4 Months Progress

From a 245 lb do nothing to a 200 lb beast pulling all the pussy doing 3 full body workouts a week, counting calories, and morning walks.

Rate my progress, tell me what looks off, suggestions and advice welcome. I still have a ways to go with the fat, but it hasn't plateaued yet and I intend to get ripped.

At the very least, I've "upgraded" to the dad bod and made significant facial gainz. I'm happy with myself right now, but I will leave humanity behind in due time.

I've never been in any kind of real shape in my life, so it's a bit unreal to see myself like this in the mirror.

Only recently got a pull up bar, plus I was doing my inverted rows with bad posture that I've only recently corrected, so my back seems under developed. No worries. Gainz will come when they're ready to come. All over my back.

Well fuck you Veeky Forums. Ive done all this for 4 months now without harassing anyone for attention, but now I just wanted a little bit of validation. I'm getting eye fucked all the time now so I don't even need your fuckin' input anyway. I thought we had a better relationship than this.

>That hair

what the fuck?

Please go and take your bait to r/Fitness

Is this bait?

I swear to god the women get wet about my hair all the time. It's healthy as fuck and I look like a heavy metal viking.

I am exaggerating a lot, but I'm genuinely happy with 4 months of progress here. I never took a proper before photo, so it's difficult to see how I've done. At the very least, I'd be happy to know that I look like I lift, even just a little.

is there a reason you are using such an anti semitic star in your picture?

Nice progress OP, have you tried lifting weights?

>I swear to god the women get wet about my hair all the time. It's healthy as fuck and I look like a heavy metal viking.

If you say so...

>not even your first year and you want people to jerk you off about being less of a fat ass than you were 4 months ago.

Good job op, now work on losing the rest you disobedient avocado.

Less shitposting, more weightlifting.

You need to start using the ab machines to burn the belly fat, ti's the only way

You'll look decent if you cut now (both your fat and your sissy hair)

is that you matt ?

>It's healthy as fuck and I look like a heavy metal viking.

Not with that dad bod
Pic related suits you your both delusional

you look like a buff woman

Who is this???

It's a sheriff's star.

I do.

Nope, all calisthenics right now.

Yeah, I'd say losing 45 pounds is worth being proud of. I also clearly said that I've got a ways to go. But yeah, I'm sure you've made all sorts of progress recently that just puts mine to shame!

Yeah sure, I'll get right on that.

I've been cutting. A bit slowly, but I can be consistent which is more important for me right now. The hair stays though. Be fucking jealous.


Nah, my dad bod definitely doesn't look good yet, but with recent facial gainz, I can still get all the rocker chicks wet as fuck.

Well at least I got called buff.

>I swear to god the women get wet about my hair all the time. It's healthy as fuck and I look like a heavy metal viking.
Oh, so you're one of them autistic memetal guys.
Stop it, you look ridiculous.

t. ex-memetaler

cut your hair u autist




Looking good, op. Don't listen to these pussy faggots. Congrats on losing 45lbs. You have some ways to go still, but it's about the journey, not the destination.

what was your routine senpai

High test thread?
High test thread.

Hey bro, same boat here. We all gonna make it!

Ok, post after pictures now please.

----> reddit

I've never understood people who need gratification on shit progress. I've been going at it for like 2 years and barely feel worthy of posting my pics.

get a haircut you fucking hippie.

are you a girl or a guy?

a trap.

You anti-semetic fuck. Why put the star of david over your small dick?

He's obviously jewish, he is identifying himself to help with the Oven Masters.