Is Keto effective or is just a meme?

Is Keto effective or is just a meme?

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Are you stupid? Does the fact that it has a fancy name confuse you?

Keto is very effective at shredding fat.

The issue, once you return to a normal diet you will revert back to bad eating habits and balloon back up if you don't educate yourself about nutrition. I'm speaking from experience.

no it's great and super healthy :)

don't respond if you're just going to be a smug nigger


In week 2 my lifts started going down, had low energy. I increased fats but by the end of week two my lifts still went down so I gave up. I realise it's suppose to be a hurdle you over come but I couldn't handle losing gains so just cut instead


>Conclusion: The isocaloric KD was not accompanied by increased body fat loss but was associated with relatively small increases in EE that were near the limits of detection with the use of state-of-the-art technology.


what's EE?

Oh, yes it is.

energy expenditure

People are too heavy because they eat too many calories, and for NO OTHER REASON.

it's a meme
nobody who looks does keto. fact. there are reasons for that. looking good AKA having muscles requires eating carbs
only DYELs (fatties / skinnyfats) do keto and claim they made some progress because of keto and not because of eating the right fucking number of calories

That explains why one person got fat, not why 2/3 of the population got fat. You think people who have the self control to go to shitty jobs every day somewho don't have self control when it comes to food?

It's effective but your muscles will look flat and its really hard to get a pump.

People work because that's what they've been told to do, they become fat for the same reason.

Eat that burger goy.

They've also been told to stay thin, dumbass.

>less fat loss
>increased energy expenditure from catabolism of lean mass

Work used to mean going out to hunt animals and forage. Crafting armor and tending to crops.

It was the undisciplined aristocrats who became obese.


The jews want you to be anorexic/bulimic/et. all or obese.

They don't want healthy subjects.

peasant fatties incoming

>told to do
The ignorance and bait in this post forced me to respond

A great number of the world's top athletes and pro bodybuilders go on keto regularly to meet weight restrictions or to cut for comps.

Some Veeky Forums memelords consisting of 18yo skinny kids and mid 20s social rejects who have totals under 1000lb claim it's a meme.

No idea who is right.

no, dumbass, why the increase in everyone all at once?


>>People are too heavy because they eat too many calories
>That explains why one person got fat, not why 2/3 of the population got fat.

You're the only dumbass here.

From my experience, it works because it helped me suppressed my appetite. It could also be the fact that I was doped up on caffeine and nicotine around the clock. Whenever I get hungry, I smoke and drink water until I felt sick.

I will warn you though
>liquid, green poop that will manifest itself in a shart when you've entered ketosis for 2 days or so (don't trust your farts if you're doing keto)
>stalling in all lifts
>cardio is breeze
>can't eat out with friends

I will stress this again
>you will probably shart your pants
>simplistic diet every day