Be 22

>Be 22
>Visit doctor about a lump on my right testicle
>My regular doctor is on vacation, substitue doctor there instead
>7/10 qt 3.14
>"Well user, I'm going to have a look and see if I can feel the lump"
>Beta patch loads in
>Undress. Can't relax and get a semi, hide it as best I can
>Skin around my balls tighten up and it becomes hard to find the lump
>She keeps feeling my balls
>Consider saying something genuine like "Sorry, but I can't seem to relax"
>"Well user, I'm going to send you to some ultrasound"
>Get dressed and leave

>tfw I'm 5'7 manlet and she was a 6'0 amazon
>tfw no real muscles
>tfw no 8 inch cock to impress with
>tfw might have testicular cancer
>tfw never gonna make it

Hold me Veeky Forums

Should have surprise nutted on her face when you had the chance faggot

>tfw no qt doc pretending she's not soaking wet while deliberately massaging my balls unnecessarily sensually
Its probably just a cyst btw user. I've had them before. Does the lump feel like its stuck to your ball or can you pinch and wiggle it a bit with the skin?

Feels like it's stuck on the ball. Can't move it or anything. Feels a bit coarse.

Well I think a cyst is usually between layers of the skin so maybe its not that. Thats about as far as my knowledge goes though and I'm not even sure if thats completely true so sorry I couldn't be much more help I guess lol

No worries breh. She too said it could be that, but she wanted to send me on a check just to be sure.

>tfw too anxious too get hard when at the doctor's for balls stuff

i also got ultrasounded for the same lump. Just a cyst, dont be too worried. I still have it like a year later

Post pic of doc, there's probs one on the practice website
>tfw no gf

Tried finding a good picture but no luck. Her facebook is also completely locked.

>go for physical for new job
>never had one before
>dr comes in room
>put pants around ankles and boxers
>standing there with johnson and balls hanging out
>dr tells me that isnt necessary
>o ooh ok
>still standing there with pants around ankles
>shes looking at me
>you can pull your pants up
>oh ok
>get pants up
>what do i do now?
>she feels top of penor area
>all done
>she leaves in a hurry

most alpha moment of my life

>go to physical for a job
>doc doesn't touch my junk at all because I don't live in some medieval third world shithole
It was okay, I guess.

I dont like going to the doctor. Im so fucking sick of having old jewish men feel up my balls

Where the fuck do you live where a doctor won't assist you in a potentially life or death situation? That doesn't sound first world to me, user

>Where the fuck do you live where a doctor won't assist you in a potentially life or death situation?
What the fuck are you even talking about, you mongoloid? It was a physical for a job.

I thought i had a weird lump on my nut. Went to a urologist to have it looked at. This 8/10+ blonde walks in to check it out. I'm standing and shes squatting down groping my nuts.

It took everything within my power to not get a raging hardon. Turned out to just be a varicocele. Was hoping she'd want me to rek her puss but wasnt my day.

Anybody have that story of the guy who went for a dick inspection and then came and jizzed all over the place while the doctor felt him up?

>tfw I have a hydrocele on one of my balls but can only be seen through an ultrasound
>doctor says it's too small to do anything about it
Feels good for the time being. Can only imagine it'll get worse over time.

>implying that ever happened

Fuck you nigger it was funny

If I ever match with a sandy I'm using this line.

>go to gp to check out lump on nut
>get seen by ~30 year old qt female resident
>she's fondling my balls for a minute
>tells me it's probably a cyst and nothing to worry about
>chatting for a bit afterwards making jokes
>tells me I'm the first guy she's examined for this that didn't get an erection
>tell her 'don't worry, you're still pretty'
>we don't end up having sex

Worse than any trait that you mentioned about yourself is your apparent massive insecurity.

>about a year ago
>needed a medical paper saying im apt for a job
>new doctor cause my gp is on leave
>less than 5 foot milf
>bunch of regular questions
>"i can see that you do some exercise already, so no pain anywhere right?"
>"only im my heart" and i smile
>she thinks its a medical issue
>regret saying it
>sperg out "im joking, no pain anywhere"
>she "oh ok" and laughs a bit
>"well i still need to listen to your heart"
>get up, take off shirt, she walks to me
>think "jesus christ she doesnt even reach my nipples", which is weird for a manlet
>instinctively pump the guns like a sperg...
>"relax" as she is about to listen with the thingy and puts a hand on my peck
>"turn around" keeps hand on shoulder
>dont know what to think
>tells me im last appointment for the day
>as we are about to leave "can you help me look the door please? sometimes the lock is tricky to turn with my small fingers" and hands me the key
>ask her to come out of the room so i can lock it
>oh shit, kill me now
im sweating and my face is burning just from writing this, being a total sperg sucks