Is there any hope left for me

Or have I reached the point of JFMSU.

the only thing you lack is confidence my friend



you have a decent facial structure OP; but as some other user pointed out you should cut your fucking hair

cut your fucking hair ya cunt


yeah its pretty much over.

>plz compliment me

Back to rk9 buster.

You only need 2 bee urself, user. :3


You're Veeky Forums as fuck kek

I just look fucking unhealthy guys. Is there a way to drastically change that?

Face is pretty handsome.
Lift and become a god


just fucking eat man holy shit

thought it was zyzz at first sight of the thumbnail

you got potential mane

das it mane

But Zyzz wasn't really attractive.
I'll admit we got the same schnozz, eyes and skin tone.

I thought we killed you


Just a sweet transvestite

>Sigourney Weaver
>Richard Ramirez

I'm just fucked.

OP looks like he got aids

Get a hitler youth harcut and grow a goatee.

Dark skin version of pic related

At least tell us what gender you are


It's literally 2016

Just go full on drag queen