
I've had numerous times where fuckheads run stop signs or change lanes with no signals right in front of me even retards slamming on the brakes right in front of me

Your obviously not paying attention to your surroundings enough even if they ran the stop sign

I've had the same shit happen and unless they were going 90 you would have seen them and been able to come to the conclusion "wow it doesn't look like they are going to stop, let me not go instead of getting fucking rammed"

Use your fucking eyes mate

>I'm sorry you went through combat. I remember going to visit my childhood friend in Vegas, back when I was 18. He'd joined the air force and become a weapons specialist on a drone. I remember have to wrestle his 9mm that he kept in his dresser out of his mouth, and having him bawl for hours on me, asking me to kill him.

Was he the guy working inside the GCS (box) controlling the cameras on the "drone" (RPA) or was he just loading the hell fires and GBUs into them?

I ask because I'm in tech school right now for this job and I hear it does have one of the highest rates of PTSD and suicide

Also I'm getting stationed in Vegas but the gym there is 100,000 sq feet so I'm stoked

Sorry to hear about your friends mate best of luck

no wonder you guys are compensating so hard

Stfu faggot
Why don't YOU kill yourself

Fuck I wanna do this
How do I into drone?

The job title is RPA sensor Operator
The AFSC (Air Force specialty code) is 1U0X1

I gtg though my lunch break is over

I'll reply later if thread is still up just ask some questions

fuck sake america

Tell me step by step how u got to where u are. What kind of prerequisites do I have to meet

>Select all images with airplanes


No lie, we were probably in airmans week togethor. Dorm 2A?

>Cleaning the remains of your dad and grandfather

awesome m8.keep at it friend.we are all going to make it

Where is the after pic?

Bullshit grandpa, you should have your license removed. Some people don't deserve to drive

A lot of people around you seem to kill themselves. Maybe that's a hint.

>loses weight through dnp

Hate to break it to you but you fucked up . You didn't learn about having a proper diet so you still have shitty eating habits. Youll likely be stuck in a cycle of getting fat then dnp. Enjoy your death !

And OP's name? That's our boy Hemingway.

Op has a good frame. Get lean and jacked brah. Fit will mire hard.

Don't remember man what's your last name, are you at Randolph right now?

I was in the mathison dorm I think, can't remember the number I wanna say it was 10A or something but idfk 2bh

when did you graduate BMT actually that's an easier question I graduated May 6th

>go to an AF recruiter
>start talking to them
>garet yor medical/criminal files
>if you're not dq'd yet (most likely won't be)
>schedule the first medical appointment at MEPS and the ASVAB
>take both
>get score back
>if still not dq'd
>pick top 10 job choices from your list you qualify for
>hope to fuck you get the one you want

It's rare desu it was my #1 choice and I got it but usually it doesn't happen

>cut and bulked 3 times, going lower bf each time
>been lifting for 2.5 years
>consistent diet

Why would i want to wait 2 months when i could get better results in 2 weeks?

so DNP in combination with a high calorie deficit = weight loss.

good to know OP you're truly a scholar of the modern age.