Fat shaming threads

I'm getting very annoyed with all the fat shaming threads as of lately, every day there is a new one with over 300 replies. What bothers me isn't you laughing at fat people, I suppose it's just human nature to look down on others to make yourself feel better. What bothers me is the sheer ignorance you display.

Genetics do factor in when it comes to obesity, A LOT.
You morons are either:
1) too dense to comprehend this or
2) simply will not accept scientific truth when it goes against your beliefs.
But you will straight out of the bat accept statements such as "ARNOLD HAD GREAT GENES FOR BUILDING MUSCLE", yet with obesity obviously it's 100% the fatties fault.

For example: Bell, C. G., Walley, A. J., & Froguel, P. (2005). The genetics of human obesity. Nature reviews. Genetics, 6(3), 221–34. doi:10.1038/nrg1556 demonstrated between 0.4 and 0.8 GENETIC heritability of obesity. How about that?

Oh what am I thinking, you will just hide your head in the sand and yell "fatty" or whatever, Yes I am a bit fat, but guess what, it's not a 100% my fault. Just like it's not a 100% fault that you are a DYEL hungry skeleton auschwitz.

Your genes matter and so do mine.

Other urls found in this thread:



>it's not a 100% my fault

Let go of who or what is at fault.

Instead, leverage whatever you can control to take back your life.

>Started at 430 pounds
>Currently 230 pounds

There is literally nothing wrong with eugenics.

>I'd rather weigh a ton and make an amazing album
When is that coming out

>Hm I got these shitty genes
>Better adjust my diet to factor them in!
>Nah fuck that, let's eat 4 megacalories a day then blame genetics
Fuck off

>Obesity is genetic

Or maybe overweight parents just raise their kids with bad eating habits? Humans survived for 1000s of years without obesity. But suddenly now you are genetically forced to be obese?

This pasta is just the worst.

It's terrible and you should feel terrible for posting it.

A thousand times this. Nobody would've respected Teddy Roosevelt if he just sat around bitching about "muh asthma."

Even if you were dealt a shit hand, just shut up and play the game.

Sure. That doesn't mean it's magically impossible for a hambeast to lose weight nor does it mean it's impossible for a skellington lord to gain weight.

Just gotta adjust TDEE/TDEI as needed.

There's no excuse for being a land whale



>my aim in life is never to be skinny
Fat people crack me the fuck up with their mental illnesses

How your body assimilates compounds and uses them can indeed be genetic but that in no way directly translates to being overweight. There is literally a plethora of nutritional adjustments and medical help developed for these cases that people just flat-out ignore because it requires some will-power.

TL;DR You're getting triggered over stupidity and answering with even bigger ignorance (if this isn't a troll thread)

Simply because it DOES play a "role" in metabolism and conversion does not mean it plays a big enough role in OBESITY (which has a wide margin of factors at play to point at ONE and say "aha!") to merit it being a good excuse.

its still a shit excuse bro.

Most fat/obese/morbidly obese people? They're just plain fat, there's nothing noteworthy or special or even valuable about them, they're just people, they just eat way too much, and I really don't have any interest in them.

Adele? She's got actual, real talent. She doesn't have to be a sex symbol in order to have a career, her talent is more than enough, she can write her own ticket in life. If she wants to be fat, then she's going to be fat, and so long as she still has talent, then she's still going to be the exception. But of course while I think her voice is awesome, I still wouldn't bang her for *money* if she becomes as big as a house. That's just the way it is.

This is now a fat shaming thread.

Now that's what I came here to see *grabs popcorn* MOAR MOAR!

>highest % of BMI heritability is 84%
>lowest 35%
You'd imagine the majority of your body type will reflect that of your parents. But you know what influences the remaining non-heritability of your weight? The environment. Over the last 15 years, genes have not altered dramatically but average BMI and body fat % in the population have - and it's due to risen consumption of processed foods.

>In addition, most of variants that capture the association with obesity from current GWAS are not themselves causative. As such, how to move from association to causality remains a big challenge for common complex diseases like obesity.
Your study says the actual related gene is unknown and this is just correlation. Are you just going to bank on the hope that you have no control over 16 - 65% of your weight and just blame your parents? If you were an environmentalist would you ignore steps to decrease greenhouse gasses just because the Earth determines the baseline temperature and we have only increased the temperature by a few degrees?

>neighbor is fat
>can hear when they walk
>lives below me

>Yes I am a bit fat, but guess what, it's not a 100% my fault.
>implying you're not obese
>implying it's not literally 100% your fault

what was the goal here




But are you healthy within the limits of your own control?

>that image
one of the reasons why i prefer ellie goulding.

>eat whole plant foods
>way more satisfying than empty fat people food
>and I also stay skinny eating it
You really can have it all.


There is a genetic component to obesity and there is also a genetic component for alcoholism but, still, when you see an alcoholic you don't say "Oh, poor thing! You were genetically dommed, nothing else to do!"

Didn't she get bigger?

Bombs away.

Skellington lord checking in up to 140 from 115 at 5'10".

Was this you ?

Was this you?


my friend claims there are no health consequences if you're 40kg overweight, and the fact that nobody shames very skinny people shows that people are overreacting about extra weight
she also doesn't understands why are very skinny people more attractive than fat people
but deep down, I think she knows why
>mfw tried to burst her bubble but she kept saying I'm wrong


Calories in, calories out nigga. Cut, Bulk, and Maintain. Simple as fuck, now get of this board and stop making shit tier bait threads.

that is absoutely correct - your genetics has a giant influence on whether or not someone gains weight or not

these genes factor into several areas - both appetite and satiation independently, how effectively we do store a caloric surplus into our fat cells, how we react when we're fed a surplus (things such as non-exercise activity thermogenesis, NEAT) and genes that affect other things that will in turn affect our ability to pile on or lose weight such as hormone concentrations, thyroid activity and so on

all in all, YOU CAN get dealt some really fucking shit cards in the weight gain-department


these shitty cards DO NOT EVER doom you into being obese

while you might have a harder time staying fit than a lot of other people, even the shittiest hand won't automatically make you obese

literally nobody here says that everyone has the same presets and ability to stay lean, but just because it's harder for some people doesn't make it okay to just not try

it's not okay to flunk out of school because you're not as smart as the smartest kid

it's not okay to just stop working because you're stuck working a shitty job

you always have to go on irregardless of the circumstances and irregardless if other people have it easier because you owe it to yourself to do the best you can with whatever hand you've got

Well she's not blaming her genetics, she isn't dependant on welfare because of her weight as she is rich af, and she doesn't hate on Veeky Forums people. She is literally just saying it's not for her and I don't have a problem with that for someone like her.

It's the ham planet who feels the world should revolve around her bad life decisions and everyone should support her because she is fat that I hate.

Fatty detected, fuck off.

you can almost feel the impact

Hi Veeky Forums, first timer and pretty fat guy here, after this thread and antoher one on /pol/, I want to lose weight. I already read the sticky but is my exercise patern good ? I don't want to force too much for the beggining ; 75 squats, 150 push-up and 30 abs,
Anything I should add ? Remember that I'm not really familiar with exercise, thanks Veeky Forums.

shit wrong thread

>as of lately

Make the world spin faster by pulling the tree.

You posted the wrong image with the pasta.

> smoker
> fat

Pick one, ladies.


Stopped reading. Lame excuse. No one that uses this as an excuse runs a mile a day. Or eats salads. Or lifts heavy weights.

They blame genetics while they eat footlong meatball subs and play on facebook

>replying to bait

Once she reaches critical mass.

So here's the thing, I strongly dislike fat people too, but these threads come off as so incredibly pretentious and repetitive. The mere thought of a fat people should not bother you as much as it does. I've dealt with so many people who had human qualities that were far worse than the size of their body.

And you know what, I'd much rather have a friend with a wonderful and loving personality who also just so happens to, unfortunately, be obese as opposed to a skinny/"fit" cunt with a shitty self-absorbed, pretentious personality.

But that's just my opinion.

Was 300lb, now I'm 210. My whole family is fat and I decided I wanted to do something about it

No one ever made it anywhere without having to overcome some kind of obstical in their way. No one ever became great taking the easy way.

Suck it up, we all play with the cards we're dealt

my fuarkin sides

more dubs i could watch all day pls


pls lurk harder summerfag
if you knew the real reason we have fps/fph threads then you would understand
the threads arent to make fun of the fat people that are just living life and keeping to themselves
its about the ham moons that try to make it sound like they are better than everyone else for being fat or that they cant do a single thing to better themselves so they need everyone to know that being fat is better than being anything else
>newfag get out

Humans also survived 1000s of years without being allergic to gluten

I would fuck adele silly. She's a little overweight sure but not obese and conflating her with legit fat and obese people is fucked


fucking christ, goddamn it

But user, then what would the fatties put the blame on for their lack of will to do anything productive?

im ded


Well. That sure was a thing.

bad pasta op and im keto so shoo shoo

What's the point of a -calories thing in MFP if it already takes into account your exercise when it calculates TDEE?

Noice b8 m8

>already read the sticky
did you though? I'll humor you anyway

for losing fat, changing your diet is the most important thing to do. for working out, if youre planetary status then minimal bodyweight stuff is a fine start, just don't fuck up your joints. Given that it sounds like you can do push-ups at all though leads me to think that you aren't in which case REREAD THE STICKY, pick a program and start lifting asap.


>I already read the sticky
You're either lying or can't read for shit.

Don't do both or you'll probably double dip. If you already track exercise, the only reason to select the more active TDEE's is if you move a lot for you job, like a waitress or park ranger or something.

This, is sad. I am a very fat guy. I have been nearly my whole life. I partly blame my parents for feeding me so much junk and allowing me to have treats as daily snacks. It's terrible. I have battled with weight loss. I was 6'0" 320+lbs and i lost about 105 lbs in just under a year. Luckily i started lifting before what happened later. I got taller, then suffered a back injury and gined most of the wight back. This MY fault. Not my genetics. I let myself become sedentary and stopped my progress all because i hit a bump in the road of life.

Also if you want to understand the genetics Veeky Forums speaks of. Look at it like this. Your musculature shapes and placements, your bone structure/frame, height, body proportion, are all genetically driven things. Fat on the other hand is not a genetic thing, it is in fact in grained deeper into our DNA. We build fat to survive and for protection. Now we are stuck with this primitive response, but live in a overwhelmingly stimulating world that drives us to do nothing but wor, eat and be sedentary because its "safe" and comfortable. Dont get me wrong.
There are different frames and body "shapes" but not a single one is born to be fat. We are all born to gain fat, if you allow your "nature" to drive you instead of your "will" and internal strength that most fatties claim to have.


>the fat tumblr mentality

>exercise for weight loss
cmon m8

>30 abs
No you need to do at least 55 abs in order to properly burn your belly pouch

Genetics can't create matter out of nothingness. If you dont eat you will lose weight. Now fuck off you fucking fatty.


Wouldn't the only thing shit genetics could do is make you less efficient? Meaning you actually don't absorb calories? Obviously this would be the only genetic "defect" because in light of survival of the fittest (hEheHe) the more efficient genetics win

They must have the most amazing genetics in Africa.

Not only this, but it also is meant to inspire fat anons out of spite

>I'm a disgusting fat cunt with a sweaty, stinky vagina
>but it's not my fault
>my genetics make me eat a 2000 calorie per day surplus
>my fenetics force me to never exercise or even walk short distances

Fuck off. LITERALLY fuck off. I am SICK of this horseshit Tumblerina meme that your fat, dimpled thighs and knee-length belly flap somehow got there without you sticking more food in your mouth than you needed. I'm fucking sick of it.

And you know what? I don't care that your fat. Fuck it, whatever, that's your choice. What fucking WRECKS me is that you're so deluded that you think it's not your pwn fucking fault. AND IT IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT.

You are literally the second worst human being alive. The first worst are the ones who claim their flabby 50kg/m^2 BMI is perfectly healthy and the medical profession is just picking on them.

So you know what? Kill those cunts then fucking kill yourself.

so there was a super secret fatty breeding program starting in the 1960s that just castrated everyone with skinny genes?

>litraly what skinny jeans do
if your skinny enough to wear skinny jeans you get your balls squeezed thuse lowering your fartilty meanwhile fattys balls are safe in cargo shorts


Ellie goulding is trash. She's a 6/10 on a good day and can't sing for shit.

Ellie Goulding has a shit voice, listen to her live. her music is great post-prod though

That resonated with me on a fundamental level.


Genes do factor in, you're right.
For instance, if you are genetically inclined towards ignorance and being a total pussy, you might make a thread like this one.


>genetics make me fat!
>do you have studies or data supporting this?
>studies and data are wrong! It's genetics!

Yeah shouldn't the technological differences/dependency we've evolved to live with factor in? Like, imagine how different the human race would be if we never had any technological breakthroughs, industrial revolutions, only let the strong survive instead of continuing shit lineages etc.

Not that different I'd imagine but still. Aren't we basically going to devolve from all this or am I just totally wrong in this mindset? Someone help me out here.

Tell me again why wearing all this makeup is sexy? I fucking hate how it's always halloween for bitches like her and men dig it.

Fat shaming threads are not aimed at those fatties who decided to be fat, accepted their defeat and just go on living like that. It is still shameful, but it is their decision and right to do so. They are aimed at those fatties who actually try to justify being fat as a result of glutony and lazyness, who go out and act like them being fat is something they should not care about, yes even like it is something positive. It is for those who try to pollute the minds of impressionable people, drag down the ones who attempt to improve their circumstances, who actually think that rewritting laws of physics and rationalizing their illness is something a normal human being should do.
It is for you retarded fucks out there who decided to become a disgusting animal that gladly lives in its own filth aslong as its feelings are not hurt.

Stop searching for excuses and search for solutions instead.

OP is a fatty


OP, did you actually read the study you cited? In the first paragraph, it even states how dangerous being obese is. On the second page, it flat out says:
>Obesity is caused by perturbations of the balance between food intake and energy expenditure,
If you read further, it mentions the genetics has more about how it affects other factors such as feeling satiated and the role of leptin. It still doesn't excuse overeating.

However, I question the validity of the journal it's published if they allow a statement as such to be pushed through:

>It is striking that despite constant statements from governments, charities and the media that childhood obesity is a world-wide threat, few convincing efforts have been made so far to collect and extensively phenotype large sample sets of obese children and their
parents or to carry out PROSPECTIVE
population-based studies of young obese individuals. However, the causes of some cases of childhood obesity have already been
identified, and even cured — for example, in the case of leptin deficiency
People who write studies don't say statements like this. It isn't backed up by a source and it's an opinionated, loaded statement. That is, it's not very professional.

makeup isn't sexy at all.
I can deal with eyeliner, but more than that and i'm like what's the fucking point. just messes your skin and pores up. Women think they can do all that skin care products and not have negatives of makeup sitting on their face 10+ hours a day.


thanks user, needed to hear this after a long shitty day.