Anyone with muscle implants?

Unfortunately I got muscle implants when I was super skinny and insecure 4 years ago. Lately I started lifting and they're starting to look off balance and pretty ugly.

Any advice?

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Pics, I wanna see the end result of spending 5k on such a bullshit cosmetic surgery


shit you paid to look like that, oh lord

Is that even a real thing? Muscle implants? Do they take muscles away from ded people and put them into living people? the fuck does that even work? Are they functional? Do they give you extra power? Jesus fuck I didnt even know that this was a thing.

Where are the implants I can't see them.

> ty skelly

Get them removed holy shit

They're like breast implants for men

>getting trolled this easily

This is what $5500 gets you, lads.

I would rather buy hairs for that price

it looked better when I got them but working out I think shifted them around because it hurts when I do crunches now
I don't have money to fix it though, I used student loans

It's basically like breast implants.

That's the lowest cost I could find. Top kek.

>I don't have money to fix it though, I used student loans

oh jesus christ

>using student loans for muscle implants

You fucked up, OP.

holy moly

why not just lift weights

I keep coming here to remind myself how not bad my life is, its great.

M8, b8s gr8

I didnt expect there to be a bigger degeneracy than steroids, but here we are...